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Created October 19, 2019 18:05
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TMP75A reading code but entirely untested
* TMP75A reading code
#include <asf.h>
#include <stdint.h>
////////////// config //////////////////
#define TMP75A_ADDR 0x48
#define CONF_OS 7
#define CONF_R1 6
#define CONF_R0 5
#define CONF_F1 4
#define CONF_F0 3
#define CONF_POL 2
#define CONF_TM 1
#define CONF_SD 0
// config: enable 12 bit temperature
#define TMP75A_CONF ((1 << CONF_R1) | (1 << CONF_R0) | (1 << CONF_TM))
#define REG_TEMP 0
#define REG_CONF 1
#define TIMEOUT 1000
struct i2c_master_module i2c_master_instance;
void configure_i2c(void)
struct i2c_master_config config_i2c_master;
config_i2c_master.buffer_timeout = 10000;
config_i2c_master.pinmux_pad0 = TMP75A_PINMUX_PAD0;
config_i2c_master.pinmux_pad1 = TMP75A_PINMUX_PAD1;
i2c_master_init(&i2c_master_instance, TMP75A_MODULE, &config_i2c_master);
int configure_tmp75a(void)
uint8_t buf[10];
struct i2c_master_packet packet = {
.address = TMP75A_ADDR,
.data_length = 2,
.data = buf,
.ten_bit_address = false,
.high_speed = false,
.hs_master_code = 0x0,
// write config
buf[0] = REG_CONF;
buf[1] = TMP75A_CONF;
packet.data_length = 2;
if (write_packet_with_timeout_no_stop(&packet, TIMEOUT) != STATUS_OK) {
puts("TMP75A configuration failed");
return 1;
// reset pointer to temperature register so we read from the temperature register next time
buf[0] = REG_TEMP;
packet.data_length = 1;
if (write_packet_with_timeout(&packet, TIMEOUT) != STATUS_OK) {
puts("TMP75A reset pointer failed");
return 2;
return 0;
uint16_t read_tmp75a(void)
uint8_t buf[10];
struct i2c_master_packet packet = {
.address = TMP75A_ADDR,
.data_length = 2,
.data = buf,
.ten_bit_address = false,
.high_speed = false,
.hs_master_code = 0x0,
// reads from temp reg into buf
if (read_packet_with_timeout(&packet, TIMEOUT) != STATUS_OK) {
puts("TMP75A read failed");
return -1; // not possibly a valid result
uint16_t result = (buf[0] << 8) | (buf[1]);
return result;
static enum status_code write_packet_with_timeout(struct i2c_master_packet *i2cpacket, int timeout)
enum status_code res;
while ((res = i2c_master_write_packet_wait(&i2c_master_instance, i2cpacket)) != STATUS_OK) {
if (timeout-- <= 0)
return res;
return res;
static enum status_code read_packet_with_timeout(struct i2c_master_packet *i2cpacket, int timeout)
enum status_code res;
while ((res = i2c_master_read_packet_wait(&i2c_master_instance, i2cpacket)) != STATUS_OK) {
if (timeout-- <= 0)
return res;
return res;
static enum status_code write_packet_with_timeout_no_stop(struct i2c_master_packet *i2cpacket, int timeout)
enum status_code res;
while ((res = i2c_master_write_packet_wait_no_stop(&i2c_master_instance, i2cpacket)) != STATUS_OK) {
if (timeout-- <= 0)
return res;
return res;
static enum status_code read_packet_with_timeout_no_stop(struct i2c_master_packet *i2cpacket, int timeout)
enum status_code res;
while ((res = i2c_master_read_packet_wait_no_stop(&i2c_master_instance, i2cpacket)) != STATUS_OK) {
if (timeout-- <= 0)
return res;
return res;
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