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Last active December 22, 2017 17:28
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.include ""
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp passed_3sec
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
jmp reset
ldi r16, high(RAMEND)
out SPH, r16
ldi r16, low(RAMEND)
out SPL, r16
ldi r16, 0xFF
out DDRA, r16 ;port a is output
ldi r17, 0x00
out PORTA, r17 ;leds off
cli ;interrups dezactivated
ldi r16, 0b00001000 ;configuring USART:
out UCSRB, r16 ;300bps, 8bit, even parity, 2 bit stop
ldi r16, 0b10101110
out UCSRC, r16
ldi r16, 0x06 ;setting baud rate for 8Mhz
out UBRRH, r16
ldi r16, 0x81
out UBRRL, r16
ldi r16, 0b00000000 ;seting timer counter1
out TCCR1A, r16 ;mode CTC
in r16, TIMSK
andi r16, 0b11010011
ori r16, 0b00010000
out TIMSK, r16
ldi r16, 0x5B ; 0x5B8E = 23438
out OCR1AH, r16 ;23438 * 1/(8mhz/1024) ~= 3s
ldi r16, 0x8E
out OCR1AL, r16
ldi r16, 0b00001101 ;start timer
out TCCR1B, r16
sei ;activate interrups
rjmp bucla
in r20, SREG
ldi r16, 0b00010000
out PORTA, r16 ;led on
ldi r16, 0x6C ;ascii for "l"
out UDR, r16
call wait ;wait for data to be sent
ldi r16, 0x61 ;ascii for "a"
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x62 ;ascii for "b"
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x20 ;ascii for " "(SPACE)
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x6D ;ascii for "m"
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x69 ;ascii for "i"
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x63 ;ascii for "c"
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x72 ;ascii for "r"
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x6F ;ascii for "o"
out UDR, r16
call wait
ldi r16, 0x00
out PORTA, r16 ;led off
out SREG, r20
reti ;return from interrupt
in r16, UCSRA ;read the state of UCSRA
sbrs r16, UDRE ;check if UDRE is empty
rjmp wait ;UDRE is not empty, we wait more
ret ;UDRE is empty, we return from waiting
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