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Last active July 31, 2019 16:39
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How chess pieces move on an empty board, in algebraic notation.
type Square = Rank * File
and Rank = | One = 1 | Two =2 | Three = 3| Four = 4 | Five = 5 | Six = 6 | Seven = 7 | Eight = 8
and File = | A = 1 | B = 2 | C = 3 | D = 4 | E = 5 | F = 6 | G = 7 | H = 8
type Piece = | Pawn | King | Queen | Knight | Bishop | Rook
type Color = | Black | White
type ChessMove = { Piece : Piece; Color : Color; StartingSquare : Square; DestinationSquare : Square; }
type Move =
| Standard of ChessMove
| Promotion of ChessMove * Piece
module Parse =
let swapToMap l = l |> (fun (a, b) -> (b, a)) |> Map.ofList
let pieces = [(King, 'K');(Queen, 'Q');(Rook, 'R');(Bishop, 'B');(Knight, 'N')]
let ranks = [(Rank.One, '1');(Rank.Two, '2');(Rank.Three, '3');(Rank.Four, '4');(Rank.Five, '5');(Rank.Six, '6');(Rank.Seven, '7');(Rank.Eight, '8')]
let files = [(File.A, 'a');(File.B, 'b');(File.C, 'c');(File.D, 'd');(File.E, 'e');(File.F, 'f');(File.G, 'g');(File.H, 'h')]
let fChars = files |> Map.ofList
let charF = files |> swapToMap
let rChars = ranks |> Map.ofList
let charR = ranks |> swapToMap
let pChars = pieces |> Map.ofList
let charP = pieces |> swapToMap
let printPiece piece =
match piece with
| Pawn -> ""
| x -> pChars.[x].ToString()
let render move =
let cstr color = if color = White then "" else "... "
let sq s = sprintf "%c%c" fChars.[snd s] rChars.[fst s]
match move with
| Standard cm ->
sprintf "%s%s%s" (cstr cm.Color) (printPiece cm.Piece) (sq cm.DestinationSquare)
| Promotion (cm, p) ->
sprintf "%s%s=%s" (cstr cm.Color) (sq cm.DestinationSquare) (printPiece p)
let pchar char (map:Map<char, 'a>) =
if map.ContainsKey char then
Some map.[char]
else None
let move (str : string) =
if str.Length = 3 then
let p = pchar str.[0] charP
let f = pchar str.[1] charF
let r = pchar str.[2] charR
(p, r, f)
else if str.Length = 2 then
let f = pchar str.[0] charF
let r = pchar str.[1] charR
(Some Pawn, r, f)
None, None, None
let asInts sq =
let sr, sf = sq
(int) sr, (int) sf
let ranksAndFiles startingSquare intTupleList =
let squareIsValid sq (r, f) = r >= 1 && r <= 8 && f <= 8 && f >= 1 && ((r, f) <> asInts sq)
let validSquare = squareIsValid startingSquare
|> List.filter validSquare
|> (fun (r, f) -> Square (enum<Rank>(r), enum<File>(f)))
let pawnMove color startingSquare =
let rank, file = startingSquare
let newRank v = enum<Rank>((int rank) + v)
let direction = if color = White then 1 else -1
let templateMove = { Piece = Pawn; StartingSquare = startingSquare; Color = color; DestinationSquare = Square ( newRank direction, file) }
match rank, color with
| Rank.Seven, White | Rank.Two, Black ->
[Knight;Bishop;Rook;Queen] |> (fun p -> (Promotion ( templateMove, p)))
| Rank.Seven, Black | Rank.Two, White ->
[Standard (templateMove);Standard ({ templateMove with DestinationSquare = Square ( newRank (direction * 2), file) })]
| Rank.One, _ | Rank.Eight, _ -> []
| _ -> [Standard (templateMove)]
let pieceMove piece startingSquare color =
let r, f = asInts startingSquare
let king r f = [ for v in -1 .. 1 do
for v2 in -1 .. 1 do
yield r + v, f + v2 ]
let knight r f = [(-1, -2);(-1, 2);(1, -2);(1, 2);(2, -1);(2, 1);(-2, -1);(-2, 1)]
|> (fun (a, b) -> r + a, f + b)
let rook r f = [for v in 1 .. 8 do
yield v, f
yield r, v]
let bishop r f = [for v in 1 .. 7 do
yield (r + v, f + v)
yield (r + v, f - v)
yield (r - v, f + v)
yield (r - v, f - v)]
let queen r f = rook r f @
bishop r f
let movesMap = [(King, king);(Knight, knight);(Rook, rook);(Bishop, bishop);(Queen, queen)] |> Map.ofList
movesMap.[piece] r f
|> ranksAndFiles startingSquare
|> (fun d -> (Standard { Piece = piece; DestinationSquare = d; StartingSquare = startingSquare; Color = color }))
let getAvailableMoves pieceAndSquare color =
match (Parse.move pieceAndSquare) with
| Some p, Some r, Some f ->
let moves = if p = Pawn then pawnMove color (r, f) else pieceMove p (r, f) color
Ok (moves |> Parse.render |> List.sort )
| None, _, _ | _, None, _ | _, _, None -> Error "Invalid Starting Piece"
let kd1 = getAvailableMoves "Kd1" White // should be OK [ "Kc1"; "Kc2"; "Kd2"; "Ke1"; "Ke2";]
let e4 = getAvailableMoves "e4" Black // should be OK [ "... e3" ]
let e2W = getAvailableMoves "e2" White // should be OK [ "e3"; "e4" ]
let e2B = getAvailableMoves "e2" Black // should be OK [ "... e1=B"; "... e1=N";"... e1=Q";"... e1=R" ]
let nh2 = getAvailableMoves "Nh2" Black // should be OK [ "... Nf1"; "... Nf3"; "... Ng4" ]
let e = getAvailableMoves "Ah2" Black // should be Error "Invalid Starting Piece"
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