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Created October 1, 2015 14:28
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Fixes issue with document undefined?
var types = require('../types').ottypes;
var emitter = require('./emitter');
* A Doc is a client's view on a sharejs document.
* It is is uniquely identified by its `name` and `collection`. Documents
* should not be created directly. Create them with Connection.get()
* Subscriptions
* -------------
* We can subscribe a document to stay in sync with the server.
* doc.subscribe(function(error) {
* doc.state // = 'ready'
* doc.subscribed // = true
* })
* The server now sends us all changes concerning this document and these are
* applied to our snapshot. If the subscription was successful the initial
* snapshot and version sent by the server are loaded into the document.
* To stop listening to the changes we call `doc.unsubscribe()`.
* If we just want to load the data but not stay up-to-date, we call
* doc.fetch(function(error) {
* doc.snapshot // sent by server
* })
* TODO What happens when the document does not exist yet.
* Editing documents
* ------------------
* To edit a document we have to create an editing context
* context = doc.context()
* The context is an object exposing the type API of the documents OT type.
* doc.type = 'text'
* context.insert(0, 'In the beginning')
* doc.snapshot // 'In the beginning...'
* If a operation is applied on the snapshot the `_onOp` on the context is
* called. The type implementation then usually triggers a corresponding event.
* Events
* ------
* You can use doc.on(eventName, callback) to subscribe to the following events:
* - `before op (op, localContext)` Fired before an operation is applied to the
* snapshot. The document is already in locked state, so it is not allowed to
* submit further operations. It may be used to read the old snapshot just
* before applying an operation. The callback is passed the operation and the
* editing context if the operation originated locally and `false` otherwise
* - `after op (op, localContext)` Fired after an operation has been applied to
* the snapshot. The arguments are the same as for `before op`
* - `op (op, localContext)` The same as `after op` unless incremental updates
* are enabled. In this case it is fired after every partial operation with
* this operation as the first argument. When fired the document is in a
* locked state which only allows reading operations.
* - `subscribed (error)` The document was subscribed
* - `created (localContext)` The document was created. That means its type was
* set and it has some initial data.
* - `del (localContext, snapshot)` Fired after the document is deleted, that is
* the snapshot is null. It is passed the snapshot before delteion as an
* arguments
* - `error`
* TODO rename `op` to `after partial op`
var Doc = exports.Doc = function(connection, collection, name) {;
this.connection = connection;
this.collection = collection; = name;
this.version = this.type = null;
this.snapshot = undefined;
// **** State in document:
// The action the document tries to perform with the server
// - subscribe
// - unsubscribe
// - fetch
// - submit: send an operation
this.action = null;
// The data the document object stores can be in one of the following three states:
// - No data. (null) We honestly don't know whats going on.
// - Floating ('floating'): we have a locally created document that hasn't
// been created on the server yet)
// - Live ('ready') (we have data thats current on the server at some version).
this.state = null;
// Our subscription status. Either we're subscribed on the server, or we aren't.
this.subscribed = false;
// Either we want to be subscribed (true), we want a new snapshot from the
// server ('fetch'), or we don't care (false). This is also used when we
// disconnect & reconnect to decide what to do.
this.wantSubscribe = false;
// This list is used for subscribe and unsubscribe, since we'll only want to
// do one thing at a time.
this._subscribeCallbacks = [];
// Whether there's a destroy pending, useful for keeping track of whether a doc was resubscribed while waiting for being destroyed
this._wantDestroy = false;
// *** end state stuff.
// This doesn't provide any standard API access right now.
this.provides = {};
// The editing contexts. These are usually instances of the type API when the
// document is ready for edits.
this.editingContexts = [];
// The op that is currently roundtripping to the server, or null.
// When the connection reconnects, the inflight op is resubmitted.
