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Created April 17, 2013 18:00
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A genetic algorithm function in clojure.
(ns genetic-algorithm.core
(:use (clojure set))
(defn ga
"Main function for running the genetic algorithm.
This will perform the fitness -> selection -> crossover -> mutation cycle
until we have reached the maximum number of generations or our termination
condition specified by terminate? is satisfied.
fitness : A function that can take an individual and return a fitness score for that individual.
selection : A fn that takes a population (with fitness metadata) and performs selection returning a new population.
crossover : A fn that takes a population and performs crossover, returning a new population.
mutation : A fn which takes a population and mutation rate as a parameter and returns a mutated population.
terminate? : A function that takes the population (with fitness metadata) and determines if the ga should terminate.
intial-population : A collection representing the initial population.
tmax : The maximum number of generations for which to run the algorithm.
mr : The mutation rate. P(mutation)
Returns: A tuple [generation, population]
The population at the time of termination has fitness metadata. "
[fitness selection crossover mutation terminate? initial-population tmax mr]
(loop [t 1, pt initial-population]
(let [pt (map #(with-meta %1 {:fitness (fitness %1)}) pt)]
(println (str "Generation " t " [" (count pt) "]"))
(or (> t tmax) (terminate? pt)) [t pt]
:else (recur
(+ t 1)
(map #( mutation mr %1))))))))
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