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Last active May 8, 2021 02:49
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Boost RTree with spherical coordinate system
// This code snippet test rtree with spherical coordinate system.
// It will generate grid points of a cubic grid and store them in an rtree.
// And then query is done by find points within some (approximate) distance
// from query point. The query point can be specified by command line args.
// Commandline options:
// no args: query point (0, 0, 0) with radius 2
// 3 args: query point (x, y, z) with radius 2
// 4 args: query point (x, y, z) with radius r
// Two compilation options:
// #define USE3D // use 2d (phi, theta) or 3d (phi, theta, r) points in rtree
// with 2d point, the query area is cone-like
// with 3d point, the query area is sphere-like
// #define USE_EQUATORIAL // use sphere_equatorial
// #define USE_CARTESIAN // use normal rtree for comparison, although
// the coordinate will still be shperical representation
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp>
using namespace std;
namespace bg = boost::geometry;
namespace bgm = bg::model;
namespace bgi = bg::index;
typedef bg::cs::cartesian scoord_t;
typedef bg::cs::spherical_equatorial<bg::radian> scoord_t;
typedef bg::cs::spherical<bg::radian> scoord_t;
#ifdef USE3D
typedef bg::model::point<float, 3, scoord_t> spoint_t; // point in spherical coordinate
typedef bg::model::point<float, 2, scoord_t> spoint_t; // point in spherical coordinate
typedef std::pair<spoint_t, float> svalue_t;
typedef bg::model::box<spoint_t> sbox_t;
typedef bgi::rstar<1024, 256> params_t;
typedef bgi::rtree<svalue_t, params_t> srtree_t; // rtree in spherical coordinate
spoint_t cartesian_to_spherical(float x, float y, float z, float &r)
float phi = atan2(y, x);
if (phi < 0)
phi += 2 * M_PI;
float rxy2 = x * x + y * y;
float theta = atan2(z, sqrt(rxy2));
float theta = M_PI / 2 - atan2(z, sqrt(rxy2));
r = sqrt(rxy2 + z * z);
#ifdef USE3D
return {phi, theta, r};
return {phi, theta};
template <class T>
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t &seed, T const &v)
seed ^= std::hash<T>()(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
struct spoint_hash
std::size_t operator()(const spoint_t &p) const
size_t seed = 0;
hash_combine(seed, bg::get<0>(p));
hash_combine(seed, bg::get<1>(p));
#ifdef USE3D
hash_combine(seed, bg::get<2>(p));
return seed;
struct spoint_eq
bool operator()(spoint_t lhs, spoint_t rhs) const
return bg::get<0>(lhs) == bg::get<0>(rhs) && bg::get<1>(lhs) == bg::get<1>(rhs)
#ifdef USE3D
&& bg::get<2>(lhs) == bg::get<2>(rhs)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
vector<svalue_t> points;
float _; // dummy
for (int i = -5; i <= 5; i++)
for (int j = -5; j <= 5; j++)
for (int k = -5; k <= 5; k++)
if (i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0)
points.push_back(std::make_pair(cartesian_to_spherical(i, j, k, _), 1));
srtree_t rtree(points.cbegin(), points.cend());
cout << rtree.size() << endl;
spoint_t q;
float r, radius;
if (argc == 4)
q = cartesian_to_spherical(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), r);
radius = 2;
else if (argc == 5)
q = cartesian_to_spherical(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), r);
radius = atof(argv[4]);
q = cartesian_to_spherical(0, 0, 0, r);
radius = 2;
float radius_in_sufrace = radius / r;
#ifdef USE3D
const spoint_t p1 = {bg::get<0>(q) - radius_in_sufrace, std::max(bg::get<1>(q) - radius_in_sufrace, (float)-M_PI), bg::get<2>(q) - radius};
const spoint_t p2 = {bg::get<0>(q) + radius_in_sufrace, std::min(bg::get<1>(q) + radius_in_sufrace, (float)M_PI), bg::get<2>(q) + radius};
const spoint_t p1 = {bg::get<0>(q) - radius_in_sufrace, std::max(bg::get<1>(q) - radius_in_sufrace, (float)-M_PI)};
const spoint_t p2 = {bg::get<0>(q) + radius_in_sufrace, std::min(bg::get<1>(q) + radius_in_sufrace, (float)M_PI)};
const sbox_t bq(p1, p2);
auto print_point = [](const std::string title, const spoint_t &p) {
#ifdef USE3D
cout << title << bg::get<0>(p) << ", " << bg::get<1>(p) << ", " << bg::get<2>(p) << endl;
cout << title << bg::get<0>(p) << ", " << bg::get<1>(p) << endl;
print_point("query min: ", p1);
print_point("query max: ", p2);
cout << "==========" << endl;
int aresult = 0;
std::unordered_set<spoint_t, spoint_hash, spoint_eq> aset;
for (auto pit = points.begin(); pit != points.end(); pit++)
#ifdef USE3D
if (bg::get<0>(pit->first) > bg::get<0>(p1) && bg::get<1>(pit->first) > bg::get<1>(p1) && bg::get<2>(pit->first) > bg::get<2>(p1) &&
bg::get<0>(pit->first) < bg::get<0>(p2) && bg::get<1>(pit->first) < bg::get<1>(p2) && bg::get<2>(pit->first) < bg::get<2>(p2))
if (bg::get<0>(pit->first) > bg::get<0>(p1) && bg::get<1>(pit->first) > bg::get<1>(p1) &&
bg::get<0>(pit->first) < bg::get<0>(p2) && bg::get<1>(pit->first) < bg::get<1>(p2))
aresult += 1;
// print_point("actual point: ", pit->first);
int qresult = 0;
std::unordered_set<spoint_t, spoint_hash, spoint_eq> qset;
for (auto it = rtree.qbegin(bgi::within(bq)); it != rtree.qend(); ++it)
qresult += it->second;
// print_point("query point: ", it->first);
for (auto sit = aset.begin(); sit != aset.end(); sit++)
if (qset.find(*sit) == qset.end())
print_point("missed point: ", *sit);
for (auto sit = qset.begin(); sit != qset.end(); sit++)
if (aset.find(*sit) == aset.end())
print_point("extra point: ", *sit);
cout << "==========" << endl;
cout << aresult << " actual points" << endl;
cout << qresult << " query points" << endl;
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