// This has the same format as an entry in pendingData, which is:
// {[create:{...}], [del:true], [op:...], callbacks:[...], src:, seq:}
this.inflightData = null;
// All ops that are waiting for the server to acknowledge this.inflightData
// This used to just be a single operation, but creates & deletes can't be
// composed with regular operations.
// This is a list of {[create:{...}], [del:true], [op:...], callbacks:[...]}
this.pendingData = [];
// The OT type of this document.
// The document also responds to the api provided by the type
this.type = null;
// For debouncing getLatestOps calls
this._getLatestTimeout = null;
* Unsubscribe and remove all editing contexts
Doc.prototype.destroy = function(callback) {
var doc = this;
this._wantDestroy = true;
this.unsubscribe(function() {
// Don't care if there's an error unsubscribing.
// NOTE Should we call the callback here? In such case, with what arguments
// NOTE This is a quite tricky scenario because the old contexts are still there, and we should clean them up, but we can't remove all contexts (because that'd ruin the new subscription). Should be reviewed.
if(!this._wantDestroy) return;
if (doc.hasPending()) {
doc.once('nothing pending', function() {
if(!this._wantDestroy) return;
} else {
if (callback) callback();
// ****** Manipulating the document snapshot, version and type.
// Set the document's type, and associated properties. Most of the logic in
// this function exists to update the document based on any added & removed API
// methods.
// @param newType OT type provided by the ottypes library or its name or uri
Doc.prototype._setType = function(newType) {
if (typeof newType === 'string') {
if (!types[newType]) throw new Error("Missing type " + newType + ' ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
newType = types[newType];
// Set the new type
this.type = newType;
// If we removed the type from the object, also remove its snapshot.
if (!newType) {
this.provides = {};
this.snapshot = undefined;
} else if (newType.api) {
// Register the new type's API.
this.provides = newType.api.provides;
// Injest snapshot data. This data must include a version, snapshot and type.
// This is used both to ingest data that was exported with a webpage and data
// that was received from the server during a fetch.
// @param data.v version
// @param
// @param data.type
// @fires ready
Doc.prototype.ingestData = function(data) {
if (typeof data.v !== 'number') {
throw new Error('Missing version in ingested data ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
if (this.state) {
// Silently ignore if doc snapshot version is equal or newer
// TODO: Investigate whether this should happen in practice or not
if (this.version >= data.v) return;
console.warn('Ignoring ingest data for', this.collection,,
'\n in state:', this.state, '\n version:', this.version,
'\n snapshot:\n', this.snapshot, '\n incoming data:\n', data);
this.version = data.v;
// is what the server will actually send. data.snapshot is the old
// field name - supported now for backwards compatibility.
this.snapshot =;
this.state = 'ready';
// Get and return the current document snapshot.
Doc.prototype.getSnapshot = function() {
return this.snapshot;
// The callback will be called at a time when the document has a snapshot and
// you can start applying operations. This may be immediately.
Doc.prototype.whenReady = function(fn) {
if (this.state === 'ready') {
} else {
this.once('ready', fn);
Doc.prototype.hasPending = function() {
return this.action != null || this.inflightData != null || !!this.pendingData.length;
Doc.prototype._emitNothingPending = function() {
if (this.hasPending()) return;
this.emit('nothing pending');
// **** Helpers for network messages
// This function exists so connection can call it directly for bulk subscribes.
// It could just make a temporary object literal, thats pretty slow.
Doc.prototype._handleSubscribe = function(err, data) {
if (err && err !== 'Already subscribed') {
console.error('Could not subscribe:', err, this.collection,;
this.emit('error', err);
// There's probably a reason we couldn't subscribe. Don't retry.
this._setWantSubscribe(false, null, err);
if (data) this.ingestData(data);
this.subscribed = true;
// This is called by the connection when it receives a message for the document.
