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Created February 1, 2016 11:37
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class ThemeUpdateHandler {
* Checks if the current version of the base theme is old, triggers
* and update message if it is.
* If a new version is available, we save the new version number to the database,
* so we can pull it back later and run version specific upgrades
* @param $transient:object
public function check($transient) {
if(!empty($transient->checked[get_config('paths')['parent-theme']])) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, get_config('update')['json']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if(curl_exec($ch) === false) {
debug_log('CURL failed on theme update json file, error code:' . curl_errno($ch));
} elseif(!empty($result)) {
$data = json_decode($result, true);
if(version_compare($transient->checked[get_config('paths')['parent-theme']], $data['new_version'], '<')) {
$versions = json_encode(array('new' => $data['new_version'], 'old' => $transient->checked[get_config('paths')['parent-theme']]));
if(!get_option('pm_upgrade_versions')) {
add_option('pm_upgrade_versions', $versions);
} else {
update_option('pm_upgrade_versions', $versions);
$transient->response[get_config('paths')['parent-theme']] = $data;
return $transient;
public function modify_source($source, $remote_source, $hook_extra) {
$exploded = explode('/', $source);
$exploded[count($exploded) - 2] = get_config('paths')['parent-theme'];
$newSource = implode('/', $exploded);
if(!rename($source, $newSource)) { debug_log('Can\'t rename source'); return; }
$source = $newSource;
return $source;
public function before_install($options) {
$options['hook_extra']['double_check'] = get_config('paths')['parent-theme'];
return $options;
* Wordpress seems to update the theme but not with the same name,
* instead it creates a folder pm-{hash}, so we copy that directory
* to the correct folder, then remove the old folder
* @param $response:int
* @param $hook_extra:array
* @param $result:array
* @return null
public function after_install($response, $hook_extra, $result) {
//double check we are actually updating the base theme
if($hook_extra['theme'] === $hook_extra['double_check']) {
$filesystem = new WP_Filesystem_Direct(array());
$filesystem->delete($result['source'], true);
$handler = new ThemeUpdateHandler;
add_filter('upgrader_source_selection', array($handler, 'modify_source'), 5, 3);
add_filter('upgrader_package_options', array($handler, 'before_install'), 5, 3);
add_filter('upgrader_post_install', array($handler, 'after_install'), 5, 3);
add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_themes', array($handler, 'check'));
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