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#include "\A3\ui_f_curator\ui\"
#define VALUE_INFINITY "\a3\Ui_F_Curator\Data\RscCommon\RscAttributeInventory\infinity_ca.paa"
#define VALUE_NUMBER "#(argb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)"
_filterIDCs = [
switch _mode do {
case "onLoad": {
//--- Get weapons and magazines from curator addons
_curator = getassignedcuratorlogic player;
_weaponAddons = missionnamespace getvariable ["RscAttrbuteInventory_weaponAddons",[]];
_types = [
_typeMagazine = _types find "Magazine";
_list = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];
_magazines = []; //--- Store magazines in an array and mark duplicates, so they don't appear in the list of all items
_addon = tolower _x;
_addonList = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];
_addonID = _weaponAddons find _addon;
if (_addonID < 0) then {
_weapon = tolower _x;
_weaponType = (_weapon call bis_fnc_itemType);
_weaponTypeCategory = _weaponType select 0;
_weaponTypeSpecific = _weaponType select 1;
_weaponTypeID = -1;
if (_weaponTypeSpecific in _x) exitwith {_weaponTypeID = _foreachindex;};
} foreach _types;
//_weaponTypeID = _types find (_weaponType select 0);
if (_weaponTypeCategory != "VehicleWeapon" && _weaponTypeID >= 0) then {
_weaponCfg = configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon;
_weaponPublic = getnumber (_weaponCfg >> "scope") == 2;
_addonListType = _addonList select _weaponTypeID;
if (_weaponPublic) then {
_displayName = gettext (_weaponCfg >> "displayName");
_picture = gettext (_weaponCfg >> "picture");
_item = gettext (_x >> "item");
_itemName = gettext (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _item >> "displayName");
_displayName = _displayName + " + " + _itemName;
} foreach ((_weaponCfg >> "linkeditems") call bis_fnc_returnchildren);
_displayNameShort = _displayName;
_displayNameShortArray = toarray _displayNameShort;
if (count _displayNameShortArray > 41) then { //--- Cut when the name is too long (41 chars is approximate)
_displayNameShortArray resize 41;
_displayNameShort = tostring _displayNameShortArray + "...";
_type = if (getnumber (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon >> "type") in [4096,131072]) then {1} else {0};
_addonListType pushback [_displayName,_displayNameShort,_weapon,_picture,_type,false];
//--- Add magazines compatible with the weapon
if (_weaponPublic || _weapon in ["throw","put"]) then {
//_addonListType = _addonList select _typeMagazine;
_muzzle = if (_x == "this") then {_weaponCfg} else {_weaponCfg >> _x};
_magazinesList = getarray (_muzzle >> "magazines");
// Add magazines from magazine wells
_magazinesList append (getArray _x);
}foreach configproperties [configFile >> "CfgMagazineWells" >> _x,"isArray _x"];
} foreach getArray (_muzzle >> "magazineWell");
_mag = tolower _x;
if ({(_x select 2) == _mag} count _addonListType == 0) then {
_magCfg = configfile >> "cfgmagazines" >> _mag;
if (getnumber (_magCfg >> "scope") == 2) then {
_displayName = gettext (_magCfg >> "displayName");
_picture = gettext (_magCfg >> "picture");
_addonListType pushback [_displayName,_displayName,_mag,_picture,2,_mag in _magazines];
_magazines pushback _mag;
} foreach _magazinesList;
} foreach getarray (_weaponCfg >> "muzzles");
} foreach getarray (configfile >> "cfgpatches" >> _x >> "weapons");
_weapon = tolower _x;
_weaponType = _weapon call bis_fnc_itemType;
_weaponTypeSpecific = _weaponType select 1;
_weaponTypeID = -1;
if (_weaponTypeSpecific in _x) exitwith {_weaponTypeID = _foreachindex;};
} foreach _types;
//_weaponTypeID = _types find (_weaponType select 0);
if (_weaponTypeID >= 0) then {
_weaponCfg = configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _weapon;
if (getnumber (_weaponCfg >> "scope") == 2) then {
_displayName = gettext (_weaponCfg >> "displayName");
_picture = gettext (_weaponCfg >> "picture");