Doc.prototype._onMessage = function(msg) {
if (!(msg.c === this.collection && msg.d === {
// This should never happen - its a sanity check for bugs in the connection code.
var err = 'Got message for wrong document.';
console.error(err, this.collection,, msg);
throw new Error(err);
// msg.a = the action.
switch (msg.a) {
case 'fetch':
// We're done fetching. This message has no other information.
if ( this.ingestData(;
if (this.wantSubscribe === 'fetch') this.wantSubscribe = false;
case 'sub':
// Subscribe reply.
case 'unsub':
// Unsubscribe reply
this.subscribed = false;
case 'ack':
// Acknowledge a locally submitted operation.
// Usually we do nothing here - all the interesting logic happens when we
// get sent our op back in the op stream (which happens even if we aren't
// subscribed)
if (msg.error && msg.error !== 'Op already submitted') {
// The server has rejected an op from the client for an unexpected reason.
// We'll send the error message to the user and try to roll back the change.
if (this.inflightData) {
console.warn('Operation was rejected (' + msg.error + '). Trying to rollback change locally.');
} else {
// I managed to get into this state once. I'm not sure how it happened.
// The op was maybe double-acknowledged?
console.warn('Second acknowledgement message (error) received', msg, this);
case 'op':
if (this.inflightData &&
msg.src === this.inflightData.src &&
msg.seq === this.inflightData.seq) {
// This one is mine. Accept it as acknowledged.
if (this.version == null || msg.v > this.version) {
// This will happen in normal operation if we become subscribed to a
// new document via a query. It can also happen if we get an op for
// a future version beyond the version we are expecting next. This
// could happen if the server doesn't publish an op for whatever reason
// or because of a race condition. In any case, we can send a fetch
// command to catch back up.
if (msg.v < this.version) {
// This will happen naturally in the following (or similar) cases:
// Client is not subscribed to document.
// -> client submits an operation (v=10)
// -> client subscribes to a query which matches this document. Says we
// have v=10 of the doc.
// <- server acknowledges the operation (v=11). Server acknowledges the
// operation because the doc isn't subscribed
// <- server processes the query, which says the client only has v=10.
// Server subscribes at v=10 not v=11, so we get another copy of the
// v=10 operation.
// In this case, we can safely ignore the old (duplicate) operation.
if (this.inflightData) xf(this.inflightData, msg);
for (var i = 0; i < this.pendingData.length; i++) {
xf(this.pendingData[i], msg);
this._otApply(msg, false);
case 'meta':
console.warn('Unhandled meta op:', msg);
console.warn('Unhandled document message:', msg);
Doc.prototype._getLatestOps = function() {
var doc = this;
var debounced = false;
if (doc._getLatestTimeout) {
debounced = true;
} else {
// Send a fetch command, which will get us the missing ops to catch back up
// or the full doc if our version is currently null
doc.connection.sendFetch(doc, doc.version);
// Debounce calls, since we are likely to get multiple future operations
// in a rapid sequence
doc._getLatestTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
doc._getLatestTimeout = null;
// Send another fetch at the end of the final timeout interval if we were
// debounced to make sure we didn't miss anything
if (debounced) {
doc.connection.sendFetch(doc, doc.version);
}, 5000);
// Called whenever (you guessed it!) the connection state changes. This will
// happen when we get disconnected & reconnect.
Doc.prototype._onConnectionStateChanged = function() {
if (this.connection.canSend) {
} else {
this.subscribed = false;
Doc.prototype._clearAction = function() {
this.action = null;
// Send the next pending op to the server, if we can.
// Only one operation can be in-flight at a time. If an operation is already on
// its way, or we're not currently connected, this method does nothing.
