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Author: Josef Zemánek
Description: Requested static weapon positionining routine.
_class = _this # 0;
_cost = _this # 1;
_offset = _this # 2;
if (count _offset != 3) then {
_offset = [0, 1, 0];
BIS_WL_currentSelection = "defence";
if (visibleMap) then {
titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 0.5];
openMap [FALSE, FALSE];
_def = _class createVehicleLocal position player;
_def enableWeaponDisassembly FALSE;
_def setPos position player;
_def setDir direction player;
_def lock TRUE;
player reveal [_def, 4];
_def attachTo [player, _offset];
_h = (position _def) # 2;
detach _def;
_offset_tweaked = [_offset select 0, _offset select 1, (_offset select 2) - _h];
_def attachTo [player, _offset_tweaked];
[BIS_WL_hintPrio_deployDefence, format ["[%1]: %2", localize "STR_dik_space", localize "STR_A3_assemble"] + "%1" + format ["[%1]: %2", localize "STR_dik_back", localize "STR_ca_cancel"], -1] spawn BIS_fnc_WLshowInfo;
[toUpper format [localize "STR_A3_WL_deploy_tip", localize "STR_dik_space"]] spawn BIS_fnc_WLSmoothText;
BIS_WL_spacePressed = FALSE;
BIS_WL_backspacePressed = FALSE;
[] spawn {
_spaceEH = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
if (_this # 1 == 57) then {
BIS_WL_spacePressed = TRUE;
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_WL_spaceEH"];
uiNamespace setVariable ['BIS_fnc_titlecard_spaceEH', nil];
if (_this # 1 == 14) then {
BIS_WL_backspacePressed = TRUE;
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_WL_spaceEH"];
uiNamespace setVariable ['BIS_fnc_titlecard_spaceEH', nil];
uiNamespace setVariable ["BIS_WL_spaceEH", _spaceEH];
[] spawn {
scriptName "WLDefenceSetup (area check)";
while {BIS_WL_currentSelection != ""} do {
_owned = BIS_WL_sectorsArrayFriendly # 0;
if (_owned findIf {[player, _x, TRUE] call BIS_fnc_WLInSectorArea} == -1) exitWith {BIS_WL_backspacePressed = TRUE};
sleep 5;
waitUntil {BIS_WL_spacePressed || BIS_WL_backspacePressed || (position _def) # 2 > 300 || vehicle player != player || !alive player || lifeState player == "INCAPACITATED"};
if (BIS_WL_spacePressed) then {
_isFort = if (toLower getText (BIS_WL_cfgVehs >> _class >> "simulation") == "house") then {TRUE} else {FALSE};
deleteVehicle _def;
_def = _class createVehicle position player;
_def enableWeaponDisassembly FALSE;
_def setPos position player;
_def setDir direction player;
player reveal [_def, 4];
_def attachTo [player, _offset];
_h = (position _def) # 2;
detach _def;
_offset_tweaked = [_offset select 0, _offset select 1, (_offset select 2) - _h];
_def attachTo [player, _offset_tweaked];
detach _def;
if !(_isFort) then {
if (getNumber (BIS_WL_cfgVehs >> _class >> "isUav") == 1) then {
createVehicleCrew _def;
(effectiveCommander _def) setSkill 1;
(group effectiveCommander _def) deleteGroupWhenEmpty TRUE;
player setVariable ["BIS_WL_autonomousPool", (player getVariable ["BIS_WL_autonomousPool", []]) + [_def]];
[_def, BIS_WL_markerIndex, FALSE] spawn BIS_fnc_WLvehicleHandle;
BIS_WL_markerIndex = BIS_WL_markerIndex + 1;
_def addAction [localize "STR_A3_WL_menu_remove_item", {_purchased = ((_this select 1) getVariable ["BIS_WL_pointer", objNull]) getVariable ["BIS_WL_purchased", []]; _purchased = _purchased - [_this select 0]; ((_this select 1) getVariable ["BIS_WL_pointer", objNull]) setVariable ["BIS_WL_purchased", _purchased, TRUE]; if (count crew (_this select 0) > 0) then {_grp = group effectiveCommander (_this select 0); {(_this select 0) deleteVehicleCrew _x} forEach crew (_this select 0); deleteGroup _grp}; deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}, [], -20, FALSE, TRUE, "", "vehicle _this != _target && _target in ((_this getVariable ['BIS_WL_pointer', objNull]) getVariable ['BIS_WL_purchased', []])", -1, FALSE];
[_def, FALSE] call BIS_WL_vehicleLockCode;
[toUpper format [localize "STR_A3_WL_deploy_done", getText (BIS_WL_cfgVehs >> _class >> "displayName")]] spawn BIS_fnc_WLSmoothText;
playSound "assemble_target";
(player getVariable "BIS_WL_pointer") setVariable ["BIS_WL_purchased", ((player getVariable "BIS_WL_pointer") getVariable "BIS_WL_purchased") + [_def], TRUE];
_def setVariable ["BIS_WL_itemOwner", player];
_ffProt = _def addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", BIS_WL_friendlyFireVehicleProtectionCode];
[_def, _ffProt] spawn {
params ["_item", "_ffProt"];
sleep 180;
_item removeEventHandler ["HandleDamage", _ffProt];
} else {
if ((position _def) # 2 > 300) then {
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach (position player nearObjects ["GroundWeaponHolder", 2]);
deleteVehicle _def;
player setVariable ["BIS_WL_funds", ((player getVariable "BIS_WL_funds") + _cost) min BIS_WL_maxCP, TRUE];
[toUpper localize "STR_A3_WL_deploy_canceled"] spawn BIS_fnc_WLSmoothText;
playSound "AddItemFailed";
"Canceled" call BIS_fnc_WLSoundMsg;
BIS_WL_currentSelection = "";
sleep 0.1;
[BIS_WL_hintPrio_deployDefence, "", -1] spawn BIS_fnc_WLshowInfo;
showCommandingMenu "";
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