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slast slang, an AST DSL, at last.

caveat emptor

This document supposes you know NQP and the QAST API. It is in state of flux so it contains both raw thoughts, inconsistencies and fossils. Parts of the doc that are more glossary like probably have a more consistent terminology.

The implementation is not yet public or in very experimental form in dirty git branches in Pod formating is missing all over the place. The document purposes are multiple. It will eventually turn into a user guide but it is currently geared at explaining the choices made and driving the implementation. It may still contain cryptic notes to my own usage. And here and there, there are apparently random code pastes that are or may prove relevant to the design or implementation.

ast and atm : 2 slangs to deal with ASTs

In the rakudo toolkit, like in other compiler toolkits, after a parsing pass, a compiler generates an abstract syntax tree (AST) and statically optimizes it. Downward operations are specific to the backend and are beyond the scope of this doc. By nature, the API to generate the AST is very regular and very verbose. Error prone to write and hard to read. Let us use slangs to the rescue !

Slangs are Perl 6 parlance for DSL. Unlike most DSLs, many slangs can be artfully weaved within the main language.

A good introduction to DSLs is

To generate an AST, we will use the ast slang. To pattern match within an AST tree, we will use the atm slang, atm meaning ast tree matching. In these doc, we will suppose the main language to be nqp. Few modifications to the examples will be necessary to make it usable from Perl 6.

The ast and atm slangs are named after the phaser keyword that introduce them.

We are starting very slowly, in a pointillist fashion which may frustrating to some. If you are not faint of heart, to catch the big picture go to directly "Full fledged example".

Code in the ast slang is introduced by the phaser AST

AST 42;

We will often drop the QAST to talk about the classes of the QAST API. So we will say IVal instead of QAST::IVal.

Compiling AST::42 will result in executing code equivalent to :op<callmethod>, :name<new>,,;

Which will result in creating the code for generating an IVal. 42);

Code in the atm slang is introduced by the phaser ATM.

ATM 42;       # 1 if $_ is the QAST::Ival for 42
ATM $_ ~~ 42  # equivalent form

Combining the two slangs, below, if the value of $_ is the IVal for 42, we replace it by the evil IVal for 666.

AST 666 if ATM 42

Two slangs with similar syntax

The two slangs are deliberately similar even if one is aimed at generating ASTs while the other at matching them; or to be precise, ast slang is used to generate ASTs, while the atm slang pattern matches (part of) AST (sub)trees. Also, in the simplest cases, ast and atm syntaxes mimic nqp to make the learning curve less steep. As an intended result, ast and atm provides huffmanizations similar to nqp. But don't be fooled, ast is just a slang generating an AST, and atm to pattern match an AST. Implementation wise, The similarity of ast and atm makes possible to factorize part of their grammars in a role herited by both.

As AST code, the following four lines are equivalent and would generate the call to the &infix:<.> operator. Subsequent code would add the operand. As ATM code. the first two would match such a code and the last two as well but without operand, which is admittedly menaingless but that can be corrected to admit paraters with Whatever and HyperWhatever

Call &infix:<,>
Op :op<call> :name<&infix:<,>>

ATM &infix:<,>(**)     # match with any number of arguments
ATM &infix:<,>(*,*)    # matches with exactly two arguments

Some more examples of ast slang.

ast slang can express QAST node either in short form or, if available for the given node type, in terse form. The normal form being using the QAST API instead of the ast slang.

AST 42          # terse form
AST IVal 42     # short form

# generates nqp::say(42)
AST say 42      # terse within terse
AST Op say 42   # terse with short

# generates say(42)
AST &say(42)    # terse within terse
AST Call say 42  # tricky, really an Op node

nqp:: calls are more common than function calls so the syntax is shorter.

Constructing piecemeal an ast

my $ast := AST 42;
AST say $ast;      # $ast is an NQP/Perl 6 variable interpolated in ast

Within ast or atm. every code parsed by the NQP/Perl 6 rule Variable can be interpolated just like it is in an double quoted expression. Here we interpolate a var containing an int, so we must use a short form. A conversion is done, so we can pass a any value which is intify-able.

my int $i := 42;
AST say Ival $i;

my @a = (AST 1), (AST 2);
AST  &say(|@a)  # Nte : is the pipe necessary here ?