Doc.prototype.flush = function() {
// Ignore if we can't send or we are already sending an op
if (!this.connection.canSend || this.inflightData) return;
// Pump and dump any no-ops from the front of the pending op list.
var opData;
while (this.pendingData.length && isNoOp(opData = this.pendingData[0])) {
var callbacks = opData.callbacks;
for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
// Send first pending op unless paused
if (!this.paused && this.pendingData.length) {
// Ignore if an action is already in process
if (this.action) return;
// Once all ops are sent, perform subscriptions and fetches
var version = (this.state === 'ready') ? this.version : null;
if (this.subscribed && !this.wantSubscribe) {
this.action = 'unsubscribe';
} else if (!this.subscribed && this.wantSubscribe === 'fetch') {
this.action = 'fetch';
this.connection.sendFetch(this, version);
} else if (!this.subscribed && this.wantSubscribe) {
this.action = 'subscribe';
this.connection.sendSubscribe(this, version);
// ****** Subscribing, unsubscribing and fetching
// Value is true, false or 'fetch'.
Doc.prototype._setWantSubscribe = function(value, callback, err) {
if (this.subscribed === this.wantSubscribe &&
(this.subscribed === value || value === 'fetch' && this.subscribed)) {
if (callback) callback(err);
// Don't destroy when we manage to resubscribe before destroying
if(value !== false && this._wantDestroy) this._wantDestroy = false;
// If we want to subscribe, don't weaken it to a fetch.
if (value !== 'fetch' || this.wantSubscribe !== true) {
this.wantSubscribe = value;
if (callback) this._subscribeCallbacks.push(callback);
// Open the document. There is no callback and no error handling if you're
// already connected.
// Only call this once per document.
Doc.prototype.subscribe = function(callback) {
this._setWantSubscribe(true, callback);
// Unsubscribe. The data will stay around in local memory, but we'll stop
// receiving updates.
Doc.prototype.unsubscribe = function(callback) {
this._setWantSubscribe(false, callback);
// Call to request fresh data from the server.
Doc.prototype.fetch = function(callback) {
this._setWantSubscribe('fetch', callback);
// Called when our subscribe, fetch or unsubscribe messages are acknowledged.
Doc.prototype._finishSub = function(err) {
if (!this._subscribeCallbacks.length) return;
for (var i = 0; i < this._subscribeCallbacks.length; i++) {
this._subscribeCallbacks.length = 0;
// Operations
// ************ Dealing with operations.
// Helper function to set opData to contain a no-op.
var setNoOp = function(opData) {
delete opData.op;
delete opData.create;
delete opData.del;
var isNoOp = function(opData) {
return !opData.op && !opData.create && !opData.del;
// Try to compose data2 into data1. Returns truthy if it succeeds, otherwise falsy.
var tryCompose = function(type, data1, data2) {
if (data1.create && data2.del) {
} else if (data1.create && data2.op) {
// Compose the data into the create data.
var data = ( === undefined) ? type.create() :; = type.apply(data, data2.op);
} else if (isNoOp(data1)) {
data1.create = data2.create;
data1.del = data2.del;
data1.op = data2.op;
} else if (data1.op && data2.op && type.compose) {
data1.op = type.compose(data1.op, data2.op);
} else {
return false;
return true;
// Transform server op data by a client op, and vice versa. Ops are edited in place.
var xf = function(client, server) {
// In this case, we're in for some fun. There are some local operations
// which are totally invalid - either the client continued editing a
// document that someone else deleted or a document was created both on the
// client and on the server. In either case, the local document is way
// invalid and the client's ops are useless.
// The client becomes a no-op, and we keep the server op entirely.
if (server.create || server.del) return setNoOp(client);
if (client.create) throw new Error('Invalid state. This is a bug. ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
// The client has deleted the document while the server edited it. Kill the
// server's op.
if (client.del) return setNoOp(server);
// We only get here if either the server or client ops are no-op. Carry on,
// nothing to see here.
if (!server.op || !client.op) return;
// They both edited the document. This is the normal case for this function -
// as in, most of the time we'll end up down here.
// You should be wondering why I'm using client.type instead of this.type.
