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Last active February 11, 2019 22:42
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Pan and Zoom with mouse in Processing using Texture Coordinates
//I wrote this example to explain how to Zoom and Pan with the mouse in Processing.
//It uses texture coordinates (texcoords). Enjoy!
//Rick Companje, Feb. 2019
float tx, ty;
float scale;
PImage img;
float xratio, yratio;
float minScale, maxScale;
void setup() {
//use P2D or P3D to be able to use texture()
size(450, 360, P2D);
//load image and calculate window/image ratio
img = loadImage("1337.jpg");
xratio = float(width) / img.width;
yratio = float(height) / img.height;
//minumum scale is calculated to prevent texture wrapping
minScale = max(xratio, yratio);
maxScale = 5;
//start zoomed out
scale = minScale;
void draw() {
//calculate width/height of the region of interest in the texture
float tw = img.width / scale * xratio;
float th = img.height / scale * yratio;
//limit the left-top texcoords to prevent texture wrapping
tx = constrain(tx, 0, img.width-tw);
ty = constrain(ty, 0, img.height-th);
//draw textured rectangle
vertex(0, 0, tx, ty);
vertex(width, 0, tx+tw, ty);
vertex(width, height, tx+tw, ty+th);
vertex(0, height, tx, ty+th);
void mouseDragged() {
//move left-top texcoord using scaled mouse delta
tx -= (mouseX-pmouseX)/scale;
ty -= (mouseY-pmouseY)/scale;
void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event) {
//zoom factor needs to be between about 0.99 and 1.01 to be able to multiply so add 1
float zoomFactor = -event.getAmount()*.01 + 1;
float newScale = constrain(scale * zoomFactor, minScale, maxScale);
//next two lines are the most important lines of the code.
//subtract mouse in 'old' scale from mouse in 'new' scale and apply that to position.
tx -= (mouseX/newScale - mouseX/scale);
ty -= (mouseY/newScale - mouseY/scale);
scale = newScale;
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