Motivating example

As a motivating and running example, we use a program with a dead branch and some of its variations.

Below, the $french variable is known at compile time so the program is equivalent to nqp::say $salut.

const $french = 1;
nqp::say $french ?? 'salut' !! 'hi'

The resulting tree is equivalent to the following one generated using the QAST API.<say>,<if>,,<salut>),<hi>)))

 AST if($french, 'salut', 'hi')

Replacing the constant $french by its value, the code becomes

AST say if 0,  'salut', 'hi'

The ast slang provides syntactic sugar for opcodes that implement control flow

AST say     0 ??  'salut' !!  'hi'
AST say     if 0  { 'salut' } else { 'hi' }

If we wanted to generate a call to the &say function as opposed to the say opcode we would have written:

AST &say(  0 ??  'salut' !!  'hi' )

Now, let's do our faking of dead code elimination.

my $if :=  AST  0 ?? 'salut' !! 'hi' # generate the tree

Remember, it is a short <$if := AST if 0, 'salut', 'hi'> so that $if[0] eq AST 'salut because it is the first children of the Op if.

$if := (ATM 0) ?? AST $if[1] !!  AST $if[2]                    # optimize it
$if := ATM 0   ??     $if[1] !!      $if[2];                   # same, smarter

Some more splicing

If the expression to be spliced is more complex than a variable or a postcircumfixed variable one should use triple braces: {{{ ... }}}. But nothing precludes you to use triple braces even in these simple cases.

$if := (ATM 0) ?? AST   $if[1]    !!  AST $  if[2]


$if := (ATM 0) ?? AST {{ if[1] }} !!  AST {{ $if[2] }}                    

 $if := ATM 0   ??     $if[1]    !!      $if[2];                
 $if := ATM 0   ?? {{  $if[1] }} !! {{   $if[2] }};             

Splicing is used to pass information from the surrounding environment to the slang. Here it is an AST subtree, later the name of a variable to be generated, or a string to be interpolated in a double quoted string.

my $french = 1;
my $if :=  AST if $french { 'salut' } else { 'hi' }
$if := ATM 0 ?? $if[1] !! $if[2];

The $french variable is a compile time entity, In the generated tree a QAST::IVal with value 1 appears in its place. More example of variable interpolation in the ast slang.

my $op := 'say';
my $s  := 'Tom';
AST Op $op "hi $s"; # the opcode is given by the value of $op

The last line is equivalent to

AST Op $op concat 'hi',   $s;
AST Op $op         'hi' ~ $s; # maybe

Now, we want a function call

my $name := 'say';
AST Op :name($name) 'hi'

AST Call $name  'hi'
AST &$name  'hi'

Generating a Var

Now suppose $french is a lexical variable to appe ar in the compiled source code. So it is now an altogether different beast which lives at a diferent time. There is still a dead branch, but to detect it one needs to do control flow analysis. It would prouve that $$french can only be 1 in the second statement.

We would manually generate the code using

AST { bind( $$french :decl :my, 1);  if $$french { 'salut' } else { 'hi' }}

We want the binding operation to standout. There is an obvious syntax for that.

AST { $$french :decl :my :=1; if $$french { 'salut' } else { 'hi' }}

Note the doubled sigil in $$french, even if the generated variable is $french. Also note the bracing { ... }, an huffmanization to avoid an explicit Stmts( ... ). A Block would be written using double braces {{ ... }}.

The previous ast code is equivalent to the QAST code:<bind>,<$french>, :scope<lexical>, :decl<var>)),,<call>, :name<say>,<if>,<$french>, :scope<lexical>),<salut>),<hi>))))

We don't need to hardcode the name of the generated var. Below it is passed as the value of $<lang>.

my $lang = 'french';
AST { $$lang :decl :my :name($lang) :=1;  if $$lang { 'salut' } else { 'hi' }}

Also the syntax is streamlined. :my stands for the :scope<lexical> and the :decl stands for :decl<var> while :param would stand for :decl<param. Also within an phaser, we don't need to repeat the adverb for a given variable because the phaseer remembers them.

We can further streamline $$lang:name($lang) into $$$lang.

