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Created March 6, 2021 21:46
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// Global variables
const cubeSize = 38;
let board;
let score = 0;
class GameScene extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor() {
super({ key: 'GameScene' });
preload() {
// Load images for board and cubes
this.load.spritesheet('blocks', '', {
frameWidth: cubeSize,
frameHeight: cubeSize
this.load.image('grid', '');
create() {
// Add background
this.add.image(0, 0, 'grid').setOrigin(0).setScale(0.50);
// Set boundaries of the game, 0, 480, 600);
// Create a 12 x 12 board
board = this.makeBoard(12);
// Create and display score
score = 0;
let scoreText = this.add.text(15, 610, `Score: ${score}`, {
fontSize: '25px',
fill: '#fff'
// Start and display a timer
this.initialTime = 60; // in seconds
let timerText = this.add.text(
`Time Left: ${formatTime(this.initialTime)}`,
{ fontSize: '25px', fill: '#fff' }
// Phaser timer event
delay: 1000, // in milliseconds = 1 second
callback: onTimedEvent,
callbackScope: this,
loop: true
// Helper function to format time in minutes and seconds
function formatTime(seconds) {
const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds %= 60;
const secondsString = seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return `${minutes}:${secondsString}`; // 08:00 for example
// Callback function for timer counts down or ends game
function onTimedEvent() {
if (this.initialTime === 0) {
} else {
timerText.setText(`Time Left: ${formatTime(this.initialTime)}`);
// Listener for clicks on cubes
this.input.on('gameobjectdown', function(pointer, cube, event) {
// Declare a constant, neighborCubes, below
const neighborCubes = getNeighbors();
// Remove matching cubes from game if there's at least 2 of them
if (neighborCubes.length > 0) {
// Update score
score += neighborCubes.length;
scoreText.setText(`Score: ${score}`);
// Update each cube in neighborCubes here
neighborCubes.forEach(neighbor => {
// Helper function moves cube sprites down
function renderCubes(cube) {
for (let row = 0; row < cube.row; row++) {
// Move cube sprite down by 30px
board[cube.col][row].y += cubeSize;
// Update the row of cube
board[cube.col][row].row += 1;
// Update board array
let removed = board[cube.col].splice(cube.row, 1);
board[cube.col] = removed.concat(board[cube.col]);
update() {
// If no more remaining valid moves, end game below
if (remainingMoves() === false) {
makeBoard(size) {
// A nested array, inner arrays represent empty columns
const board = Array(size).fill(Array(size).fill('x'));
// Add code to fill board array with cube sprites and return it
return, i) => {, j) => {
return this.makeCube(i, j);
makeCube(colIndex, rowIndex) {
const sideMargin = 31;
const topMargin = 30;
// Create a Phaser sprite
const cube = this.physics.add.sprite(
colIndex * cubeSize + sideMargin,
rowIndex * cubeSize + topMargin,
// Choose color randomly
const max = 3;
const min = 0;
const color = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
// Don't let cube move beyond edges of board
cube.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
// Set the cube to a specific color
// Make the cube clickable
// Add some information to make it easier to find a cube
cube.col = colIndex;
cube.row = rowIndex;
cube.removed = false;
return cube;
endGame() {
// Stop sprites moving
// Transition to end scene w/fade
this.cameras.main.fade(800, 0, 0, 0, false, function(camera, progress) {
if (progress > 0.5) {
// Helper function that only checks the immediate neighbors of a cube
const checkClosest = (cube) => {
const results = [];
// Coordinates of up, down, left, right cubes to check
const directions = [
{ row: 0, col: -1 },
{ row: 0, col: 1 },
{ row: -1, col: 0 },
{ row: 1, col: 0 }
const currCol = cube.col;
const currRow = cube.row;
const color =;
// Look for matching cube in 4 directions
directions.forEach(direction => {
// Coordinates of neighbor cube to check
const newCol = currCol + direction.col;
const newRow = currRow + direction.row;
// Exit if the new col or row doesn't exist or will be removed
if (
!board[newCol] ||
!board[newCol][newRow] ||
) {
// Check color of neighboring cube
if (color === board[newCol][newRow] {
// Return an array of neighboring cubes with the same color
return results;
// Helper function to get neighborCubes of a block
const getNeighbors = (cube) => {
// Variables
let start = cube;
let cubesToCheck = [start];
let validNeighborCubes = [];
// Check cubes in cubesToCheck for valid neighborCubes
while (cubesToCheck.length > 0) {
let curr = cubesToCheck.shift();
// Only collect cubes we haven't already removed as a valid neighbor
if (curr.removed === false) {
curr.removed = true;
// Add code to get matching cubes, below
const matches = checkClosest(curr);
matches.forEach(match => {
match.removed = true;
// If not enough matching cubes, clear and reset the clicked cube
if (validNeighborCubes.length === 1) {
validNeighborCubes[0].removed = false;
validNeighborCubes = [];
return validNeighborCubes;
// Helper function shifts removes empty columns
const removeCols = () => {
// Declare a emptyCols here:
// For each empty column, shift all remaining columns to the left
emptyCols.forEach(emptyCol => {
const columnsToMove = board.slice(emptyCol + 1);
// Update the properties of cubes of moved column
columnsToMove.forEach(col => {
col.forEach(cube => {
cube.x -= cubeSize;
// Remove all empty columns from the board array
board.splice(emptyCols[0], emptyCols.length);
// Helper function to check remaining moves
const remainingMoves = () => {
// Add code to return true or false at least 1 remaining move in board
const doesColumnContainValidMoves = (column) => {
return column.find(cube => !cube.removed && checkClosest(cube).length > 0) !== undefined;
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