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Created May 18, 2010 05:03
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import Hack
import qualified Web.Encodings as Web
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
galleryDispatch ai@(\x -> head (pElements x) -> "u") =
case requestMethod (a_env ai) of
POST -> do
dbg "galleryDispatch: POST on /upload."
let env = a_env ai
case ((,) <$> lookup "Content-Type" (http env)
<*> lookup "Content-Length" (http env)) of
Nothing -> do
dbg "Ack!"
redirect' "/profile"
Just (ty,_len) -> do
dbg $ "TY: " ++ (show ty)
let bound = replace "boundary=" "" $ head $ drop 1 $ split " " ty
dbg $ "Boundary: " ++ (show bound)
let uid = fromJust $ a_uid ai
-- For testing, I'm just going to send one image
let (_,[(a,fi)]) = Web.parseMultipart bound $ hackInput env
dbg $ "a: " ++ (show $ BS.unpack a)
dbg $ "Content-Type: " ++ (show $ BS.unpack $ Web.fileContentType fi)
let filename = BS.unpack $ Web.fileName fi
dbg $ "Filename: " ++ (show filename)
let s3o_bucket = ""
let s3o_ct = (show $ BS.unpack $ Web.fileContentType fi)
let s3o_data = Web.fileContent fi
rq <- sendObject awsConn $ S3Object {
obj_bucket = s3o_bucket,
obj_name = ("images/" ++ uid ++ "/" ++ filename),
content_type = s3o_ct,
obj_headers = [("acl","public-read")],
obj_data = s3o_data }
dbg $ "From AWS: " ++ (show rq)
sendRaw "success"
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