We have hardly scratched the surface of our two slangs. But now, you know the gist of them. You should figure out from existing code. Also, to eat our own dog food, atm is implemented using many AST phasers. So tasty you want to carry the dog food in a doggy bag !

The extensibility relies on the possibility to dynamically add new instructions to the bytecode. This can be done from a dynamically linked library.

According to the water bed, the QAST API simplicity means: code using it is verbose. The analysis of existing code relying on the QAST API now allows to design a huffmanizing syntax.

So Slast is part of an effort to huffmanize the compiler code. It does not affect what is generated. slast does not invalidate existing code. This spec also documents nqp-lite and the atm slang because, when possible, they use similar conventions.

As any good DSL, slast huffmanizes special purpose code. This comes at the cost of learning additional conventions. When dealing with code, the writer and reader are not bogged down with details irrelevant to them. Using the AST phaser, slast code is tightly weaved into an host language (HL) to generate ASTs for code compiled from a source language (SL).

code in source        HL with AST phasers
language         ------------------------------------->   QAST Tree

slast appears

Le mot et la chose

We continue Jonathan's tradition to name programs using slavic names. Beside meaning slang AST, Slast is czek for pleasure and is apparented to sladký, russian for sweet. Slast is sweet indeed. Depensing on context, we use slast to denote the ast slang, or both ast and atm slangs.

Full fledged example

The first example is extreme because all QAST::Nodes appears in their terse form, meaning their class name QAST::Op does not appear. Below hllize ... is the terse form equivalent to the short form Op('hllize', ...). With the QAST API, that would be<hllize, ...)>. We explain the example, glossing over many details.

The example is a translation tp slast of real code. That code generates code for the .^ operator. The four lines of the AST phaser replaces sixteen lines of bureaucratic QAST code.

register_op_desugar('p6callmethodhow', -> $qast {
  $qast   := $qast.shallow_clone();
  AST {
    $$temp :decl :unique<how_invocant> := $qast.shift;
    hllize (how $$temp)->($$$temp, |$qast);

The ast code is introduced by the AST phaser. It seamlessly mixes generated vars (genvars) and HL vars. Genvars slast names have doubled sigils to distinguish them from HL vars. Every HL postcircumfix expression appears directly in slast code. We recognize them because they start with an HL var name; here, this is true of $qast.shift and $

QAST::Op nodes appears as simple fonction calls, here hllize and how. Their arguments don't need to be parenthesed.

$$temp :unique<how_invocant> creates a genvar declaration using QAST::Node.unique to generate a unique genvar name from 'how_invocant'.

When convenient, ast mimics the Perl 6 syntax albeit often with some variations. Here := stands for<bind>); The -> arrow stands for<methodcall>) and {{ ... }} for a Note the -> for generated method calls is often necessary to distinguish generated method calls from HL method calls.

Finally, the stitching of QAST subtrees held by HL vars is made easier with |$qast, here to form the arguments of the method call.

Finally, while concise, the slast expression is more explicit than its QAST API based counterpart because $ makes clear that the method name is set by the code which create $qast. We could not use it if it was not set somewhere.

round-tripping dumper

slast comes with a dumper (TBD) so one can round trip. But looking at a dump, you would miss one slast defining feature, being driven by informations from the host language.

A good syntax highlighter should use a different background for slast zones and revert to the normal background for HL sub-zones within slast. To reformulate a previous statement, these sub-zones are absent in a slast dump. Slast syntax is so slick these sub-zones don't need explicit splice syntax.


Slast is an AST generator language:

with a concise syntax for expressing AST nodes =item driven by information from the host language

In this section, we will gloss over the slast AST node syntax except for QAST::Vars because, in the given examples, it will mirror the syntax of the source language so no introduction is necessary. We will focus on the fact that slast deals with two kind of variables: HL vars and generated QAST::Vars.

slast concept and vocabulary

slast is the language introduced by the AST phaser to avoid the top heavy QAST API normally used to generate an AST tree.

The source language (SL) is the language which is compiled and for which slast generated a parse tree. source code is code in source language.

The host language is the code in which the compiler code is written. Slast is breaded into the host language.

A source var is a var that explicitely appears in the source code.

A HL var is an host language var used within slast. It must be a lexical var with a sigil. An HL var is used to pass information to slast. An HL var is a compile time only entity.

