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Created November 21, 2021 18:57
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# names of hurricanes
names = ['Cuba I', 'San Felipe II Okeechobee', 'Bahamas', 'Cuba II', 'CubaBrownsville', 'Tampico', 'Labor Day', 'New England', 'Carol', 'Janet', 'Carla', 'Hattie', 'Beulah', 'Camille', 'Edith', 'Anita', 'David', 'Allen', 'Gilbert', 'Hugo', 'Andrew', 'Mitch', 'Isabel', 'Ivan', 'Emily', 'Katrina', 'Rita', 'Wilma', 'Dean', 'Felix', 'Matthew', 'Irma', 'Maria', 'Michael']
# months of hurricanes
months = ['October', 'September', 'September', 'November', 'August', 'September', 'September', 'September', 'September', 'September', 'September', 'October', 'September', 'August', 'September', 'September', 'August', 'August', 'September', 'September', 'August', 'October', 'September', 'September', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'September', 'September', 'October']
# years of hurricanes
years = [1924, 1928, 1932, 1932, 1933, 1933, 1935, 1938, 1953, 1955, 1961, 1961, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2007, 2007, 2016, 2017, 2017, 2018]
# maximum sustained winds (mph) of hurricanes
max_sustained_winds = [165, 160, 160, 175, 160, 160, 185, 160, 160, 175, 175, 160, 160, 175, 160, 175, 175, 190, 185, 160, 175, 180, 165, 165, 160, 175, 180, 185, 175, 175, 165, 180, 175, 160]
# areas affected by each hurricane
areas_affected = [['Central America', 'Mexico', 'Cuba', 'Florida', 'The Bahamas'], ['Lesser Antilles', 'The Bahamas', 'United States East Coast', 'Atlantic Canada'], ['The Bahamas', 'Northeastern United States'], ['Lesser Antilles', 'Jamaica', 'Cayman Islands', 'Cuba', 'The Bahamas', 'Bermuda'], ['The Bahamas', 'Cuba', 'Florida', 'Texas', 'Tamaulipas'], ['Jamaica', 'Yucatn Peninsula'], ['The Bahamas', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'The Carolinas', 'Virginia'], ['Southeastern United States', 'Northeastern United States', 'Southwestern Quebec'], ['Bermuda', 'New England', 'Atlantic Canada'], ['Lesser Antilles', 'Central America'], ['Texas', 'Louisiana', 'Midwestern United States'], ['Central America'], ['The Caribbean', 'Mexico', 'Texas'], ['Cuba', 'United States Gulf Coast'], ['The Caribbean', 'Central America', 'Mexico', 'United States Gulf Coast'], ['Mexico'], ['The Caribbean', 'United States East coast'], ['The Caribbean', 'Yucatn Peninsula', 'Mexico', 'South Texas'], ['Jamaica', 'Venezuela', 'Central America', 'Hispaniola', 'Mexico'], ['The Caribbean', 'United States East Coast'], ['The Bahamas', 'Florida', 'United States Gulf Coast'], ['Central America', 'Yucatn Peninsula', 'South Florida'], ['Greater Antilles', 'Bahamas', 'Eastern United States', 'Ontario'], ['The Caribbean', 'Venezuela', 'United States Gulf Coast'], ['Windward Islands', 'Jamaica', 'Mexico', 'Texas'], ['Bahamas', 'United States Gulf Coast'], ['Cuba', 'United States Gulf Coast'], ['Greater Antilles', 'Central America', 'Florida'], ['The Caribbean', 'Central America'], ['Nicaragua', 'Honduras'], ['Antilles', 'Venezuela', 'Colombia', 'United States East Coast', 'Atlantic Canada'], ['Cape Verde', 'The Caribbean', 'British Virgin Islands', 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Cuba', 'Florida'], ['Lesser Antilles', 'Virgin Islands', 'Puerto Rico', 'Dominican Republic', 'Turks and Caicos Islands'], ['Central America', 'United States Gulf Coast (especially Florida Panhandle)']]
# damages (USD($)) of hurricanes
damages = ['Damages not recorded', '100M', 'Damages not recorded', '40M', '27.9M', '5M', 'Damages not recorded', '306M', '2M', '65.8M', '326M', '60.3M', '208M', '1.42B', '25.4M', 'Damages not recorded', '1.54B', '1.24B', '7.1B', '10B', '26.5B', '6.2B', '5.37B', '23.3B', '1.01B', '125B', '12B', '29.4B', '1.76B', '720M', '15.1B', '64.8B', '91.6B', '25.1B']
# deaths for each hurricane
deaths = [90,4000,16,3103,179,184,408,682,5,1023,43,319,688,259,37,11,2068,269,318,107,65,19325,51,124,17,1836,125,87,45,133,603,138,3057,74]
# 1
# Update Recorded Damages
conversion = {"M": 1000000,
"B": 1000000000}
# test function by updating damages
updated_damages = []
def convert_damages(damages, conversion):
for record in damages:
if record[-1] == "M":
new_value = float(record[:-1]) * conversion.get("M")
elif record[-1] == "B":
new_value = float(record[:-1]) * conversion.get("B")
new_value = record
convert_damages(damages, conversion)
# 2
# Create a Table
# Create and view the hurricanes dictionary
# 3
# Organizing by Year
hurricanes = {}
