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Last active October 19, 2018 16:11
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// arguments
private _function = {_x^2};
private _minX = -5;
private _maxX = 5;
private _minY = -1;
private _maxY = 9;
private _secondaryXAxisDistance = 1;
private _secondaryYAxisDistance = 1;
private _pointCount = 50;
private _size = 0.55;
private _width = _size * safezoneW;
private _height = _size * safezoneH * (getResolution#4);
private _left = 0.5 - _width/2; // centered
private _top = 0.5 - _height/2; // centered
private _colorBackground = [.05,.05,.05,1];
private _colorAxis = [0.9,0.9,0.9,1];
private _colorCaption = [0.9,0.9,0.9,1];
private _colorCurve = [0,0.8,0,1];
// create display
"commy_graph" cutRsc ["RscTitleDisplayEmpty", "PLAIN", 0, false];
private _display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscTitleDisplayEmpty";
private _vignette = _display displayCtrl 1202;
_vignette ctrlShow false;
// create canvas
private _canvas = _display ctrlCreate ["RscMapControlEmpty", -1];
_canvas ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0];
_canvas ctrlSetPosition [_left, _top, _width, _height];
_canvas ctrlCommit 0;
// calc world coordinates
private _right = _left + _width;
private _bottom = _top + _height;
_canvas posScreenToWorld [_left, _top] params ["_mapLeft", "_mapTop"];
_canvas posScreenToWorld [_right, _bottom] params ["_mapRight", "_mapBottom"];
private _mapWidth = _mapRight - _mapLeft;
private _mapHeight = _mapTop - _mapBottom;
private _lineWidth = _mapHeight*.5/100; // 0.5% of canvas
// add draw script
private _rectangles = [];
_canvas setVariable ["commy_rectangles", _rectangles];
_canvas ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", {
params ["_canvas"];
_x params ["_rectanglePos", "_rectangleWidth", "_rectangleHeight", "_rectangleAngle", "_rectangleColor"];
_canvas drawRectangle [
} forEach (_canvas getVariable "commy_rectangles");
// create background
_rectangles pushBack [
[_mapLeft + _mapWidth/2, _mapTop - _mapHeight/2],
// axes
private _xOrigin = linearConversion [_minX, _maxX, 0, 0, _mapWidth];
private _yOrigin = linearConversion [_minY, _maxY, 0, 0, _mapHeight];
private _posOrigin = [_xOrigin, _yOrigin, 0] vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0];
_canvas posWorldToScreen _posOrigin params ["_posOriginLeft", "_posOriginTop"];
_rectangles pushBack [
[_mapWidth/2, _yOrigin, 0] vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0],
_rectangles pushBack [
[_xOrigin, _mapHeight/2, 0] vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0],
private _secondaryAxisLineWidth = _lineWidth/4;
private _captionWidth = _width/20;
private _captionHeight = _height/20;
private _text = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1];
_text ctrlSetPosition [_posOriginLeft, _posOriginTop, _captionWidth, _captionHeight];
_text ctrlCommit 0;
_text ctrlSetStructuredText text "0";
_text ctrlSetTextColor _colorCaption;
if (_secondaryYAxisDistance > 0) then {
for "_y" from _secondaryYAxisDistance to _maxY step _secondaryYAxisDistance do {
private _posY = linearConversion [_minY, _maxY, _y, 0, _mapHeight];
private _pos = [_mapWidth/2, _posY, 0] vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0];
_rectangles pushBack [
_canvas posWorldToScreen _pos params ["", "_posTop"];
if (_posTop + _captionHeight < _bottom) then {
private _text = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1];
_text ctrlSetPosition [_posOriginLeft, _posTop, _captionWidth, _captionHeight];
_text ctrlCommit 0;
_text ctrlSetStructuredText text str _y;
_text ctrlSetTextColor _colorCaption;
for "_y" from -_secondaryYAxisDistance to _minY step -_secondaryYAxisDistance do {
private _posY = linearConversion [_minY, _maxY, _y, 0, _mapHeight];
private _pos = [_mapWidth/2, _posY, 0] vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0];
_rectangles pushBack [
_canvas posWorldToScreen _pos params ["", "_posTop"];
if (_posTop + _captionHeight < _bottom) then {
private _text = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1];
_text ctrlSetPosition [_posOriginLeft, _posTop, _captionWidth, _captionHeight];
_text ctrlCommit 0;
_text ctrlSetStructuredText text str _y;
_text ctrlSetTextColor _colorCaption;
if (_secondaryXAxisDistance > 0) then {
for "_x" from _secondaryXAxisDistance to _maxX step _secondaryXAxisDistance do {
private _posX = linearConversion [_minX, _maxX, _x, 0, _mapWidth];
private _pos = [_posX, _mapHeight/2, 0] vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0];
_rectangles pushBack [
_canvas posWorldToScreen _pos params ["_posLeft"];
if (_posLeft + _captionWidth < _right) then {
private _text = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1];
_text ctrlSetPosition [_posLeft, _posOriginTop, _captionWidth, _captionHeight];
_text ctrlCommit 0;
_text ctrlSetStructuredText text str _x;
_text ctrlSetTextColor _colorCaption;
for "_x" from -_secondaryXAxisDistance to _minX step -_secondaryXAxisDistance do {
private _posX = linearConversion [_minX, _maxX, _x, 0, _mapWidth];
private _pos = [_posX, _mapHeight/2, 0] vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0];
_rectangles pushBack [
_canvas posWorldToScreen _pos params ["_posLeft"];
if (_posLeft + _captionWidth < _right) then {
private _text = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1];
_text ctrlSetPosition [_posLeft, _posOriginTop, _captionWidth, _captionHeight];
_text ctrlCommit 0;
_text ctrlSetStructuredText text str _x;
_text ctrlSetTextColor _colorCaption;
// create curve segments
private _previousX = 0;
private _previousY = 0;
private _deltaX = _maxX - _minX;
for "_i" from 0 to _pointCount do {
private _x0 = _previousX;
private _y0 = _previousY;
private _x = _minX + _deltaX * _i/_pointCount;
private _y = call _function;
_previousX = _x;
_previousY = _y;
if (_i != 0 && {!isNil "_y"}) then {
_x0 = linearConversion [_minX, _maxX, _x0, 0, _mapWidth];
_x = linearConversion [_minX, _maxX, _x, 0, _mapWidth];
_y0 = linearConversion [_minY, _maxY, _y0, 0, _mapHeight];
_y = linearConversion [_minY, _maxY, _y, 0, _mapHeight];
private _map1 = [_x0, _y0, 0];
private _map2 = [_x, _y, 0];
private _pos = (_map1 vectorAdd _map2) vectorMultiply .5 vectorAdd [_mapLeft, _mapBottom, 0];
private _width = _map1 vectorDistance _map2;
private _angle = ((_x - _x0) atan2 (_y - _y0)) + 90;
_rectangles pushBack [
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