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Created May 21, 2012 21:09
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// breakpoint($breakpoint, $media: 'screen')
$breakpoint-default-feature: min-width !default
// create $breakpoint variables like so
// assume $breakpoint-default-feature if only a number
$breakpoint1: 500px
$breakpoint2: 30em
// set min-width/max-width if both values are numbers
$breakpoint3: 500px 700px
// if one value is a string, assume a feature/value pair
$breakpoint4: min-width 700px
$breakpoint5: max-width 700px
// for multidimensional lists, assume each item is a feature value pair
$breakpoint6: max-width 700px, orientation portrait
// handle one-sided features (ie. monochrome)
$breakpoint7: max-width 700px, orientation portrait, monochrome
$breakpoint8: monochrome
@function breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, $new-value, $feature: $breakpoint-default-feature)
$new-string: ''
@if $feature != false
$new-string: #{$query-string}unquote("and (#{$feature}: #{$new-value}) ")
$new-string: #{$query-string}unquote("and (#{$new-value}) ")
@return $new-string
=breakpoint($breakpoint, $media: 'screen')
// initialize string
$query-string: '#{$media} '
@if type-of($breakpoint) == number
// assume max-width if only a number
$query-string: breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, $breakpoint)
@if type-of($breakpoint) == string
// handle one-sided features (ie. monochrome)
$query-string: breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, $breakpoint, false)
@else if type-of($breakpoint) == list
@if (type-of(nth($breakpoint, 1)) == number) and (type-of(nth($breakpoint, 2)) == number)
// set min/max if both values are numbers
@if $modular-scale-loaded == true
$breakpoint: sort-list($breakpoint)
$query-string: breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, nth($breakpoint, 1), 'min-width')
$query-string: breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, nth($breakpoint, 2), 'max-width')
@else if (type-of(nth($breakpoint, 1)) == string)
// if one value is a string, assume a feature/value pair
$query-string: breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, nth($breakpoint, 2), nth($breakpoint, 1))
@else if (type-of(nth($breakpoint, 1)) == list)
// for multidimensional lists, assume each item is a feature value pair
@each $item in $breakpoint
@if type-of($item) == list
// $query-string: #{$query-string}unquote("and (#{nth($item, 1)}: #{nth($item, 2)}) ")
$query-string: breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, nth($item, 2), nth($item, 1))
// handle one-sided features (ie. monochrome)
$query-string: breakpoint-concatenate($query-string, $item, false)
// write out the media query
@media #{$query-string}
content: 'foo'
content: 'bar'
content: 'baz'
content: 'omg'
content: 'wtf'
content: 'bbq'
content: 'zztop'
+breakpoint($breakpoint1, print)
content: 'elp'
content: 'csny'
+breakpoint(30em 40em)
content: 'rhcp'
@media screen and (min-width: 500px) {
.foo {
content: "foo";
@media screen and (min-width: 30em) {
.bar {
content: "bar";
@media screen and (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 700px) {
.baz {
content: "baz";
@media screen and (min-width: 700px) {
.omg {
content: "omg";
@media screen and (max-width: 700px) {
.wtf {
content: "wtf";
@media screen and (max-width: 700px) and (orientation: portrait) {
.bbq {
content: "bbq";
@media screen and (max-width: 700px) and (orientation: portrait) and (monochrome) {
.zztop {
content: "zztop";
@media print and (min-width: 500px) {
.elp {
content: "elp";
@media screen and (monochrome) {
.csny {
content: "csny";
@media screen and (min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 40em) {
.rhcp {
content: "rhcp";
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