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Last active September 9, 2019 20:34
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type Response = | Bull | Cow | Empty
let bullAndCow (attempt : int[]) (answer : int[]) =
let bullCowOrNothing (idx:int) (chr:int) =
if (answer.[idx] = chr) then Bull
else if (Array.contains chr answer) then Cow
else Empty
Array.mapi bullCowOrNothing attempt |> Array.filter (fun n -> n <> Empty)
let rec getGuess() =
printf "Enter your guess. "
let guess = System.Console.ReadLine()
match guess.ToCharArray() with
| s when Array.forall System.Char.IsDigit s && Array.length s = 4 -> (fun c -> System.Int32.Parse(c.ToString())) s
| _ -> getGuess()
let pluralize (item, count) =
if count > 1 then sprintf "%d %As" count item
else sprintf "1 %A" item
let rec generateAnAnswer set =
let r = System.Random();
let res = Set.add (r.Next(0, 9)) set
if Set.count res = 4 then res
else generateAnAnswer res
let playPersonGuessesComputer() =
let computersAnswer = generateAnAnswer Set.empty |> Set.toArray
let rec play guesses =
let guess = getGuess()
let guessCount = guesses + 1
let result = bullAndCow guess computersAnswer
if Array.forall (fun r -> r = Bull) result && Array.length result = 4 then
printfn "You win, in %d guesses" guessCount
let counts = Array.sort result |> Array.countBy id
if Array.length counts > 1 then printfn "Good try! You got %s and %s." (pluralize counts.[0]) (pluralize counts.[1])
else if Array.length counts = 1 then printfn "Good try! You got %s." (pluralize counts.[0])
else printfn "Good try! None of these are in the answer!"
play guessCount
play 0
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