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Created July 13, 2014 04:17
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* GOZORK Text Adventure Game
* by apoc <>
* Inspired by the infamous beginning of Zork I.
* Reading the source will obviously spoil the game.
* The goal is to somehow kill the troll.
* Oh yeah and: This is my first GO program! Which would be
* my perfect excuse for the bad code quality1!
* Here is a solution/transcript:
package main
import (
// sort by string length:
type ByLength []string
func (s ByLength) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s ByLength) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s ByLength) Less(i, j int) bool {
return len(s[i]) < len(s[j])
type Object struct {
name string
desc string
adjectives []string
aliases []string
verbs map[string]func(*Object, *Player)
openable bool
open bool
// whether or not this object should be mentioned below the room description
fixture bool
// if this object can be picked up by the player
carryable bool
// Return true if the string matches the object.
func (o *Object) RespondTo(args []string) bool {
str := strings.Join(args, " ")
// match all adjectives
for _, adj := range o.adjectives {
if i := strings.Index(str, strings.ToUpper(adj)+" "); i == 0 {
str = str[len(adj)+1:]
if str == strings.ToUpper( {
return true
for _, alias := range o.aliases {
if str == strings.ToUpper(alias) {
return true
return false
func (o *Object) GetName() string {
res := "a " +
if o.openable {
if {
res += " (open)"
} else {
res += " (closed)"
return res
func (o *Object) GetDesc() string {
res := ""
if len(o.desc) > 0 {
res = o.desc
if o.openable {
res += "\n"
if o.openable {
if {
res += fmt.Sprintf("The %v is open.",
} else {
res += fmt.Sprintf("The %v is closed.",
return res
type ObjectContainer struct {
objects []*Object
func (c *ObjectContainer) AddObject(objs ...*Object) {
c.objects = append(c.objects, objs...)
func (c *ObjectContainer) RemoveObject(obj *Object) {
loc := -1
for i, val := range c.objects {
if val == obj {
loc = i
c.objects = append(c.objects[:loc], c.objects[loc+1:]...)
func (c *ObjectContainer) ObjectNames() (res string, err error) {
count := 0
res = ""
for i, obj := range c.objects {
if obj.fixture {
res += obj.GetName()
if i < len(c.objects)-2 {
res += ", "
} else if i == len(c.objects)-2 {
res += " and "
if count == 0 {
err = errors.New("no objects found")
func (c *ObjectContainer) FindObject(args []string) *Object {
for _, obj := range c.objects {
if obj.RespondTo(args) {
return obj
return nil
type Room struct {
name string
desc string
visited bool
// called when a player enters this room
enterFunc func(*Player)
// a function that can block exits if it returns false for the dir
exitFunc func(dir string) bool
// room exits:
n, s, w, e, up, down, in, out *Room
// a Room is a ObjectContainer (objects laying on the floor, or fixtures)
func (r *Room) ExitDirection(dir string) *Room {
if r.exitFunc != nil && !r.exitFunc(dir) {
return nil
switch dir {
case "NORTH":
return r.n
case "SOUTH":
return r.s
case "WEST":
return r.w
case "EAST":
return r.e
case "UP":
return r.up
case "DOWN":
return r.down
case "IN":
case "OUT":
return r.out
return nil
func (r *Room) Enter() {
r.visited = true
func (r *Room) Leave() {
type Player struct {
console *bufio.ReadWriter
room *Room
maxPoints byte
points byte
trollai TrollAI
dead bool
win bool
// a player is a object container (inventory)
// verbs are mapped to Player methods:
func (p *Player) Go(args []string) bool {
if newRoom :=[0]); newRoom != nil { = newRoom
} else {
p.Println("You can't go in that direction.")
return true
func (p *Player) Look(printDesc bool) bool {
if printDesc && != "" {
if objstr, err :=; err == nil {
p.Println("There is " + objstr + " here.")
return true
func (p *Player) LookAt(args []string) bool {
if len(args) == 0 {
return p.Look(true)
if obj := p.FindNearObject(args); obj != nil {
} else {
p.Printf("I don't see any %v here.\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
return true
func (p *Player) Take(args []string) bool {
if obj :=; obj != nil {
if obj.carryable && !obj.fixture {
} else {
p.Println("This can't be taken.")
} else {
p.Printf("I don't see any %v here.\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
return true
func (p *Player) Push(obj *Object) bool {
if obj != nil {
if cb := obj.verbs["PUSH"]; cb != nil {
cb(obj, p)
} else {
p.Println("You can't push this.")