_addonListType = _addonList select _weaponTypeID;
_addonListType pushback [_displayName,_displayName,_weapon,_picture,3,false];
} foreach getarray (configfile >> "cfgpatches" >> _x >> "units");
_weaponAddons set [count _weaponAddons,_addon];
_weaponAddons set [count _weaponAddons,_addonList];
} else {
_addonList = _weaponAddons select (_addonID + 1);
_current = _list select _foreachindex;
_list set [_foreachindex,_current + (_x - _current)];
} foreach _addonList;
} foreach (curatoraddons _curator);
//--- Sort
{_x sort true;} foreach _list;
missionnamespace setvariable ["RscAttrbuteInventory_weaponAddons",_weaponAddons];
RscAttributeInventory_list = _list;
//--- Get current cargo
_cargo = [
getweaponcargo _entity,
getmagazinecargo _entity,
getitemcargo _entity,
getbackpackcargo _entity
_virtualCargo = [
_entity call bis_fnc_getVirtualWeaponCargo,
_entity call bis_fnc_getVirtualMagazineCargo,
_entity call bis_fnc_getVirtualItemCargo,
_entity call bis_fnc_getVirtualBackpackCargo
_xCargo = _cargo select _foreachindex;
_index = (_xCargo select 0) find _x;
if (_index < 0) then {
(_xCargo select 0) set [count (_xCargo select 0),_x];
(_xCargo select 1) set [count (_xCargo select 1),-1];
} else {
(_xCargo select 1) set [_index,-1];
} foreach _x;
} foreach _virtualCargo;
RscAttributeInventory_cargo = [[],[]];
RscAttributeInventory_cargo set [0,(RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 0) + (_x select 0)];
RscAttributeInventory_cargo set [1,(RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 1) + (_x select 1)];
} foreach _cargo;
_classes = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 0;
{_classes set [_foreachindex,tolower _x];} foreach _classes;
//--- Get limits
_cfgEntity = configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _entity;
_cfgTransportMaxBackpacks = getnumber (_cfgEntity >> "transportMaxBackpacks");
_cfgTransportMaxMagazines = getnumber (_cfgEntity >> "transportMaxMagazines");
_cfgTransportMaxWeapons = getnumber (_cfgEntity >> "transportMaxWeapons");
RscAttributeInventory_loadBackpack = if (_cfgTransportMaxBackpacks > 0) then {1 / _cfgTransportMaxBackpacks} else {1e10};
RscAttributeInventory_loadMagazine = if (_cfgTransportMaxMagazines > 0) then {1 / _cfgTransportMaxMagazines} else {1e10};
RscAttributeInventory_loadWeapon = if (_cfgTransportMaxWeapons > 0) then {1 / _cfgTransportMaxWeapons} else {1e10};
//--- Init UI
_display = _params select 0;
_ctrl = _display displayctrl _x;
_ctrl ctrladdeventhandler [
format ["with uinamespace do {['filterChanged',[ctrlparent (_this select 0),%1],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;};",_foreachindex]
} foreach _filterIDCs;
RscAttributeInventory_selected = 0;
["filterChanged",[_display],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;
_ctrlList = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_LIST;
_ctrlList ctrladdeventhandler ["lbselchanged",{with uinamespace do {["listSelect",[ctrlparent (_this select 0)],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;};}];
_ctrlList ctrladdeventhandler ["lbdblclick",{with uinamespace do {["listModify",[ctrlparent (_this select 0),+1],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;};}];
_ctrlArrowLeft = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_ARROWLEFT;
_ctrlArrowLeft ctrladdeventhandler ["buttonclick",{with uinamespace do {["listModify",[ctrlparent (_this select 0),-1],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;};}];
_ctrlArrowRight = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_ARROWRIGHT;
_ctrlArrowRight ctrladdeventhandler ["buttonclick",{with uinamespace do {["listModify",[ctrlparent (_this select 0),+1],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;};}];
_ctrlButtonCustom = _Display displayctrl IDC_RSCDISPLAYATTRIBUTES_BUTTONCUSTOM;
_ctrlButtonCustom ctrlsettext localize "str_disp_arcmap_clear";