A source var explicitely appears in the source language.

A genvar is a generated QAST::Var. HLL like Perl 6 have many genvars wich have no direct source var counterpart. A genvar name may not have the morphology of a Perl variable name with a sigil.

An SL var is a slast language var. It is a device to talk about genvars The slast code can be run many times during compilation so the denotated genvar var is well defined at a given time but can change over time. In other words many genvars can be generated fron the same SL var.

HL and SL vars start by a sigils, but the sigil is doubled in the SL vars, so they can be interpolated within a double quoted string. HL vars are interpolated at compile time while SL and genvars are at runtume.

The SL var $$nominal is used to create a a genvar named $nominal. The genvar name is obtained by dropping a sigil from the SL var name. You may want to explicitely specify the genvar name.


A fancy way to implement my $nominal = 'nominal; say "cog$nominal". Sourced genvar $nominal is automatically derived from SL var $$nominal. HL var $cog is interpolated at compile time.

my $cog = 'cog';
AST { $$nominal :decl := 'nominal'; say "$cog$$nominal }

From the $$var SL var, e generate thre genvars $zero One two using the :name($_) adverb. Not all of them have Perl 6 morphology.

my $i := 0;
my @asts;
push @asts, AST $var :name($_) :decl for  < $zero 0ne two >

Some more examples using variables

Below is a previous example but with a variation. AST -{ ... } (note the dash) generates a Statements node while AST { ... } generates a Block node outside the Statements node. Probably the statement node may be ommitted if the block contains only The :decl adverb declares the variable. It would be :param. The default scope is local, so here the :loc adverbe is implit. It would be :my for a lexical.

my $cog = 'cog';
AST = -{ $$nominal :decl := 'nominal';  say "$cog$$nominal" }

This is equivalent to :

my $foo = 'cog';<bind>,<>, :decl<var>),'nominal'))
       QAST::Op(:op<call>, :name< <&infix:<~> >>),$foo)),<$bar>)

In the previous example, the SL var name is $$nominal and the genvar name is $nominal. We can't derive genvar name from a SL var name if the later does not have Perl var morphology

my str $cog = 'cog';
   $$nomonql :decl :local :genvar<?bork> ' := 'nominal';
   say "$foo$$bar"

my str $cog = 'cog';
for 0..2 {
   AST (
     $$nomina :decl :unique := 'nominal';
     say "$cog$$nominal";

my str $cog = 'cog';
     $nominal_1 :decl := 'nominal1';
     say "$cog$$nominal";
     $$nominal_2 :decl := 'nominal2';
     say "$cog$$nominal";

We will say more about SL vars later. We just wanted to early hammer out the relationship between SL vars, HL vars and genvars.

Double quoting

slast double quoting is special because it handles interpolation of both HL and SL vars. No special syntax is needed. HL and SL vars start with a sigil. Double quoting exceptional syntactical compactness makes it a powerful huffmanization device. It is double special in slast because we need to interpolate both HL vars and SL vars. :s :a :h adverbs affects the interpolation of HL vars while their uppercase counterparts affects SL vars.

$a      HL var
$$a     SL var

Also, one should be able to say if a postcircumfix operator is SL or HL As in normal double quoting, parenthesis are needed in the last occurrence of chained method calls.

+ [ BVal | Block | CompUnit | CompileTimeValue | Ival | InLinePlaceHolder + | Nval | Op | ParamTypeCheck | Regex | Sval | SpecialArg | Stmt | Stmts | Unquote + | VM | Var | VarWitthFallback | Wval | Want ] + }

SL and slast expressions

One can splice HL code within slast code. Below the nqp::rand is executed at compile time.

