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Created October 20, 2019 18:24
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with import <nixpkgs> {};
lib.fix (self: {
binutils-vc4 = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "binutils-vc4";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "itszor";
repo = "binutils-vc4";
rev = "708acc851880dbeda1dd18aca4fd0a95b2573b36";
sha256 = "1kdrz6fki55lm15rwwamn74fnqpy0zlafsida2zymk76n3656c63";
nativeBuildInputs = [ texinfo flex bison ];
configureFlags = [ "--target=vc4-elf" "--disable-werror" ];
gcc-vc4-stage1 = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "gcc-vc4-stage1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "itszor";
repo = "gcc-vc4";
rev = "e90ff43f9671c760cf0d1dd62f569a0fb9bf8918";
sha256 = "0gxf66hwqk26h8f853sybphqa5ca0cva2kmrw5jsiv6139g0qnp8";
nativeBuildInputs = [ flex self.binutils-vc4 ];
buildInputs = [ gmp mpfr libmpc ];
preConfigure = ''
mkdir ../gcc-build
cd ../gcc-build
export configureScript=../$sourceRoot/configure
enableParallelBuilding = true;
configureFlags = [
"--target=vc4-elf" "--disable-nls" "--disable-ssp" "--enable-languages=c"
"--without-headers" "--with-newlib" "--disable-decimal-float" "--disable-threads"
"--disable-libatomic" "--disable-libitm" "--disable-libsanitizer"
"--disable-libquadmath" "--disable-lto" "--enable-sjlj-exceptions"
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-Wno-error=format-security" ];
newlib-vc4 = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "newlib-vc4";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "itszor";
repo = "newlib-vc4";
rev = "89abe4a5263d216e923fbbc80495743ff269a510";
sha256 = "131r4v0nn68flnqibjcvhsrys3hs89bn0i4vwmrzgjd7v1rbgqav";
nativeBuildInputs = [ texinfo self.gcc-vc4-stage1 self.binutils-vc4 flex bison ];
configureFlags = [ "--target=vc4-elf" ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
gcc-vc4-stage2 = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "gcc-vc4-stage2";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "itszor";
repo = "gcc-vc4";
rev = "e90ff43f9671c760cf0d1dd62f569a0fb9bf8918";
sha256 = "0gxf66hwqk26h8f853sybphqa5ca0cva2kmrw5jsiv6139g0qnp8";
nativeBuildInputs = [ flex self.binutils-vc4 self.gcc-vc4-stage1 ];
buildInputs = [ gmp mpfr libmpc self.newlib-vc4 ];
preConfigure = ''
mkdir ../gcc-build
cd ../gcc-build
export configureScript=../$sourceRoot/configure
#enableParallelBuilding = true;
configureFlags = [
"--target=vc4-elf" "--disable-nls"
"--disable-ssp" "--enable-languages=c" "--disable-decimal-float" "--with-newlib"
"--enable-threads" "--disable-libatomic" "--disable-libsanitizer"
"--disable-libquadmath" "--disable-lto" "--enable-sjlj-exceptions"
"--prefix=${builtins.placeholder "out"}"
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-Wno-error=format-security" ];
examples = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "itszor";
repo = "vc4-toolchain";
rev = "e1c295a6e92483b5898995a601300e4e0acd007d";
sha256 = "1hxc715qbixb6qr1mnvjvj1b62xxqz33a2mq36gybcyppqq23gw6";
helloworld = runCommand "helloworld" { buildInputs = [ self.gcc-vc4-stage2 ]; } ''
mkdir $out
vc4-elf-gcc ${self.examples}/helloworld/helloworld.c -O2 -T ${self.newlib-vc4}/vc4-elf/lib/vc4-sim.ld -o hello -L${self.newlib-vc4}/vc4-elf/lib/ -L${self.gcc-vc4-stage2}/lib/gcc/vc4-elf/6.2.1/sf/
vc4-elf-objcopy -O binary hello hello.bin
cp hello hello.bin $out
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