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Created March 28, 2018 17:39
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from fabric.api import cd, run, sudo, prefix, task, env, quiet, warn_only
from fabric.contrib.files import exists, sed
from fabric.tasks import Task
# The information to connecting to the server: `testserver` is contained
# in the local user's `~/.ssh/config` file
env.hosts = ['testserver']
env.use_ssh_config = True
env.project_name = 'app1'
env.site_root = "/home/webdev/apps/"
env.repo_url = ""
env.virtualenv_name = "virtualenv"
env.trusted_pypi_hosts = [
def _make_link_cmd(source, link):
Generates the command string to make a link (if it doesn't exist)
return "ln -s %s %s" % (source, link)
class CreateTestInstance(Task):
Make a test instance using <branchname>, optionally calling it <name>
name = 'create'
settings = 'settings.test'
def run(self, branchname, name=""):
self.env = env
if not name:
name = branchname
self.branchname = branchname
self.instance_name = name
self.instance_dir = self.env.site_root + self.instance_name
self.virtualenv_name = env.get('virtualenv_name', 'virtualenv')
def _make_systemd_config(self):
Make a systemd configuration from a template and copy it appropriately.
Works idempotently. (Won't hurt anything if you run it multiple times)
systemd_conf_templ = os.path.join(self.instance_dir, 'conf', 'systemd-test.conf.template')
systemd_conf = os.path.join(self.instance_dir, 'conf', 'systemd-test.conf')
if not exists(systemd_conf):
run('cp %s %s' % (systemd_conf_templ, systemd_conf))
sed(systemd_conf, '\\{branchname\\}', self.instance_name)
systemd_link = "/etc/systemd/system/%s.service" % self.instance_name
if not exists(systemd_link):
sudo("cp %s %s" % (systemd_conf, systemd_link), shell=False)
def _make_settings(self):
settings_template = os.path.join(self.instance_dir, 'settings', '')
settings_path = os.path.join(self.instance_dir, 'settings', '')
if not exists(settings_path):
run('cp %s %s' % (settings_template, settings_path))
sed(settings_path, '\\{branchname\\}', self.instance_name)
def _make_web_config(self):
Make a web configuration from a template, link it to the web server configuration
and enable it.
Works idempotently. (Won't hurt anything if you run it multiple times)
web_config_templ = os.path.join(self.instance_dir, 'conf', 'nginx-test.conf.template')
web_config = os.path.join(self.instance_dir, 'conf', 'nginx-test.conf')
if not exists(web_config):
run('cp %s %s' % (web_config_templ, web_config))
sed(web_config, '\\{branchname\\}', self.instance_name)
web_name = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s' % self.instance_name
web_name_enabled = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s' % self.instance_name
if not exists(web_name):
sudo(_make_link_cmd(web_config, web_name), shell=False)
if not exists(web_name_enabled):
sudo(_make_link_cmd(web_config, web_name_enabled), shell=False)
sudo('/etc/init.d/nginx reload', shell=False)
def _checkout_repo(self):
Clone the repo into `instance_name` and checkout `branchname`.
If the path to `instance_name` exists, checkout `branchname` and pull the
latest changes down.
Works idempotently. (Won't hurt anything if you run it multiple times)
run('mkdir -p %s' % self.env.site_root)
if not exists(self.instance_dir):
with cd(self.env.site_root):
run('git clone %s %s' % (self.env.repo_url, self.instance_name))
with cd(self.instance_dir):
run('git checkout %s' % self.branchname)
with cd(self.instance_dir):
run('git checkout %s' % self.branchname)
run("git pull")
def _download_wheel(self, pkgname, directory):
Download the wheel for <pkgname> from PyPI to <directory>
import urllib2
import json
result = urllib2.urlopen("{0}/json".format(pkgname))
result_json = json.loads(
download_url = None
for url in result_json['urls']:
if url['packagetype'] == 'bdist_wheel':
download_url = url['url']
with cd(directory):
run('wget %s' % download_url)
def _bootstrap(self):
Run the `` to create the virtualenv and install requirements.