AST { $$a :decl := {{{ nqp::rand() }}};

Method calls

Assuming in slast $$a = 42 and in HL my $a = 33 $a is SL var so it really translate to a constant at run time if not constant folded at during compile time or run time optimization. For the sake of the example, we suppose that the HL has <.perl> methods (which it has not!).

print $a.perl           # 33.perl
print $a.perl()         # 33         .perl executed at compile time
print $a->perl()        # 33         ->perl executed at run time
print $a->perl->perl()  # "33"       like .perl.perl executed at run time

When chaining postcircumfix, if the invocant is a runtime entity, there is no way for the postcircumfix at its right be a compile time entity, so it must be a runtime one. Because there is no ambiguity for the attentive reader, t he -> can be written as a ..

print "$a->perl.perl()"  # "33"       like .perl.perl executed at run time
print "$$a->perl()"         42        -> ok
print "$$a.perl()"          42       ...but not needed, $$a is SL
print "$$a.perl.perl()"  # "42"      like $$a.perl.perl executed at run time

Typical examples

$past := AST $lhs_ast->STORE: $rhs_ast :nosink

# without
$past :=
   :op('callmethod'), :name('STORE'),
   $lhs_ast, $rhs_ast);
$past.annotate('nosink', 1);

# with
#  NAST is a phaser, that adds generated code for :node($/)
NAST $node->words( autoderef => 1 )->Slip;

# without
 :value(1), :named('autoderef') )

simple examples for nqp::, function and method calls

In the examples. the SL is a nqp-ish language.

nqp::say('Hi!')                                      # SL
AST say('Hi!')                                       # slast :op<say>, :value<Hi!>  # AST

AST &say('Hi!') :op<call>, :value<Hi!>

AST 'Hi!'->say :op<callmethod>, :name<say>, :value<Hi!>

Using -> to generate a method call lets us splice HL method calls in slast using ., so without any syntactic overhead.

HL variables and expressions within slast

One can use HL variables to pass AST subtrees from the HL to the AST phaser.

my QAST::Node $ast = AST 'Hi!';
AST say($ast);

In fact one can use any postcircumfix expression starting with a HL variable, the method call example mentionned before:

AST say $/<key>.ast

This avoids to use an intermediary variable

my $ast := $/<key>.ast
AST say $ast

or the top ugly explicit splicing

AST say {{{ $/<key>.ast }}}

With a contextual prefix, one can pass a non AST value to the phaser that converts it to the type implied by the prefix to generate the appropriate QAST subtree:

my Str $str = 42;
AST say(+$str);

Again, that works with HL postcircumfix expressions

AST +$/<key>

SL variables

Creating QAST::Vars is easy too.

AST $$/->ast

Code SL : my $var-name := 42 ; nqp::say($var-name)

SL var declarators and adverb

:param> :lex, :lexref, :ocal, :attr

:flat, :slurpy

unique vars

We need unique vars that span AST expressions

SL variable and lexpads

When declared, infos about a var are automatically added to the current block symbol table, called a lexpad. Infos for subsquent instances of a var are looked in the englobing lexpads.

By default a var scope is lexical and its decl attribute is var.

XAST foo is short for self.cur_lexpad()[0].push: AST foo.

Adverbs and node named parameters

In an AST phaser, adverbs have the same syntax as Perl 6 but do not appear in the same position. Unlike adverbs, named parameters appear directly after a parenthesis or a comma. The => syntax is reserved for generating pairs not adverbs, so the two forms are equivalent

AST key => 1
QAST::Ival(:value(1), :named(1))

Node named parameters my $say = 'say'; AST {{ :immediate Op($say, 42) :node($/) }}

NAST {{ :immediate Op($say, 42) }}

Annotations as adverbs

Annotation are expressed as adverbs

sub block_closure($code) {
  AST $closure.p6capturelex($code->clone) :pasblock($code) :code_object($code)

Literals generate the corresponding AST code. If you want a literal to be just that within slast, prefix it by the appropriate pseudo prefix.

:answer(42)     # the answer annotation is the AST for 42
:answer(+42)    # the answer annotation is 42

# the answer annotation is 42
my $int := 42;
 l    AST $ast :answer(!+int)

# the answer annotation is the AST for 42
my $int := 42;
AST $ast :answer(+int)

Annotated SL vars

the code in parentheses for the value of the pair is implicitely spliced, it is SL code. Not AST code AST $$/ :flat(1)

In that case, we can use the pair syntax with the implicit 1 value

AST $$/ :flat

Parentheses must be used to separate variable adverbs and expression annotation when the expression is an adverbed var.

