Extension | Project | Description |
AutoFac | Common | Dependency Injection on steroids |
Destructurama | Web | Allow automatic censoring of POCO via attributes in Serilog |
Edi.Captcha | Web | Session based captcha image generation and verification |
EFCore.NamingConventions | Infrastructure | More db like naming conventions |
Fluent.Net | Common | I18N and L10N via Mozillas fluent project |
Fluent Validation | Domains | Simple Validation for Data |
HaveIBeenPwned.Client | Accounts | Password checker for HIBP matches |
Isopoh.Cryptography.Argon2 | Accounts | Argon2 hashing for user passwords |
MailKit | * | Mail sending |
MediatR | Common | CQRS / Mediator library |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore | Infrastructure | DB ORM |
Npgsql | Infrastructure | PostgresQL driver |
Serilog | Web | Serilog logging implementation + Enrichers |
System.IO.Abstractions | Common | Abstractions for System.IO |
TextExtensions | Infrastructure | Snake Case Converter |
Xid | Common | Guid and Snowflake alternative |
Extension | Description |
AngleSharp | HTML Parser |
coverlet | code coverage analyzer |
FakeItEasy | Create Fakes and mocks easily |
FluentAssertions | Assertions in a fluent fashion |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing | Lightweight TestServer for ASP |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory | InMemory EFCore Adapter |
SpecFlow | BDD Gherkin runner |
xUnit | Test Runner |
Extension | Link | Description |
AsyncFixer | https://github.com/semihokur/AsyncFixer | Common Async AntiPatterns |
AsyncSuffixAnalyzer | https://github.com/lukas-lansky/AsyncSuffixAnalyzer | Add Async suffix to asynchronous functions |
IDisposableAnalyzers | https://github.com/DotNetAnalyzers/IDisposableAnalyzers | Analyzers for IDisposable |
Roslyn.System.IO.Abstraction.Analyzers | https://github.com/TestableIO/System.IO.Abstractions.Analyzers | Analyzers checking System.Reflection |
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