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Created December 1, 2021 00:59
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ModelingToolkit.jl mechanical example.
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq
@variables t
D = Differential(t)
"The basic unit of the mechanical systems is a body with a position and a force"
@connector function Body(; name)
sts = @variables x(t) F(t)
ODESystem(Equation[], t, sts, []; name = name)
"The forces on connected bodies sum to zero. Bodies that are connected are in
the same place."
function ModelingToolkit.connect(::Type{Body}, ps...)
eqs = [0 ~ sum(p -> p.F, ps)]
for i = 1:(length(ps) - 1)
push!(eqs, ps[i].x ~ ps[i + 1].x)
"A body that never moves."
function Fixed(; name)
@named ground = Body()
eqs = [D(ground.x) ~ 0]
ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; systems = [ground], name = name)
"A massive object obeys Newtons second law."
function Mass(; name, m = 1.0)
@named mass = Body()
val = [m]
ps = @parameters m
sts = @variables v(t)
eqs = [D(mass.x) ~ v, D(v) ~ mass.F / m]
ODESystem(eqs, t, sts, ps; systems = [mass], defaults = Dict(zip(ps, val)), name = name)
"The force applied by a linear spring is proportional to the distance between
its ends. This spring has zero length."
function Spring(; name, k = 1.0)
@named left = Body()
@named right = Body()
vals = [k]
ps = @parameters k
eqs = [left.F ~ -k * (right.x - left.x), 0 ~ right.F + left.F]
systems = [left, right],
defaults = Dict(zip(ps, vals)),
name = name,
function simple_example()
@named g = Fixed()
@named s = Spring()
@named m = Mass()
eqs = [connect(g.ground, s.left)..., connect(s.right, m.mass)...]
@named oscillator = ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; systems = [g, s, m])
simplified_oscillator = structural_simplify(oscillator)
u0 = Dict(g.ground.x => 0.0, m.mass.x => 0.0, m.v => 1.0)
prob = ODEProblem(simplified_oscillator, u0, (0.0, 10.0))
soln = solve(prob, Tsit5())
@assert(all([abs(soln.u[j][2] - sin(soln.t[j])) < 5e-4 for j = 1:length(soln)]))
@assert(all([abs(soln.u[j][3] - cos(soln.t[j])) < 5e-4 for j = 1:length(soln)]))
"The distance from the moving body to the fixed body must stay between min and max."
function Limits(; name, min = 0.0, max = 1.0, cor = 0)
@named fixed = Body()
@named moving = Body()
val = [min, max, cor]
ps = @parameters min max cor
sts = @variables v(t)
l = moving.x - fixed.x
eqs = [
D(moving.x) ~ v,
# when against the stop, forces balance, otherwise zero
fixed.F ~ -moving.F * ((l == min) + (l == max)),
moving.F ~ -fixed.F * ((l == min) + (l == max)),
# Bounce off limits with coefficinet of restitution
continuous_events = [[0 ~ min - l, 0 ~ max - l] => [v ~ -cor * v]]
systems = [fixed, moving],
defaults = Dict(zip(ps, val)),
continuous_events = continuous_events,
name = name,
function limit_example()
@named g = Fixed()
@named s = Spring(k=10)
@named m = Mass()
@named l = Limits(min = -0.5, max = 0.5)
eqs = [connect(g.ground, s.left, l.fixed)..., connect(s.right, m.mass, l.moving)...]
@named limited_oscillator = ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; systems = [g, s, m, l])
limited_oscillator = structural_simplify(limited_oscillator)
u0 = Dict(
g.ground.x => 0.0,
m.mass.x => 0.0,
m.v => 1.0,
l.moving.x => 0.0,
l.moving.F => 0.0,
prob = ODEProblem(limited_oscillator, u0, (0.0, 10.0))
soln = solve(prob, Rodas5())
limited_oscillator, prob, soln
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