// The reason is, if we get ops at an old version of the document, this.type
// might be undefined or a totally different type. By pinning the type to the
// op data, we make sure the right type has its transform function called.
if (client.type.transformX) {
var result = client.type.transformX(client.op, server.op);
client.op = result[0];
server.op = result[1];
} else {
var _c = client.type.transform(client.op, server.op, 'left');
var _s = client.type.transform(server.op, client.op, 'right');
client.op = _c; server.op = _s;
* Applies the operation to the snapshot
* If the operation is create or delete it emits `create` or `del`. Then the
* operation is applied to the snapshot and `op` and `after op` are emitted. If
* the type supports incremental updates and `this.incremental` is true we fire
* `op` after every small operation.
* This is the only function to fire the above mentioned events.
* @private
Doc.prototype._otApply = function(opData, context) {
this.locked = true;
if (opData.create) {
// If the type is currently set, it means we tried creating the document
// and someone else won. client create x server create = server create.
var create = opData.create;
this.snapshot = this.type.create(;
// This is a bit heavyweight, but I want the created event to fire outside of the lock.
this.once('unlock', function() {
this.emit('create', context);
} else if (opData.del) {
// The type should always exist in this case. del x _ = del
var oldSnapshot = this.snapshot;
this.once('unlock', function() {
this.emit('del', context, oldSnapshot);
} else if (opData.op) {
if (!this.type) throw new Error('Document does not exist. ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
var type = this.type;
var op = opData.op;
// The context needs to be told we're about to edit, just in case it needs
// to store any extra data. (text-tp2 has this constraint.)
for (var i = 0; i < this.editingContexts.length; i++) {
var c = this.editingContexts[i];
if (c != context && c._beforeOp) c._beforeOp(opData.op);
this.emit('before op', op, context);
// This exists so clients can pull any necessary data out of the snapshot
// before it gets changed. Previously we kept the old snapshot object and
// passed it to the op event handler. However, apply no longer guarantees
// the old object is still valid.
// Because this could be totally unnecessary work, its behind a flag. set
// doc.incremental to enable.
if (this.incremental && type.incrementalApply) {
var _this = this;
type.incrementalApply(this.snapshot, op, function(o, snapshot) {
_this.snapshot = snapshot;
_this.emit('op', o, context);
} else {
// This is the most common case, simply applying the operation to the local snapshot.
this.snapshot = type.apply(this.snapshot, op);
this.emit('op', op, context);
// Its possible for none of the above cases to match, in which case the op is
// a no-op. This will happen when a document has been deleted locally and
// remote ops edit the document.
this.locked = false;
if (opData.op) {
var contexts = this.editingContexts;
// Notify all the contexts about the op (well, all the contexts except
// the one which initiated the submit in the first place).
// NOTE Handle this with events?
for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
var c = contexts[i];
if (c != context && c._onOp) c._onOp(opData.op);
for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
if (contexts[i].shouldBeRemoved) contexts.splice(i--, 1);
return this.emit('after op', opData.op, context);
// ***** Sending operations
Doc.prototype.retry = function() {
if (!this.inflightData) return;
var threshold = 5000 * Math.pow(2, this.inflightData.retries);
if (this.inflightData.sentAt < - threshold) {
this.connection.emit('retry', this);
// Actually send op data to the server.
Doc.prototype._sendOpData = function() {
// Wait until we have a src id from the server
var src =;
if (!src) return;
// When there is no inflightData, send the first item in pendingData. If
// there is inflightData, try sending it again
if (!this.inflightData) {
// Send first pending op
this.inflightData = this.pendingData.shift();
var data = this.inflightData;
if (!data) {
throw new Error('no data to send on call to _sendOpData');
// Track data for retrying ops
data.sentAt =;
data.retries = (data.retries == null) ? 0 : data.retries + 1;
// The src + seq number is a unique ID representing this operation. This tuple
// is used on the server to detect when ops have been sent multiple times and
// on the client to match acknowledgement of an op back to the inflightData.
