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Created June 22, 2017 09:05
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def iterative_mergesort(arr):
range_length = len(arr)
if range_length < 2:
buf = [arr[i] for i in range(range_length)]
runs = range_length
merge_passes = get_number_of_merge_passes(runs)
if merge_passes % 2 == 0:
source = arr
target = buf
source = buf
target = arr
run_width = 1
while run_width < range_length:
run_index = 0
while run_index < runs - 1:
left_index = run_index * run_width
left_bound = left_index + run_width
right_bound = min(left_bound + run_width, range_length)
target_index = run_index * run_width
merge2(source, target, left_index, left_bound, right_bound, target_index)
run_index += 2
if run_index < runs:
start_index = run_index * run_width
for _ in range(range_length - start_index):
target[start_index] = source[start_index]
start_index += 1
old_runs = runs
runs = (runs >> 1)
if (old_runs & 1) == 1:
runs += 1
tmp_arr = source
source = target
target = tmp_arr
run_width <<= 1
def merge2(source, target, left_index, left_bound, right_bound, target_index):
right_index = left_bound
while left_index < left_bound and right_index < right_bound:
if source[right_index] < source[left_index]:
target[target_index] = source[right_index]
right_index += 1
target[target_index] = source[left_index]
left_index += 1
target_index += 1
while left_index < left_bound:
target[target_index] = source[left_index]
left_index += 1
target_index += 1
while right_index < right_bound:
target[target_index] = source[right_index]
right_index += 1
target_index += 1
def get_number_of_merge_passes(runs):
return 32 - get_number_of_leading_zeros(runs - 1)
def get_number_of_leading_zeros(integer):
mask = 1 << 31
number_of_leading_zeros = 0
while integer & mask == 0:
number_of_leading_zeros += 1
mask >>= 1
return number_of_leading_zeros
def milliseconds():
import time
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
def get_random_integer_array(len):
import random
return [random.randint(0, 1000000) for _ in range(len)]
def mergeSortAlgorithm(x):
listOfLists = []
for i in range(len(x)):
temp = [x[i]]
while len(listOfLists) != 1:
j = 0
while j < len(listOfLists)-1:
tempList = merge(listOfLists[j], listOfLists[j+1])
listOfLists[j] = tempList
del listOfLists[j+1]
j = j+1
def merge(a, b): #function to merge two lists in order
newList = []
count1, count2 = 0, 0
#basically, walk through each list, adding whichever element is smallest
while((count1 < len(a)) and (count2 < len(b))):
if a[count1] > b[count2]:
count2 = count2 + 1 #update the counter along b
elif a[count1] < b[count2]:
count1 = count1 + 1 #update the counter along a
elif a[count1] == b[count2]: #if they're equal, add the value from a first
count1, count2 = count1 + 1, count2 + 1 #update the counter on each
if count1 < len(a): #if the while loop exited with left-over values in a, add them
for f in range(count1, len(a)):
elif count2 < len(b): #do the same for b - the values are already in order so you're good
for k in range(count2, len(b)):
return newList
def main():
len = 100 * 1000
arr1 = get_random_integer_array(len)
arr2 = arr1[:]
arr3 = arr1[:]
start = milliseconds()
end = milliseconds()
print "iterative_mergesort in", end - start, "milliseconds."
start = milliseconds()
end = milliseconds()
print "mergeSortAlgorithm in", end - start, "milliseconds."
start = milliseconds()
end = milliseconds()
print "Python sort in", end - start, "milliseconds."
print arr1 == arr3
print arr2 == arr3
if __name__ == "__main__":
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