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Created June 6, 2019 20:31
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_mode = if ((count _this) == 0) then {"auto"} else {_this select 0};
with uiNamespace do {
_display = if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_shown", false]) then {BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_display} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_display};
_ctrlGroup = if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_shown", false]) then {BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_ctrlDetailsControlsGroup} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsControlsGroup};
_detailsList = if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_shown", false]) then {BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_ctrlDetailsList} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlDetailsList};
_roleList = if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_shown", false]) then {BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_ctrlRoleList} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlRoleList};
_combo = if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_shown", false]) then {BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_ctrlComboLoadout} else {BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlComboLoadout};
// Diagnostics:
["_display: %1, _ctrlGroup: %2,_detailsList: %3,_roleList: %4,_combo %5",_display,_ctrlGroup,_detailsList,_roleList,_combo] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
//=== Functions ===
_fnc_handler = //handlers for hiding of control when clicked outside of it
_state = _this select 0;
switch (_state) do
case "create":
if (isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerDisplay"}) then
missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerDisplay", _display displayAddEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown",
[] spawn
sleep 0.05;
_timerDetails = uiNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerTimer",0];
_timerCombo = uiNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_comboHandlerTimer",0];
_timer = if (_timerCombo > _timerDetails) then {_timerCombo} else {_timerDetails};
if ((time - 0.2) > _timer) then
{ //no control handler in last 0.2s, which means the click was outside the control and the control should be closed
["close"] spawn BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails;
if (isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerCombo"}) then
missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerCombo", _combo ctrlAddEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown",
uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_comboHandlerTimer",time]
if (isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerGroup"}) then
missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerGroup", _ctrlGroup ctrlAddEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown",
uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerTimer",time]
case "remove":
_display displayRemoveEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerDisplay", -1]];
missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerDisplay", nil];
_ctrlGroup ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerGroup", -1]];
missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerGroup", nil];
_combo ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerCombo", -1]];
missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControls_detailsHandlerCombo", nil];
_fnc_addItems = {
_cfg = _this select 0;
_previewObject = objNull;
//--- Parse description
_cfgWeapons = configfile >> "CfgWeapons";
_cfgMagazines = configfile >> "CfgMagazines";
_cfgVehicles = configfile >> "CfgVehicles";
_cfgGoggles = configfile >> "CfgGoggles";
_itemData = {
_itemCfg = _this select 0;
_itemCount = _this select 1;
if (isclass _itemCfg) then {
_itemName = _itemCfg call bis_fnc_displayName;
_picture = gettext (_itemCfg >> "picture");
_text = _text + format [
"<img image='%1' size='1.5' shadow='0' /> %2<t align='right'>%3</t><br />",
_drawCategory = {
_text = _text + "<img image='#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)' size='0.8' /><br />";
_weaponData = {
_cfgWeapon = _cfgWeapons >> (_this select 0);
if (isclass _cfgWeapon) then {
[_cfgWeapon,1] call _itemData;
[_cfgWeapons >> _x,1] call _itemData;
} foreach (_this select 1);
_magazineID = _magazineTypes find (tolower _x);
