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Created March 2, 2015 22:58
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# Title: Randomized Algorithm (Median)
# Authors: Clay McLeod
# Description: A randomized algorithm for finding the median of an array.
# Section: Python
# Subsection: Interesting Problems
import sys
import math
import random
DOMAIN = xrange(100000) # Domain: 0 - 100,000
NUM_ELEMENTS = 10000 # Number of elements: 10,000
def find_median_randomized(S):
> Documentation
Author: Clay McLeod
Course: CSCI 691
Date: March 2, 2015
Assignment: 1
Description: Randomized algorithm to find the median of an array.
Input: 1) A set S of n elements over an ordered domain.
Output: 1) The median element of S
# S is a list, has at least 1 element
assert (isinstance(S, list) and len(S) > 0)
# Each element is an integer
for num in S:
assert isinstance(num, int)
# Set n to length of set S
n = len(S)
# Randomize input
# Sample n^(3/4) elements
number_of_samples = int(math.ceil(n ** (3.0 / 4.0)))
R = random.sample(S, number_of_samples)
# Sort R
# Compute d as int(math.floor(((n^(3/4))/2) - math.sqrt(n)))
d_index = int(math.floor(((n ** (3.0 / 4.0)) / 2.0) - math.sqrt(n)))
d = R[d_index]
# Compute u as int(math.ceil(((n^(3/4))/2) + math.sqrt(n)))
u_index = int(math.ceil(((n ** (3.0 / 4.0)) / 2.0) + math.sqrt(n)))
u = R[u_index]
# Computer C, ld, and lu according to algorithm
c = [x for x in S if d <= x and x <= u]
ld = len([x for x in S if x < d])
lu = len([x for x in S if x > u])
# Assert that ld <= (n/2) and lu <= (n/2), else fail
assert not (ld > (n / 2) or lu > (n / 2))
# Assert that |c| <= 4*n^(3/4), else fail
assert len(c) <= 4.0 * (n ** (3.0 / 4.0))
# Sort C
# Return (math.floor(n/2) - ld + 1)-th element in C
median_index = int(math.floor(n / 2) - ld + 1)
return c[median_index]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print documentation
print find_median_randomized.__doc__
random_input = random.sample(DOMAIN, NUM_ELEMENTS)
print 'Median: %s ' % find_median_randomized(random_input)
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