def create_hurricanes(names, months, years, max_sustained_winds, areas_affected, updated_damages, deaths):
for i in range(len(names)):
hurricanes[names[i]] = {"Name": names[i],
"Month": months[i],
"Year": years[i],
"Max Sustained Wind": max_sustained_winds[i],
"Areas Affected": areas_affected[i],
"Damage": updated_damages[i],
"Deaths": deaths[i]}
return hurricanes
create_hurricanes(names, months, years, max_sustained_winds, areas_affected, updated_damages, deaths)
# create a new dictionary of hurricanes with year and key
hurricanes_year = {}
def hurricane_by_year(hurricanes):
for name in hurricanes.values():
current_year = name['Year']
current_hurricane = name
if current_year not in hurricanes_year:
hurricanes_year[current_year] = [current_hurricane]
return hurricanes_year
# 4
# Counting Damaged Areas
affected_areas_count = dict()
def Counting_damaged_areas(hurricanes):
#affected_areas_count = dict()
for info in hurricanes:
for area in hurricanes[info]['Areas Affected']:
if area not in affected_areas_count:
affected_areas_count[area] = 1
affected_areas_count[area] += 1
# create dictionary of areas to store the number of hurricanes involved in
# 5
# Calculating Maximum Hurricane Count
def max_area_count(affected_areas_count):
max_area = ''
max_area_count = 0
for area in affected_areas_count:
if max_area_count < affected_areas_count[area] :
max_area = area
max_area_count = affected_areas_count[area]
#print(max_area, max_area_count)
return(max_area, max_area_count)
# find most frequently affected area and the number of hurricanes involved in
# 6
# Calculating the Deadliest Hurricane
def calculate_mortality(hurricanes):
max_mortality_name = ''
max_mortality = 0
for name in hurricanes:
if max_mortality < hurricanes[name]['Deaths']:
max_mortality_name = name
max_mortality = hurricanes[name]['Deaths']
#print(max_mortality_name, max_mortality)
# find highest mortality hurricane and the number of deaths
# 8
# Rating Hurricanes by Mortality
mortality_scale = {0: 0,
1: 100,
2: 500,
3: 1000,
4: 10000}
hurricanes_by_mortality = {0:[],1:[],2:[],3:[],4:[],5:[]}
def hurricanes_mortality(hurricanes):
for hurricane in hurricanes:
deaths = hurricanes[hurricane]['Deaths']
if deaths < mortality_scale[0]:
elif deaths > mortality_scale[0] and deaths <= mortality_scale[1]:
elif deaths > mortality_scale[1] and deaths <= mortality_scale[2]:
elif deaths > mortality_scale[2] and deaths <= mortality_scale[3]:
elif deaths > mortality_scale[3] and deaths <= mortality_scale[4]:
# categorize hurricanes in new dictionary with mortality severity as key
# 9 Calculating Hurricane Maximum Damage
def hurricanes_max_damage(hurricanes):
max_damage_name = ''
max_damage = 0
for name in hurricanes:
if hurricanes[name]['Damage'] != "Damages not recorded":
if max_damage < hurricanes[name]['Damage']:
max_damage_name = hurricanes[name]['Name']
max_damage = hurricanes[name]['Damage']
#print(max_damage_name, max_damage)
# find highest damage inducing hurricane and its total cost
# 9
# Rating Hurricanes by Damage
damage_scale = {0: 0,
1: 100000000,
2: 1000000000,
3: 10000000000,
4: 50000000000}
def hurricanes_damage_scale(hurricanes):
hurricanes_by_damage = {0:[], 1:[], 2:[], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[]}
for hurricane in hurricanes:
if hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] != "Damages not recorded":
if hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] > damage_scale[0] and hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] == damage_scale[0]:
hurricanes_by_damage[0] = hurricanes[hurricane]
elif hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] > damage_scale[0] and hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] <= damage_scale[1]:
hurricanes_by_damage[1] = hurricanes[hurricane]
elif hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] > damage_scale[1] and hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] <= damage_scale[2]:
hurricanes_by_damage[2] = hurricanes[hurricane]
elif hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] > damage_scale[2] and hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] <= damage_scale[3]:
hurricanes_by_damage[3] = hurricanes[hurricane]
elif hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] > damage_scale[3] and hurricanes[hurricane]['Damage'] <= damage_scale[4]:
hurricanes_by_damage[4] = hurricanes[hurricane]
hurricanes_by_damage[5] = hurricanes[hurricane]
#print (hurricanes_by_damage)
# categorize hurricanes in new dictionary with damage severity as key
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