// Note that the src could be different from after a
// reconnect, since an op may still be pending after the reconnection and
// will change. In case an op is sent multiple times, we
// also need to be careful not to override the original seq value.
if (data.seq == null) data.seq = this.connection.seq++;
this.connection.sendOp(this, data);
// src isn't needed on the first try, since the server session will have the
// same id, but it must be set on the inflightData in case it is sent again
// after a reconnect and the connection's id has changed by then
if (data.src == null) data.src = src;
// Queues the operation for submission to the server and applies it locally.
// Internal method called to do the actual work for submitOp(), create() and del().
// @private
// @param opData
// @param [opData.op]
// @param [opData.del]
// @param [opData.create]
// @param [context] the editing context
// @param [callback] called when operation is submitted
Doc.prototype._submitOpData = function(opData, context, callback) {
if (typeof context === 'function') {
callback = context;
context = true; // The default context is true.
if (context == null) context = true;
if (this.locked) {
var err = "Cannot call submitOp from inside an 'op' event handler. " + this.collection + ' ' +;
if (callback) return callback(err);
throw new Error(err);
// The opData contains either op, create, delete, or none of the above (a no-op).
if (opData.op) {
if (!this.type) {
var err = 'Document has not been created';
if (callback) return callback(err);
throw new Error(err);
// Try to normalize the op. This removes trailing skip:0's and things like that.
if (this.type.normalize) opData.op = this.type.normalize(opData.op);
if (!this.state) {
this.state = 'floating';
opData.type = this.type;
opData.callbacks = [];
// If the type supports composes, try to compose the operation onto the end
// of the last pending operation.
var operation;
var previous = this.pendingData[this.pendingData.length - 1];
if (previous && tryCompose(this.type, previous, opData)) {
operation = previous;
} else {
operation = opData;
if (callback) operation.callbacks.push(callback);
this._otApply(opData, context);
// The call to flush is in a timeout so if submitOp() is called multiple
// times in a closure all the ops are combined before being sent to the
// server. It doesn't matter if flush is called a bunch of times.
var _this = this;
setTimeout((function() { _this.flush(); }), 0);
// *** Client OT entrypoints.
// Submit an operation to the document.
// @param operation handled by the OT type
// @param [context] editing context
// @param [callback] called after operation submitted
// @fires before op, op, after op
Doc.prototype.submitOp = function(op, context, callback) {
this._submitOpData({op: op}, context, callback);
// Create the document, which in ShareJS semantics means to set its type. Every
// object implicitly exists in the database but has no data and no type. Create
// sets the type of the object and can optionally set some initial data on the
// object, depending on the type.
// @param type OT type
// @param data initial
// @param context editing context
// @param callback called when operation submitted
Doc.prototype.create = function(type, data, context, callback) {
if (typeof data === 'function') {
// Setting the context to be the callback function in this case so _submitOpData
// can handle the default value thing.
context = data;
data = undefined;
if (this.type) {
var err = 'Document already exists';
if (callback) return callback(err);
throw new Error(err);
var op = {create: {type:type, data:data}};
this._submitOpData(op, context, callback);
// Delete the document. This creates and submits a delete operation to the
// server. Deleting resets the object's type to null and deletes its data. The
// document still exists, and still has the version it used to have before you
// deleted it (well, old version +1).
// @param context editing context
// @param callback called when operation submitted
Doc.prototype.del = function(context, callback) {
if (!this.type) {
var err = 'Document does not exist';
if (callback) return callback(err);
throw new Error(err);
this._submitOpData({del: true}, context, callback);
// Stops the document from sending any operations to the server.
Doc.prototype.pause = function() {
this.paused = true;
// Continue sending operations to the server
Doc.prototype.resume = function() {
this.paused = false;
// *** Receiving operations
// This will be called when the server rejects our operations for some reason.
// There's not much we can do here if the OT type is noninvertable, but that
// shouldn't happen too much in real life because readonly documents should be
// flagged as such. (I should probably figure out a flag for that).