} else {
p.Println("I don't know what you are referring to.")
return true
func (p *Player) Pull(obj *Object) bool {
if obj != nil {
if cb := obj.verbs["PULL"]; cb != nil {
cb(obj, p)
} else {
p.Println("You can't pull this.")
} else {
p.Println("I don't know what you are referring to.")
return true
func (p *Player) LookUnder(obj *Object) bool {
if obj != nil {
if cb := obj.verbs["LOOK UNDER"]; cb != nil {
cb(obj, p)
} else {
p.Println("You don't see anything out of the ordinary.")
} else {
p.Println("I don't know what you are referring to.")
return true
func (p *Player) Drop(args []string) bool {
if obj := p.FindObject(args); obj != nil {
} else {
p.Printf("I don't see any %v here.\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
return true
func (p *Player) Inventory(args []string) bool {
if objstr, err := p.ObjectNames(); err == nil {
p.Println("You are carrying " + objstr + ".")
} else {
p.Println("You are empty handed.")
return true
func (p *Player) Open(args []string) bool {
if obj := p.FindNearObject(args); obj != nil {
if obj.openable {
if ! { = true
} else {
p.Println("Already open.")
} else {
p.Println("I can't open that.")
} else {
p.Printf("I don't see any %v here.\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
return true
func (p *Player) Close(args []string) bool {
if obj := p.FindNearObject(args); obj != nil {
if obj.openable {
if { = false
} else {
p.Println("Already closed.")
} else {
p.Println("I can't close that.")
} else {
p.Printf("I don't see any %v here.\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
return true
func (p *Player) Wait() bool {
p.Println("Time passes.")
return true
func (p *Player) Help(args []string) bool {
p.Println("This is a text adventure game, the goal is to find and kill the troll.")
p.Println("The game only understands very simple single-verb, single-object sentences, for instance: PICK UP HAT, or OPEN DOOR etc.")
p.Println("The Verbs this game understands are: LOOK, LOOK AT, LOOK UNDER, PUSH, PULL, TAKE, DROP, WAIT, OPEN, CLOSE and INVENTORY.")
p.Println("Directions are: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP, DOWN, IN and OUT.")
p.Println("There are also many aliases for verbs and directions.")
return true
func (p *Player) GivePoints(off byte) {
p.points += off
p.Printf("(Your score increased by %d points, you now have %d/%d points.)\n", off, p.points, p.maxPoints)
func (p *Player) Die() {
p.dead = true
p.Println(" **** GAME OVER! You are dead.")
p.Printf("You managed to score %d out of %d possible points.\n", p.points, p.maxPoints)
func (p *Player) Win() { = true
p.Printf("You managed to score %d out of %d possible points.\n", p.points, p.maxPoints)
func (p *Player) FindNearObject(args []string) *Object {
// objects in the current room:
if obj :=; obj != nil {
return obj
// objects/items in the player inventory:
if obj := p.FindObject(args); obj != nil {
return obj
return nil
func (p *Player) ExecuteCommand(command string) bool {
verbMap := map[string]func([]string) bool{
"GO": func(args []string) bool { return p.Go(args) },
"LOOK": func(args []string) bool { return p.Look(true) },
"LOOK AT": func(args []string) bool { return p.LookAt(args) },
"TAKE": func(args []string) bool { return p.Take(args) },
"PUSH": func(args []string) bool { return p.Push(p.FindNearObject(args)) },
"PULL": func(args []string) bool { return p.Pull(p.FindNearObject(args)) },
"LOOK UNDER": func(args []string) bool { return p.LookUnder( },
"DROP": func(args []string) bool { return p.Drop(args) },
"OPEN": func(args []string) bool { return p.Open(args) },
"WAIT": func(args []string) bool { return p.Wait() },
"CLOSE": func(args []string) bool { return p.Close(args) },
"INVENTORY": func(args []string) bool { return p.Inventory(args) },
"XYZZY": func(args []string) bool { return true },
"HELP": func(args []string) bool { return p.Help(args) },
delegated := false
// we need to make sure to sort the verbs by length first:
verbs := []string{} // make([]string, len(verbMap))
for verb := range verbMap {
verbs = append(verbs, verb)
for _, verb := range verbs {
fn := verbMap[verb]
if verb == command {
delegated = fn(make([]string, 0))
} else if i := strings.Index(command, verb+" "); i == 0 {
command = command[len(verb)+1:]
delegated = fn(strings.Split(command, " "))
if !delegated {
p.Println("Sorry, what?")