AST ($/ :flat) :comment<a-match>

Quick summary

Within an AST phaser, vars and literals, with or without prefix, a summary:

42                    # generates the AST for 42
+42                   # really a literal
$var                  # no prefix. $var is a HL var containing an AST
+$var                 # cast a HL var to generate a QAST::IVal
!+$var                # casted HL var is used as is, say, in an annotation
                      # with eponymous sigilname
   $$var              # generates Var with name $$var
   $$$var             # genereates VAR with name given by HL var $var
     :unique<aname>          # name passed thru QAST::Node.unique
expr :note<foo>     # .annotate('note', 'foo')

For simple code, slast code often deceptively looks like source code when AST phaser components can be expressed in their terse form. So far, we have only seen terse forms. Some AST nodes have no terse form, QAST::Op nodes have many.

Node short forms are a simplified form of the corresponding QAST API with some parameters that were named becoming positional.

Implementation note : probably, they will use a derived node type so that the new method will not use named parameters opening optimizing opportunities

AST 42                        # terse form
AST Ival(+42)                 # short form with positional

So why a short form when a terse one is available ? When the node is dependent on HL vars, you must use the the short form.

nqp::say( 42 );                                     # source form :op<say>, :value(42)  # AST form
AST say 42;                                         # terse form
AST Op('say', +42)                                   # short form

if the Op name is given by an HL variable, then he can't use the terse form

my $say = 'say'
AST Op(~$say, 42);  #  one must use the short form.

correspondance between forms depending on node type

short form                                   source form       terse form
IVal(+42)                                     42                42
NVal(+42.0)                                   42.0              42.0
SVal(~'42')                                   '42'              '42'
WVal(Forty::Two)                             Forty::Two        Forty::Two
                                             { 42 }            {{ 42 }}
Stmts                                                          {  42  }
NodeList(...)                                                   [ ...  ]
Op('call', :name<&say>, +42)                 say(42)           &say(42)
Op('say', +42)                               nqp::say(42)      say(42)
Op('callmethod>' :name<&say>, +42)           42.say            42.say
Op('if', IVal(42), IVal(33), IVal(666))      42 ?? 33 !! 666   if 42 { 33 } else { 666 }

A terse form may do more than the short form. For example the terse form for a block does execute a push_lexpad wich generated an AST with a QAST::Stmts withing QAST::Block witch is pushed on the lexpad stack.

nqp::bindattr($code_obj, $code_type, '$!clone_callback', nqp::null());
$code_obj.'$!clone_callback' ::= null

when using annotation on a construct that uses adverbs, parenthesize that construct. Today this is only true of SL vars

(\@ARGS :flat(1)) :an-annotation<annotated>

NAST ... NAST :node($/)

fake node types

The QAST has few node type and uses named parameters to distinguish subnode types. Slast allows but does not oblige to promote subnode types for sake of concision.

Op(:name<call>, 'say' ... )
Call(~'say', ... )

MethodCall(~'say', ... )

Regex( :rxtype(alt), ... )
RxAlt( ... )

More huffmanizing for the win

Often, combined with nqp-lite, slast allows to make code symmetry apparent. Below the two first actions use slast and nqp lite while the third is unchanged. Being unilines, it is easy to vertically align identical structures.

act backslash:sym<r>  { make can($/.CURSOR, 'parsing_heredoc')  ??  AST "\r"   !! "\r";     }
act backslash:sym<rn> { make can($/.CURSOR, 'parsing_heredoc')  ??  AST "\r\n" !! "\r\n";   }
method backslash:sym<t>($/) {
    make nqp::can($/.CURSOR, 'parsing_heredoc')
        ?? :value("\t") )
        !! "\t";

In the previous example act made implicit the first parameter $/. Here ast additionally drops the make when the method is a simple slast expression.

ast metachar:sym<:my> { Regex( $parse :qastnode :declarative) }

 # without.
 method metachar:sym<:my>($/) {
    my $past := $<statement>.ast;
    make $past, :rxtype('qastnode'), :subtype('declarative') );

The nast keyword is similar to the NAST phaser so one can drop the :node($/)

nast metachar:sym<{ }> { Regex $<codeblock>.ast :qastnode }


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

Around line 300:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'sladký,'. Assuming UTF-8

Around line 370:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 379:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 451:

Unknown directive: =note

Around line 748:

Unknown directive: =note

Around line 866:

Unknown directive: =note

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