_ctrlButtonCustom ctrladdeventhandler ["buttonclick",{with uinamespace do {["clear",[ctrlparent (_this select 0)],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;};}];
case "filterChanged": {
_display = _params select 0;
//_ctrlFilter = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_FILTER;
//_cursel = lbcursel _ctrlFilter;
_cursel = if (count _params > 1) then {_params select 1} else {RscAttributeInventory_selected};
RscAttributeInventory_selected = _cursel;
_ctrlList = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_LIST;
_ctrlLoad = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_LOAD;
_ctrlFilterBackground = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_FILTERBACKGROUND;
_list = uinamespace getvariable ["RscAttributeInventory_list",[[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]];
_items = [];
if (_cursel > 0) then {
_items = _list select (_cursel - 1);
} else {
{_items = _items + _x;} foreach _list;
_items sort true;
lnbclear _ctrlList;
_types = _x;
_x params ["_displayName","_displayNameShort","_class","_picture","_type","_isDuplicate"];
if (_type in _types && (!_isDuplicate || _cursel > 0)) then {
_classes = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 0;
_values = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 1;
_index = _classes find _class;
_value = if (_index < 0) then {
_index = count _classes;
_classes set [_index,_class];
_values set [_index,0];
} else {
_values select _index
if ((_cursel == 0 && _value != 0) || (_cursel > 0)) then {
_lnbAdd = _ctrlList lnbaddrow ["",_displayNameShort,if (_value < 0) then {""} else {str _value},""];
_ctrlList lnbsetdata [[_lnbAdd,0],_class];
_ctrlList lnbsetvalue [[_lnbAdd,0],_value];
_ctrlList lnbsetvalue [[_lnbAdd,1],_type];
_ctrlList lnbsetpicture [[_lnbAdd,0],_picture];
_ctrlList lnbsetpicture [[_lnbAdd,3],if (_value < 0) then {VALUE_INFINITY} else {VALUE_NUMBER}];
_alpha = if (_value != 0) then {1} else {0.5};
_ctrlList lnbsetcolor [[_lnbAdd,1],[1,1,1,_alpha]];
_ctrlList lnbsetcolor [[_lnbAdd,2],[1,1,1,_alpha]];
_ctrlList lbsettooltip [_lnbAdd,_displayName];
if (_cursel == 0 && _value != 0) then {
_coef = switch _type do {
case 0: {RscAttributeInventory_loadWeapon};
case 1: {0};
case 2: {RscAttributeInventory_loadMagazine};
case 3: {RscAttributeInventory_loadBackpack};
default {0};
_ctrlLoad progresssetposition (progressposition _ctrlLoad + (_value max 0) * _coef);
} foreach _items;
} foreach [[0,1,3],[2]];
_ctrlList lnbsetcurselrow 0;
["listSelect",[_display],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;
//--- Update UI
_delay = if (isnil "_curator") then {0.1} else {0};
_ctrl = _display displayctrl _x;
_color = [1,1,1,0.5];
_scale = 0.75;
if (_foreachindex == _cursel) then {
_color = [1,1,1,1];
_scale = 1;
_ctrl ctrlsettextcolor _color;
_pos = [_ctrl,_scale,_delay] call bis_fnc_ctrlsetscale;
if (_foreachindex == _cursel) then {
_ctrlFilterBackground ctrlsetposition _pos;
_ctrlFilterBackground ctrlcommit 0;
} foreach _filterIDCs;
case "listModify": {
_display = _params select 0;
_add = _params select 1;
_ctrlList = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_LIST;
_ctrlLoad = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_LOAD;
_cursel = lnbcurselrow _ctrlList;
_class = _ctrlList lnbdata [_cursel,0];
_value = _ctrlList lbvalue (_cursel * 4); //--- ToDo: Use lnbValue once it's fixed
_type = _ctrlList lbvalue (_cursel * 4 + 1); //--- ToDo: Use lnbValue once it's fixed
_classes = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 0;
_values = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 1;
_index = _classes find _class;
if (_index >= 0) then {
_coef = switch _type do {
case 0: {RscAttributeInventory_loadWeapon};
case 1: {0};
case 2: {RscAttributeInventory_loadMagazine};
case 3: {RscAttributeInventory_loadBackpack};
default {0};
_value = _value + _add;