} else {
return delegated
var verbAliasMap = map[string][]string{
"GO NORTH": {"N", "NORTH"},
"GO SOUTH": {"S", "SOUTH"},
"GO WEST": {"W", "WEST"},
"GO EAST": {"E", "EAST"},
"GO IN": {"IN", "INSIDE", "ENTER"},
"GO UP": {"UP"},
"GO DOWN": {"DOWN"},
"TAKE": {"PICK UP", "GET"},
"DROP": {"THROW"},
"WAIT": {"Z"},
func (p *Player) VerbAliasReplace(cmd string) string {
for verb, aliases := range verbAliasMap {
for _, alias := range aliases {
if alias == cmd {
return verb
} else if i := strings.Index(cmd, verb+" "); i == 0 {
return cmd
} else if i := strings.Index(cmd, alias+" "); i == 0 {
return strings.Replace(cmd, alias+" ", verb+" ", 1)
return cmd
func (p *Player) Println(line string) {
p.Printf(line + "\n")
func (p *Player) Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
line := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
func (p *Player) Run() {
p.Println("Welcome to GOZORK! Type HELP for help.")
// start the player west of the house
for {
cmd, err := p.console.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
p.Println("error reading console")
cmd = strings.ToUpper(strings.Trim(cmd, "\n"))
// replace alias mapping
cmd = p.VerbAliasReplace(cmd)
//fmt.Printf("[command read as: %v]\n", cmd)
if cmd == "QUIT" {
p.Println("Thanks for playing!")
if p.dead || {
// create a game world "instance" returning the starting room
func NewGameWorld() (*Room, *Room) {
const nothingSpecialDesc = "You don't see anything special about this."
// objects are items, furniture etc.
window := Object{
name: "Window",
desc: "A small window, it is too dirty to look inside the house.",
fixture: true,
openable: true,
adjectives: []string{"small"},
can := Object{
name: "Can",
carryable: true,
desc: "This is a unlabled can.",
trapdoor := Object{
name: "Trapdoor",
carryable: false,
openable: true,
aliases: []string{"door"},
rug := Object{
name: "Rug",
desc: "A large oriental rug is covering the floor, it looks very dusty and pale.",
fixture: true,
// its not openable, but we use the open flag to indicate if it was shoved aside
openable: false,
adjectives: []string{"large", "huge", "oriental", "dusty", "pale"},
aliases: []string{"floor"},
verbs: map[string]func(*Object, *Player){
"PUSH": func(object *Object, player *Player) {
player.Println("Pushing the rug won't do anything, instead you should try to pull it.")
"PULL": func(object *Object, player *Player) {
if ! {
player.Println("Pulling the rug aside, revealed a trapdoor.")
object.desc = "A large oriental rug lies rolled up on the floor, there is a trapdoor the rug was covering." = "Even in the day the room is sparsly lit. A large rug lies rolled up on the floor. The front door is boarded shut." = true
} else {
player.Println("Pulling the rug further won't accomplish anything.")
"LOOK UNDER": func(object *Object, player *Player) {
player.Println("Be more specific, how do you look under a rug exactly?")
fish := Object{
name: "Trout",
desc: "The smell of this rotten fish gives you a headache.",
adjectives: []string{"large", "smelly", "rotten"},
aliases: []string{"fish"},
bed := Object{
name: "Bed",
fixture: true,
desc: "You can't find anything interesting in the bed, but the smell gets worse near it.",
verbs: map[string]func(*Object, *Player){
"LOOK UNDER": func(object *Object, player *Player) {
if ! {
player.Println("Under the bed is a large smelly trout.\nTaken.")
// make the smell disappear:
object.desc = "You can't find anything interesting in the bed." = "There is only a bed and a wooden cabinet in this plain bedroom."
player.AddObject(&fish) = true
} else {
player.Println("There is nothing under the bed.")
