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Created July 10, 2015 21:18
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LambdaCube logo in LambdaCube
clear = FrameBuffer $ (DepthImage @1 1000, ColorImage @1 navy) -- ...
triangleRasterCtx = TriangleCtx CullNone PolygonFill NoOffset LastVertex
colorFragmentCtx = AccumulationContext (DepthOp Less True, ColorOp NoBlending (V4 True True True True))
rasterizeWith = Rasterize
triangles = triangleRasterCtx
cubeVertexStream = Fetch "stream4" Triangles (Attribute "position4" :: Vec 4 Float)
mapFragments s fs = Accumulate colorFragmentCtx PassAll (\a -> FragmentOutRastDepth $ fs a) s clear
transform s f = Transform (\v -> VertexOut (f v) 1 () (Smooth v)) s
deg45 = 0.78539816339
deg60 = 1.0471975512
deg360 = 6.28318530718
phase = fract (time *! 0.2)
smoothPhase = phase *! phase *! (3 -! 2 *! phase)
rotate' v = rotMatrixY (4.1 +! smoothPhase *! deg360) *. rotMatrixZ (deg45 *! 3) *. v
-- x = right, y = up
leftSide p = V4 0 1 blue (if p%y > 0.75 then 0 else 1)
blue = dot p (V2 0.5 (-0.5)) +! 0.4
-- x = up, y = left
rightSide p = V4 (p%x *! p%x) 1 ((1 -! p%x) *! (1 -! p%x)) (if p%y > 0.75 then 0 else 1)
-- x = left, y = down
topSide p = V4 red 1 0 (if line > (-0.25) && line < 0 then 0 else 1)
red = dot p (V2 (-0.5) 0.5) +! 0.4
line = dot p (V2 1 (-1))
logo pos =
if abs pos%x > 0.99999 then rightSide (pos%yz *! sign pos%x *! 0.5 +! 0.5) else
if abs pos%y > 0.99999 then topSide (pos%zx *! sign pos%y *! 0.5 +! 0.5) else
if abs pos%z > 0.99999 then leftSide (pos%xy *! sign pos%z *! 0.5 +! 0.5) else black
main = cubeVertexStream
`transform` (scale (0.2 +! abs (0.5 -! smoothPhase) *! 0.6) . rotate')
& rasterizeWith triangles
`mapFragments` logo
& ScreenOut
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