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Created March 2, 2015 20:31
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- name: Ensure dotfiles repo is up to date
action: git repo=ssh:// dest=~/.dotfiles version=master recursive=no
- dotfiles
- name: Ensure Hammerspoon repo is up to date
action: git repo=ssh:// dest=~/.hammerspoon version=master recursive=no
when: ansible_hostname == "pixukipa"
- dotfiles
- name: Symlink dotfiles into place on all system
action: file path=~/{{item.dst}} src=~/.dotfiles/{{item.src}} state=link
- { src: ".bash_aliases", dst: ".bash_aliases" }
- { src: ".bash_prompt", dst: ".bash_prompt" }
- { src: ".bashrc", dst: ".bashrc" }
- { src: ".gitconfig", dst: ".gitconfig" }
- { src: ".gist", dst: ".gist" }
- { src: ".gist-vim", dst: ".gist-vim" }
- { src: ".inputrc", dst: ".inputrc" }
- { src: ".profile", dst: ".profile" }
- { src: ".screenrc", dst: ".screenrc" }
- { src: ".ssh/config", dst: ".ssh/config" }
- { src: ".tmux.conf", dst: ".tmux.conf" }
- { src: ".vim", dst: ".vim" }
- { src: ".vimrc", dst: ".vimrc" }
- dotfiles
- dotfiles_symlink
- name: Ensure ~/Library/KeyBindings exists on Macs
action: file path=~/Library/KeyBindings state=directory
when: ansible_distribution == "MacOSX"
- dotfiles
- dotfiles_symlink
- name: Symlink dotfiles into place on Macs
action: file path=~/{{item.dst}} src=~/.dotfiles/{{item.src}} state=link
- { src: "DefaultKeyBinding.dict", dst: "Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict" }
when: ansible_distribution == "MacOSX"
- dotfiles
- dotfiles_symlink
- name: Update vim vundles
action: git repo=git://{{item.user}}/{{item.repo}} dest=~/.vim/bundle/{{item.repo}} version={{item.branch | default("master")}} recursive=no
- { user: "gmarik", repo: "vundle" }
- { user: "kien", repo: "ctrlp.vim" }
- { user: "tpope", repo: "vim-fugitive" }
- { user: "mattn", repo: "gist-vim" }
- { user: "airblade", repo: "vim-gitgutter" }
- { user: "sjl", repo: "gundo.vim" }
- { user: "davidhalter", repo: "jedi-vim" }
- { user: "scrooloose", repo: "nerdtree" }
- { user: "scrooloose", repo: "syntastic" }
- { user: "majutsushi", repo: "tagbar" }
- { user: "mattn", repo: "webapi-vim" }
- { user: "vim-scripts", repo: "YankRing.vim" }
- { user: "bling", repo: "vim-airline" }
- { user: "jnurmine", repo: "Zenburn" }
- { user: "greyblake", repo: "vim-preview" }
- { user: "darfink", repo: "vim-plist" }
- { user: "jamessan", repo: "vim-gnupg" }
- vundle
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