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Created April 4, 2019 22:35
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open System
type Sector = | TopLeft = 1 | TopMiddle = 2 | TopRight = 3 | CenterLeft = 4 | CenterMiddle = 5 | CenterRight = 6 | BottomLeft = 7 | BottomMiddle = 8 | BottomRight = 9
type Position = { Rank : Rank; File : File }
and File = | A = 1 | B = 2 | C = 3 | D = 4 | E = 5 | F = 6 | G = 7 | H = 8 | I = 9
and Rank = | One = 1 | Two = 2 | Three = 3 | Four = 4 | Five = 5 | Six = 6 | Seven = 7 | Eight = 8 | Nine = 9
type Grid = Map<Position, int>
let lengthOfSecondItemInTuple e = (snd e) |> Array.length
let allPositions = [for r in 1..9 do for f in 1..9 do yield { Rank = enum<Rank>(r) ; File = enum<File>(f)}]
let positionsToCheck =
let sectorMap =[({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.A;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.B;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.C;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.D;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.E;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.F;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.G;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.H;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.One; File = File.I;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.A;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.B;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.C;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.D;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.E;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.F;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.G;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.H;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.Two; File = File.I;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.A;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.B;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.C;}, Sector.TopLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.D;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.E;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.F;}, Sector.TopMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.G;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.H;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.Three; File = File.I;}, Sector.TopRight)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.A;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.B;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.C;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.D;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.E;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.F;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.G;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.H;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Four; File = File.I;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.A;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.B;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.C;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.D;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.E;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.F;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.G;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.H;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Five; File = File.I;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.A;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.B;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.C;}, Sector.CenterLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.D;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.E;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.F;}, Sector.CenterMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.G;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.H;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Six; File = File.I;}, Sector.CenterRight)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.A;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.B;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.C;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.D;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.E;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.F;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.G;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.H;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Seven; File = File.I;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.A;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.B;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.C;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.D;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.E;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.F;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.G;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.H;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Eight; File = File.I;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.A;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.B;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.C;}, Sector.BottomLeft)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.D;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.E;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.F;}, Sector.BottomMiddle)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.G;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.H;}, Sector.BottomRight)
({Rank = Rank.Nine; File = File.I;}, Sector.BottomRight)] |> Map.ofList
let allPositionsBySector = allPositions |> List.groupBy (fun n -> sectorMap.[n]) |> Map.ofList
allPositions |> (fun n -> (n, [for r in 1..9 do
yield { Rank = enum<Rank>(r); File = n.File }
yield { Rank = n.Rank; File = enum<File>(r); } ]
@ allPositionsBySector.[sectorMap.[n]] |> List.filter (fun m -> m <> n) |> Set.ofList )) |> Map.ofList
let asString (grid : Grid) =
let stringValues = allPositions |> (fun position -> if grid.[position] = 0 then "-" else sprintf "%i" grid.[position]) |> Array.ofList
String.Join(",", stringValues)
// expect a string like "A1,B1,C1," (etc, till I9)
let parseGrid (puzzle : string) : Grid option =
let m = puzzle.Split(",".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.None)
let tryForValue c =
let success, value = System.Int32.TryParse(c)
if success then value else 0
let values = Array.toList m |> tryForValue
if List.length values <> 81 then None
let gridAsList = allPositions values
Some (Map.ofList gridAsList)
let renderGrid (grid : Grid) =
System.Environment.NewLine + String.Join("", [|
for r in 1..9
if r > 1 && r % 3 = 1 then yield "*********************************" + System.Environment.NewLine
for f in 1..9
let pos = { Rank = enum<Rank>(r) ; File = enum<File>(f)}
if f > 1 && f % 3 = 1 then yield " | "
match grid.[pos] with
| 0 -> yield " - "
| m -> yield sprintf " %i " m
yield System.Environment.NewLine
// given a grid, and a position, return an integer set of available values
// if the list is empty, the grid cannot be solved with the numbers as they are
let getAvailableValues (grid : Grid) position =
if grid.[position] > 0 then
position, [|grid.[position]|]
let currentlySelectedValues = positionsToCheck.[position] |> (fun p -> grid.[p])
let availableValues = set [1..9]
position, (Set.difference availableValues currentlySelectedValues) |> Set.toArray
let isNotSolvable solutions =
if List.isEmpty solutions then false
let test = solutions |> List.minBy lengthOfSecondItemInTuple
snd test |> Array.isEmpty
let isSolved solutions =
if List.isEmpty solutions then false
let test = solutions |> List.maxBy lengthOfSecondItemInTuple
snd test |> Array.length = 1
// Solve a grid, if possible.
let solve grid =
let rec createSolution g =
let possibleValuesByPosition = allPositions
|> (fun n -> getAvailableValues g n)
if isNotSolvable possibleValuesByPosition then
elif isSolved possibleValuesByPosition then
let mapToSingleValue (ps, m : int[]) = (ps, m.[0])
let result = possibleValuesByPosition |> mapToSingleValue |> Map.ofList
Some result
let moreThanOnePossibleAnswer e = (snd e) |> Array.length > 1
let (ps, l) = possibleValuesByPosition |> List.filter moreThanOnePossibleAnswer |> List.minBy lengthOfSecondItemInTuple
let notTheCurrentPosition key _ = key <> ps
let possibleAnswers = seq [for i in l do
let newGrid = (g |> Map.filter notTheCurrentPosition).Add(ps, i)
let possibleSolution = createSolution newGrid
if Option.isSome (possibleSolution) then yield (Option.get possibleSolution)
if Seq.isEmpty possibleAnswers then
Some (Seq.head possibleAnswers)
createSolution grid
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