cabinet := Object{
name: "Cabinet",
fixture: true,
desc: nothingSpecialDesc,
/* +----------------+
| |
+--------------------+ North of House +-------------+
| | | |
| +----------------+ |
v |
+ |
| \|/
+-------+-------+ +------------+ +---------+ +-------+------+
| | + | | | | | |
| West of House +--+ | Livingroom +--+ Kitchen +--+ Behind House |
| | + | | | | | |
+-------+-------+ +------------+ +---------+ +-------+------+
| /|\
+ |
^ |
| +----------------+ |
| | | |
+-------------------+ South of House +--------------+
| |
// rooms:
nhouse := Room{name: "North of House", desc: "The path leads around the house to the east."}
whouse := Room{name: "West of House", desc: "You are standing in an open field west of a white house with a boarded front door. Pathways lead north and south around the house."}
shouse := Room{name: "South of House", desc: "The pathway extends to the east behind the white house."}
bhouse := Room{name: "Behind House", desc: "To your west is a white house with a small window. Pathways lead north and south around the house.",
exitFunc: func(dir string) bool {
if dir == "WEST" || dir == "IN" {
return true
kitchen := Room{name: "Kitchen", desc: "The kitchen looks as if it weren't used for many years. The room opens to the west into the livingroom and a staircase leads upwards.",
exitFunc: func(dir string) bool {
if dir == "EAST" || dir == "OUT" {
return true
lroom := Room{name: "Living Room", desc: "Even in the day the room is sparsly lit. A huge rug is covering the floor. The front door is boarded shut.",
exitFunc: func(dir string) bool {
if dir == "DOWN" {
return true
bedroom := Room{name: "Bedroom", desc: "There is only a bed and a wooden cabinet in this plain bedroom. Something smells terrible, giving you a light headache."}
passage := Room{name: "Passage", desc: "You are standing in a damp narrow passageway. There is a ladder leading up, the passage continues to the north."}
troom := Room{name: "Troll Room", desc: "Light shines from the high ceiling to the remains of unlucky, half-eaten adventurers."}
// connections:
nhouse.w, nhouse.e = &whouse, &bhouse
whouse.n, whouse.s = &nhouse, &shouse
shouse.w, shouse.e = &whouse, &bhouse
bhouse.n, bhouse.s, bhouse.w = &nhouse, &shouse, &kitchen
kitchen.e, kitchen.w = &bhouse, &lroom
lroom.e = &kitchen = &kitchen
kitchen.up, kitchen.out = &bedroom, &bhouse
bedroom.down = &kitchen
lroom.down = &passage
passage.n, passage.up = &troom, &lroom
troom.s = &passage
// place objects in rooms:
bedroom.AddObject(&bed, &cabinet)
// return starting room and troll room:
return &whouse, &troom
// how many turns before the troll will kill the player
const trollDifficulty = 5
* The troll AI is very simple, it will follow the player around the house and
* kill him, if the player drops the fish the troll will die on food poisoning
* and the player will win.
type TrollAI struct {
troll Object
player *Player
// the room the troll is currently in:
room *Room
// indicates if player movements should "teleport" the troll too
follow bool
// turns until the troll will kill the player
aggro uint
func (ai *TrollAI) Turn() {
// win the game by giving him the fish
if fish :=[]string{"TROUT"}); fish != nil {
ai.player.Println("The troll sees the fish on the floor, immediately picks it up and eats it without chewing in a single gulp.")
ai.player.Println("The troll looks ill, slowly, the huge creature sinks onto the floor.")
ai.player.Println("The rotten fish killed the troll, by giving him food poisoning!")
// the can is not the solution but close:
if can :=[]string{"CAN"}); can != nil {
ai.player.Println("The troll sees the can on the floor, immediately picks it up and eats it without chewing in a single gulp.")
ai.player.Println("Still the beast looks hungry at you.")
// this also resets the aggro counter
if ai.aggro < trollDifficulty/2 {
ai.aggro = trollDifficulty / 2
if == {
if ai.aggro <= 0 {
// there is a chance you survive:
if rand.Intn(100) > 70 {
ai.player.Println("The troll strikes at you with his club, hitting you on the head.")
} else {
ai.player.Println("The troll leaps forward and tries to hit you with his club, but misses!")
// this resets the aggro counter
ai.aggro = trollDifficulty / 2
} else if ai.aggro == 3 {
ai.player.Println("The troll looks at you threateningly.")
func (ai *TrollAI) PlayerMove() {
if ai.follow {
// reset kill turn counter
ai.aggro = trollDifficulty
// do not follow the player outside (trolls cant fit through windows?
// also they would turn to stone in the sunlight!):
if == "Behind House" {
ai.follow = false
// move troll to where the player is: =
ai.player.Println("The monstrous creature follows you into the room!")
} else if == {
// player moved into the room where the troll is, follow him!
ai.follow = true
func (ai *TrollAI) Init(room *Room, player *Player) {
ai.aggro = trollDifficulty
ai.troll = Object{
name: "Troll",
carryable: false,
desc: "A huge, dangerous creature with sharp fanged teeth and a big broad nose. The monster is holding a heavy looking club in one of its enourmous hands.",
adjectives: []string{"huge", "dangerous"},
aliases: []string{"creature", "monster"},
room.AddObject(&ai.troll) = room
ai.player = player
func main() {
// everything goes through this buffered read/writer which
// would make it very easy to plug this onto a telnet server.
console := bufio.NewReadWriter(
player := Player{console: console, maxPoints: 11}
start, trollroom := NewGameWorld() = start
player.trollai.Init(trollroom, &player)
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