if (_magazineID >= 0) then {
[_cfgMagazines >> _x,_magazineCounts select _magazineID] call _itemData;
_magazineTypes set [_magazineID,""];
} foreach getarray (_cfgWeapon >> "magazines");
[] call _drawCategory;
_filterArray = {
_input = _this select 0;
_outputTypes = _this select 1;
_outputCounts = _this select 2;
while {count _input > 0} do {
_item = _input select 0;
_outputTypes set [count _outputTypes,tolower _item];
_outputCounts set [count _outputCounts,{_item == _x} count _input];
_input = _input - [_item];
_text = "";
if (isnull _previewObject) then {_previewObject = (typeof player) createvehiclelocal [10,10,-10];};
[_previewObject,_cfg] call bis_fnc_loadInventory;
_magazines = magazines _previewObject;
_magazineTypes = [];
_magazineCounts = [];
[_magazines,_magazineTypes,_magazineCounts] call _filterArray;
[primaryweapon _previewObject,primaryweaponitems _previewObject] call _weaponData;
[secondaryweapon _previewObject,secondaryweaponitems _previewObject] call _weaponData;
[handgunweapon _previewObject,handgunitems _previewObject] call _weaponData;
[_cfgMagazines >> _x,_magazineCounts select _foreachindex] call _itemData;
} foreach _magazineTypes;
[] call _drawCategory;
[_cfgWeapons >> uniform _previewObject,1] call _itemData;
[_cfgWeapons >> vest _previewObject,1] call _itemData;
[_cfgVehicles >> backpack _previewObject,1] call _itemData;
[_cfgWeapons >> headgear _previewObject,1] call _itemData;
[_cfgGoggles >> goggles _previewObject,1] call _itemData;
[] call _drawCategory;
_assignedItems = assignedItems _previewObject;
_assignedItems = _assignedItems - [headgear _previewObject,goggles _previewObject];
_assignedItemsTypes = [];
_assignedItemsCounts = [];
[_assignedItems,_assignedItemsTypes,_assignedItemsCounts] call _filterArray;
[_cfgWeapons >> _x,_assignedItemsCounts select _foreachindex] call _itemData;
} foreach _assignedItemsTypes;
_items = items _previewObject;
_items = _items - _magazines;
_itemsTypes = [];
_itemsCounts = [];
[_items,_itemsTypes,_itemsCounts] call _filterArray;
[_cfgWeapons >> _x,_itemsCounts select _foreachindex] call _itemData;
} foreach _itemsTypes;
_text = "<t size='0.8'>" + _text + "</t>"; //using small font
//info stored in _text and it requires structured text component
_detailsList ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _text;
_h = ctrlTextHeight _detailsList;
_curPos = ctrlPosition _detailsList;
_detailsList ctrlSetPosition [_curPos select 0,_curPos select 1,_curPos select 2,_h];
_detailsList ctrlCommit 0;
_fnc_list = { //processing all items of loadout and fill them in the list
_curSelList = lbCurSel _roleList;
_curSelCombo = lbCurSel _combo;
if !(_curSelCombo < 0) then { //there is something selected
_metadata = ["get",_curSelList] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuInventoryMetadata;
_loadouts = _metadata select 1;
_comboText = _combo lbText _curSelCombo;
//--- Find correct item in metadata
_loadoutArray = [];
if ((_x select 1) isEqualTo _comboText) exitWith {_loadoutArray = _x};
} forEach _loadouts;
//--- Metadata for item found, process it
if ((count _loadoutArray) > 0) then {
_cfg = _loadoutArray select 2;
[_cfg] call _fnc_addItems;
//=== Main part ===
switch (_mode) do {
case "auto": { //--- auto mode - detects current state and changes it
if (BIS_RscRespawnControls_details) then {
//details opened - close it
_detailsList ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "";
_ctrlGroup ctrlSetFade 1;
_ctrlGroup ctrlCommit 0;
_ctrlGroup ctrlEnable false;
["remove"] call _fnc_handler;
BIS_RscRespawnControls_details = false;
} else {
//details closed - open it
_ctrlGroup ctrlEnable true;
_ctrlGroup ctrlSetFade 0;
_ctrlGroup ctrlCommit 0;
["create"] call _fnc_handler;
call _fnc_list;
ctrlSetFocus _ctrlGroup;
BIS_RscRespawnControls_details = true;
case "open": { //--- open mode - opens details, doesn't care what is the current status
_ctrlGroup ctrlEnable true;
_ctrlGroup ctrlSetFade 0;
_ctrlGroup ctrlCommit 0;
["create"] call _fnc_handler;
call _fnc_list;
ctrlSetFocus _ctrlGroup;
BIS_RscRespawnControls_details = true;
case "close": { //--- close mode - closes details, doesn't care what is the current status
_detailsList ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "";
_ctrlGroup ctrlSetFade 1;
_ctrlGroup ctrlCommit 0;
_ctrlGroup ctrlEnable false;
["remove"] call _fnc_handler;
BIS_RscRespawnControls_details = false;
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