//if (_value < 0 || (_value == 0 && _add > 0)) then {_add = -_add;};
_load = progressposition _ctrlLoad + _add * _coef;
if ((_load <= 1 && _value >= -1) || _value == 0) then {
if (_value > 0 || (_value == 0 && _add < 0)) then {_ctrlLoad progresssetposition _load};
_values set [_index,_value];
_ctrlList lnbsetvalue [[_cursel,0],_value];
_ctrlList lnbsettext [[_cursel,2],if (_value < 0) then {""} else {str _value}];
_ctrlList lnbsetpicture [[_cursel,3],if (_value < 0) then {VALUE_INFINITY} else {VALUE_NUMBER}];
_alpha = if (_value != 0) then {1} else {0.5};
_ctrlList lnbsetcolor [[_cursel,1],[1,1,1,_alpha]];
_ctrlList lnbsetcolor [[_cursel,2],[1,1,1,_alpha]];
["listSelect",[_display],objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;
case "listSelect": {
private ["_display","_ctrlList","_cursel","_value","_ctrlArrowLeft","_buttonText"];
_display = _params select 0;
_ctrlList = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_LIST;
_cursel = lnbcurselrow _ctrlList;
_value = _ctrlList lbvalue (_cursel * 4); //--- ToDo: Use lnbValue once it's fixed
_ctrlArrowLeft = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_ARROWLEFT;
_buttonText = if (_value <= 0) then {format ["<img image='%1' size='0.7' />",VALUE_INFINITY]} else {"-"};
_ctrlArrowLeft ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext _buttonText;
_ctrlArrowLeft ctrlenable (_value > -1);
case "clear": {
_values = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 1;
_values set [_foreachindex,0];
} foreach _values;
["filterChanged",_params,objnull] call RscAttributeInventory;
_display = _params select 0;
_ctrlLoad = _display displayctrl IDC_RSCATTRIBUTEINVENTORY_LOAD;
_ctrlLoad progresssetposition 0;
case "confirmed": {
_display = _params select 0;
clearweaponcargoglobal _entity;
clearmagazinecargoglobal _entity;
clearbackpackcargoglobal _entity;
clearitemcargoglobal _entity;
_entity call bis_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo;
_entity call bis_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo;
_entity call bis_fnc_removeVirtualMagazineCargo;
_entity call bis_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo;
_classes = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 0;
_values = RscAttributeInventory_cargo select 1;
_items = [];
_weapons = [];
_magazines = [];
_backpacks = [];
if (_x != 0) then {
_class = _classes select _foreachindex;
switch true do {
case (getnumber (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _class >> "type") in [4096,131072]): {
if (_x < 0) then {
_items set [count _items,_class];
} else {
_entity additemcargoglobal [_class,abs _x];
case (isclass (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _class)): {
if (_x < 0) then {
_weapons set [count _weapons,_class];
} else {
_entity addweaponcargoglobal [_class,abs _x];
case (isclass (configfile >> "cfgmagazines" >> _class)): {
if (_x < 0) then {
_magazines set [count _magazines,_class];
} else {
_entity addmagazinecargoglobal [_class,abs _x];
case (isclass (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _class)): {
if (_x < 0) then {
_backpacks set [count _backpacks,_class];
} else {
_entity addbackpackcargoglobal [_class,abs _x];
} foreach _values;
[_entity,_items,true] call bis_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
[_entity,_weapons,true] call bis_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;
[_entity,_magazines,true] call bis_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
[_entity,_backpacks,true] call bis_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo;
case "onUnload": {
RscAttributeInventory_list = nil;
RscAttributeInventory_cargo = nil;
RscAttributeInventory_selected = nil;
RscAttributeInventory_loadBackpack = nil;
RscAttributeInventory_loadMagazine = nil;
RscAttributeInventory_loadWeapon = nil;
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