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Created December 11, 2013 13:01
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import random
class Cell(object):
def __init__(self, is_mine, is_visible=False, is_flagged=False):
self.is_mine = is_mine
self.is_visible = is_visible
self.is_flagged = is_flagged
def show(self):
self.is_visible = True
def flag(self):
self.is_flagged = not self.is_flagged
def place_mine(self):
self.is_mine = True
class Board(tuple):
def __init__(self, tup):
self.is_playing = True
def mine_repr(self,row_id, col_id):
cell = self[row_id][col_id]
if cell.is_visible:
if cell.is_mine:
return "M"
surr = self.count_surrounding(row_id, col_id)
return str(surr) if surr else " "
elif cell.is_flagged:
return "F"
return "X"
def __str__(self):
board_string = ("Mines: " + str(self.remaining_mines) + "\n " +
"".join([str(i) for i in range(len(self))]))
for (row_id, row) in enumerate(self):
board_string += ("\n" + str(row_id) + " " +
"".join(self.mine_repr(row_id, col_id) for (col_id, _) in enumerate(row)) +
" " + str(row_id))
board_string += "\n " + "".join([str(i) for i in range(len(self))])
return board_string
def show(self, row_id, col_id):
cell = self[row_id][col_id]
if not cell.is_visible:
if (cell.is_mine and not
self.is_playing = False
elif self.count_surrounding(row_id, col_id) == 0:
for (surr_row, surr_col) in self.get_neighbours(row_id, col_id):
if self.is_in_range(surr_row, surr_col):, surr_col)
def flag(self, row_id, col_id):
cell = self[row_id][col_id]
if not cell.is_visible:
print("Cannot add flag, cell already visible.")
def place_mine(self, row_id, col_id):
def count_surrounding(self, row_id, col_id):
return sum(1 for (surr_row, surr_col) in self.get_neighbours(row_id, col_id)
if (self.is_in_range(surr_row, surr_col) and
def get_neighbours(self, row_id, col_id):
SURROUNDING = ((-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),
(0 , -1), (0 , 1),
(1 , -1), (1 , 0), (1 , 1))
return ((row_id + surr_row, col_id + surr_col) for (surr_row, surr_col) in SURROUNDING)
def is_in_range(self, row_id, col_id):
return 0 <= row_id < len(self) and 0 <= col_id < len(self)
def remaining_mines(self):
remaining = 0
for row in self:
for cell in row:
if cell.is_mine:
remaining += 1
if cell.is_flagged:
remaining -= 1
return remaining
def is_solved(self):
return all((cell.is_visible or cell.is_flagged) for row in self for cell in row)
def create_board(size, mines):
board = Board(tuple([tuple([Cell(False) for i in range(size)])
for j in range(size)]))
available_pos = list(range((size-1) * (size-1)))
for i in range(mines):
new_pos = random.choice(available_pos)
(row_id, col_id) = (new_pos % 9, new_pos // 9)
board.place_mine(row_id, col_id)
return board
def get_move(board):
INSTRUCTIONS = ("First, enter the column, followed by the row. To add or "
"remove a flag, add \"f\" after the row (for example, 64f "
"would place a flag on the 6th column, 4th row). Enter "
"your move: ")
move = input("Enter your move (for help enter \"H\"): ")
if move == "H":
move = input(INSTRUCTIONS)
while not is_valid(move, board):
move = input("Invalid input. Enter your move (for help enter \"H\"): ")
if move == "H":
move = input(INSTRUCTIONS)
return (int(move[1]), int(move[0]), move[-1] == "f")
def is_valid(move_input, board):
if move_input == "H" or (len(move_input) not in (2, 3) or
not move_input[:1].isdigit() or
int(move_input[0]) not in range(len(board)) or
int(move_input[1]) not in range(len(board))):
return False
if len(move_input) == 3 and move_input[2] != "f":
return False
return True
def main():
SIZE = 10
board = create_board(SIZE, MINES)
while board.is_playing and not board.is_solved:
(row_id, col_id, is_flag) = get_move(board)
if not is_flag:, col_id)
board.flag(row_id, col_id)
if board.is_solved:
print("Well done! You solved the board!")
print("Uh oh! You blew up!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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