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Clark Fitzgerald clarkfitzg

  • Mathematics and Statistics Department, CSU Sacramento
  • Sacramento
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clarkfitzg / test_gist
Created September 3, 2013 04:17
# Checking to see how this saves. What will it look like?
# Not sure
x <- 1:10
clarkfitzg / graph_conv_rate.R
Created October 4, 2013 02:20
This is from a brief talk given at a BARUG meetup on October 2013. It creates a powerpoint friendly graph of some currency conversion rate data points.
# Clark 9/27/13
# This script graphs the conversion rate data
# You'll need to change the file.path parameter to the location of your data.
file.path <- "/home/shared/barug_oct13/hourly_rate.csv"
clarkfitzg / get_conv_rate.R
Last active December 24, 2015 15:28
This script scrapes a current exchange rate and writes it to a csv file. It's meant to be automated using Linux crontab. To have it run every hour you would type something like this: ~$ crontab -e 0 * * * * sudo R CMD BATCH /home/shared/barug_oct13/get_conv_rate.R
# Clark Fitzgerald 23 Sep 13
# This script gets current exchange rates and writes to csv file.
csv.path <- "/home/shared/barug_oct13/hourly_rate.csv"
# We'll compare the conversion rate from US to South Korea.
country <- "korea"
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
clarkfitzg / ddR_parts.R
Last active July 14, 2016 19:04
Creating and accessing the parts of a nonuniform distributed array
> library(ddR)
Welcome to 'ddR' (Distributed Data-structures in R)!
For more information, visit:
Attaching package: ‘ddR’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
cbind, rbind
clarkfitzg / keyvalue.R
Created July 18, 2016 18:02
Use serialization to store arbitrary R objects as key value pairs in Spark DataFrames
# Mon Jul 18 08:08:09 PDT 2016
# Goal: Store arbitrary objects in DataFrames as bytes to make dapply more
# general
# Inefficient- this uses CLOB rather than BLOB
# Comments throughout this question are helpful
clarkfitzg / simple_parallel.R
Created November 17, 2016 05:11
For tutorial on Nov 17, 2016
# A very simple parallel program
# We specify the probability that each individual
# votes for a candidate, and then simulate the counts
# for n such voters.
# count_votes and count_votes_slow are the functions
# to parallelize. Typically each run will take some
# time to complete.
clarkfitzg /
Created December 17, 2016 01:05
Calling "ripser" from R

First install ripser.

Then make it locatable on your system PATH, something like:

$ ln -s /home/clark/dev/ripser/ripser /usr/local/bin/ripser

After this your system should be able to find ripser:

$ which ripser
x = 1:3
y = 11:13
# Given vectors x, y, what's the cleanest general way to make z?
# z = c(1, 11, 2, 12, 3, 13)
shuffle = function(x, y)
as.vector(mapply(c, x, y))
clarkfitzg /
Last active March 24, 2017 23:35
Comparing groupby speed in pandas versus R data.table
require(data.table) # v1.10.0
n_smpl = 1e6
ni = 5
id = rep(1:n_smpl, each = ni)
smpl = data.table(id)
smpl[, time := 1:.N, by = id]
a_init = 1; b_init = 1