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Last active February 23, 2022 15:23
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// ============================================================
// Definition of a variable
// ============================================================
const welcome = 'Hello';
console.log(typeof(welcome)); // string
// ============================================================
// Types
// ============================================================
const welcome = 'Hello';
let length = 2;
const isHidden = false;
// ============================================================
// Concatenation
// ============================================================
const presentation = 'I have';
let age = 32;
console.log(presentation + ' ' + age); // I have 32
console.log(`${presentation} ${age}`); // I have 32
// ============================================================
// Mutation
// ============================================================
const welcome = 'Hello';
let length = 2;
welcome = 't';
length = 3;
console.log(welcome); // error
console.log(length); // no error
// ============================================================
// Conversion
// ============================================================
console.log('3' + 2); // 32
console.log('3' - 2); // 1
console.log('five' * 2); // NaN
// ============================================================
// Scope
// ============================================================
const doors = 5; // global
function getDoors() {
const bathrooms = 1; // local
function getBathRooms() {
console.log(bathroom); // error
console.log(getDoors()); // 5
console.log(getBathRooms()); // undefined
// ============================================================
// Naming conventions
// ============================================================
// bad
const str = 'Marie';
// good
const firstName = 'Marie';
// bad
const zero = 0;
// good
const total = 0;
// bad
const open = true;
const hidden = false;
// good
const isOpen = true;
const isHidden = false;
# ============================================================
# Definition of a variable
# ============================================================
welcome = 'Hello'
print(type(welcome)) # <class 'str'>
# ============================================================
# Types
# ============================================================
welcome = 'Hello'
length = 2
isHidden = False
# ============================================================
# Concatenation
# ============================================================
presentation = 'I have'
age = 32
print(presentation + ' ' + str(age)) # I have 32
print("%s %s" % (presentation, str(age))) # I have 32
# ============================================================
# Mutation
# ============================================================
length = 2
length = 3
print(length) # 3
# ============================================================
# Conversion
# ============================================================
print('3' + str(2)) # 32
print('five' * str(2)) # Error
# ============================================================
# Scope
# ============================================================
doors = 5 # global
def getDoors():
bathrooms = 1 # local
def getBathRooms():
print(bathroom) # error
print((getDoors())) # 5
print(getBathRooms()) # None
# ============================================================
# Naming conventions
# ============================================================
# bad
str = 'Marie'
# good
first_name = 'Marie'
# bad
zero = 0
# good
total = 0
# bad
open = True
hidden = False
# good
is_open = True
is_hidden = False
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