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Conor Flynn conor-f

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conor-f /
Created May 18, 2022 15:52
A very basic python3.6+ loading bar
# Created after reading
from time import sleep
def scroll(
conor-f / tellme
Created June 19, 2022 13:15
Wrapper around notify-send to display desktop notifications when long-running tasks complete.
## tellme
# tellme displays a basic desktop notification using notify-send to be used when a long
# running task completes. It supports one optional argument, -l, which will show a "loud"
# notification. This depends on notify-send provided by libnotify.
# This script can be run to simply alert or to show the output of the commands:
# $ sleep 10 && tellme
# $ echo "I show on the notification" | tellme
conor-f /
Created January 1, 2024 15:00
Automatically runs Black code formatter on specified repos. Easily changed to any other tool/process.
declare -a repo_names=("repo" "names" "here")
for r in ${repo_names[@]}; do
echo "-----------------------"
echo "$r:"
if [ ! -s $r ]
conor-f /
Last active November 5, 2024 20:32
This script will let you write short phrases on your Github contributions heatmap on your profile for a particular year.
# Overview:
# This script will let you write short phrases on your Github contributions
# heatmap on your profile for a particular year. It does this by modifying the
# commit date/time.
# Usage:
# - Make a Github repo (public or private) and clone it locally.
# - Modify this script to specify what year you want to display on and what