// This does NOT get called if our op fails to reach the server for some reason
// - we optimistically assume it'll make it there eventually.
Doc.prototype._tryRollback = function(opData) {
// This is probably horribly broken.
if (opData.create) {
// I don't think its possible to get here if we aren't in a floating state.
if (this.state === 'floating')
this.state = null;
console.warn('Rollback a create from state ' + this.state);
} else if (opData.op && opData.type.invert) {
opData.op = opData.type.invert(opData.op);
// Transform the undo operation by any pending ops.
for (var i = 0; i < this.pendingData.length; i++) {
xf(this.pendingData[i], opData);
// ... and apply it locally, reverting the changes.
// This operation is applied to look like it comes from a remote context.
// I'm still not 100% sure about this functionality, because its really a
// local op. Basically, the problem is that if the client's op is rejected
// by the server, the editor window should update to reflect the undo.
this._otApply(opData, false);
} else if (opData.op || opData.del) {
// This is where an undo stack would come in handy.
this.version = null;
this.state = null;
this.subscribed = false;
this.emit('error', "Op apply failed and the operation could not be reverted");
// Trigger a fetch. In our invalid state, we can't really do anything.
Doc.prototype._clearInflightOp = function(error) {
var callbacks = this.inflightData.callbacks;
for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
callbacks[i](error || this.inflightData.error);
this.inflightData = null;
// This is called when the server acknowledges an operation from the client.
Doc.prototype._opAcknowledged = function(msg) {
// Our inflight op has been acknowledged, so we can throw away the inflight data.
// (We were only holding on to it incase we needed to resend the op.)
if (!this.state) {
throw new Error('opAcknowledged called from a null state. This should never happen. ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
} else if (this.state === 'floating') {
if (!this.inflightData.create) throw new Error('Cannot acknowledge an op. ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
// Our create has been acknowledged. This is the same as ingesting some data.
this.version = msg.v;
this.state = 'ready';
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function() { _this.emit('ready'); }, 0);
} else {
// We already have a snapshot. The snapshot should be at the acknowledged
// version, because the server has sent us all the ops that have happened
// before acknowledging our op.
// This should never happen - something is out of order.
if (msg.v !== this.version) {
throw new Error('Invalid version from server. This can happen when you submit ops in a submitOp callback. Expected: ' + this.version + ' Message version: ' + msg.v + ' ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
// The op was committed successfully. Increment the version number
// Creates an editing context
// The context is an object responding to getSnapshot(), submitOp() and
// destroy(). It also has all the methods from the OT type mixed in.
// If the document is destroyed, the detach() method is called on the context.
Doc.prototype.createContext = function() {
var type = this.type;
if (!type) throw new Error('Missing type ' + this.collection + ' ' +;
// I could use the prototype chain to do this instead, but Object.create
// isn't defined on old browsers. This will be fine.
var doc = this;
var context = {
getSnapshot: function() {
return doc.snapshot;
submitOp: function(op, callback) {
doc.submitOp(op, context, callback);
destroy: function() {
if (this.detach) {
// Don't double-detach.
delete this.detach;
// It will be removed from the actual editingContexts list next time
// we receive an op on the document (and the list is iterated through).
// This is potentially dodgy, allowing a memory leak if you create &
// destroy a whole bunch of contexts without receiving or sending any ops
// to the document.
// NOTE Why can't we destroy contexts immediately?
delete this._onOp;
this.shouldBeRemoved = true;
// This is dangerous, but really really useful for debugging. I hope people
// don't depend on it.
_doc: this,
if (type.api) {
// Copy everything else from the type's API into the editing context.
for (var k in type.api) {
context[k] = type.api[k];
} else {
context.provides = {};
return context;
* Destroy all editing contexts
Doc.prototype.removeContexts = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.editingContexts.length; i++) {
this.editingContexts.length = 0;
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