Then setup the database and static media
Works idempotently. (Won't hurt anything if you run it multiple times)
virtualenv = "%s/%s" % (self.instance_dir, self.virtualenv_name)
venv_support_dir = "{0}/virtualenv_support".format(self.instance_dir)
if not exists(venv_support_dir):
run("mkdir -p {0}".format(venv_support_dir))
with cd(venv_support_dir), quiet():
has_pip = run("ls *pip*.whl").succeeded
has_wheel = run("ls *wheel*.whl").succeeded
has_setuptools = run("ls *setuptools*.whl").succeeded
if not has_pip:
self._download_wheel('pip', venv_support_dir)
if not has_wheel:
self._download_wheel('wheel', venv_support_dir)
if not has_setuptools:
self._download_wheel('setuptools', venv_support_dir)
# Bootstrap the code
with cd(self.instance_dir):
if not exists(virtualenv):
with prefix('source %s/bin/activate' % virtualenv):
run("pip install --upgrade pip")
run("./ migrate --noinput --settings %s" % self.settings)
run("./ collectstatic --noinput --verbosity 0 --settings %s" % self.settings)
with warn_only():
run("./ compress --force --verbosity 0 --settings %s" % self.settings)
# place to put socket and pid files
if not exists('/var/run/gunicorn'):
sudo("mkdir /var/run/gunicorn")
sudo("chown -R www-data:www-data /var/run/gunicorn")
# place to put log files
if not exists("/var/log/gunicorn"):
sudo("mkdir /var/log/gunicorn")
sudo("chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/gunicorn")
def make_test_instance(self):
Make a stand-alone instance with name of branchname on the test server
if self.use_systemd:
sudo('sudo systemctl enable %s.service' % self.instance_name, shell=False)
sudo('sudo systemctl start %s.service' % self.instance_name, shell=False)
sudo('start %s' % self.instance_name, shell=False)
sudo('chgrp -R www-data %s%s/staticmedia' % (self.env.site_root, self.instance_name), shell=False)
sudo('chmod -R g+w %s%s/staticmedia' % (self.env.site_root, self.instance_name), shell=False)
if not exists('media'):
_make_link_cmd('/home/natgeo/media', 'media')
create = CreateTestInstance()
class RemoveTestInstance(Task):
Remove and clean all traces of test instance <name>
name = 'remove'
def run(self, name):
self.env = env
self.instance_name = name
self.instance_dir = self.env.site_root + self.instance_name
self.virtualenv_name = env.get('virtualenv_name', 'virtualenv')
def _clean_web_config(self):
Clean web configurations and reload the web server
web_name = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s' % self.instance_name
web_name_enabled = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s' % self.instance_name
if exists(web_name_enabled):
sudo('rm %s' % web_name_enabled, shell=False)
sudo('/etc/init.d/nginx reload', shell=False)
if exists(web_name):
sudo('rm %s' % web_name, shell=False)
def _clean_systemd_config(self):
Clean systemd configurations
from fabric.api import settings
systemd_link = "/etc/systemd/system/%s.service" % self.instance_name
if exists(systemd_link):
with settings(warn_only=True):
sudo('service %s stop' % self.instance_name, shell=False)
sudo('rm %s' % systemd_link, shell=False)
def _clean_repo(self):
Clean the repo checkout
instance_dir = self.env.site_root + self.instance_name
if exists(instance_dir):
sudo('rm -Rf %s' % instance_dir, shell=False)
def remove_test_instance(self):
Remove a test instance and remove all support scripts and configs
remove = RemoveTestInstance()
class UpdateTestInstance(Task):
Pull down updates to test instance <name> and reload it
name = 'update'
settings = 'settings.test'
def run(self, name):
self.env = env
self.instance_name = name
self.instance_dir = self.env.site_root + self.instance_name
self.virtualenv_name = env.get('virtualenv_name', 'virtualenv')
self.trusted_pypi_hosts = env.get('trusted_pypi_hosts', [])
def update_test_instance(self):
Pull down the latest stuff from the repo
with cd(self.instance_dir):
run("git pull")
with prefix('source %s/bin/activate' % self.virtualenv_name):
trusted_hosts_args = ' '.join(['--trusted-host %s' % h for h in self.trusted_pypi_hosts])
run("pip install -U pip")
run("pip install %s -r requirements.txt" % trusted_hosts_args)
run("./ migrate --noinput --settings " + self.settings)
run("./ collectstatic --noinput --verbosity 0 --settings %s" % self.settings)
with warn_only():
run("./ compress --force --verbosity 0 --settings %s" % self.settings)
sudo("service %s reload" % self.instance_name, shell=False)
update = UpdateTestInstance()
class StopTestInstance(Task):
Stop test instance <name> or all test instances if no name is given
name = 'stop'
def run(self, name=""):
env.warn_only = True
if name:
instances = [name]
output = run('ls -1 %s' % env.site_root)
instances = [x.strip() for x in output.split("\n")]
for item in instances:
sudo("service %s stop" % item.strip(), shell=False)
stop = StopTestInstance()
class StartTestInstance(Task):
Start test instance <name> or all test instances if no name is given
name = 'start'
def run(self, name=""):
env.warn_only = True
if name:
instances = [name]
output = run('ls -1 %s' % env.site_root)
instances = [x.strip() for x in output.split("\n")]
for item in instances:
sudo("service %s start" % item.strip(), shell=False)
start = StartTestInstance()
class ListTestInstance(Task):
List all test instances
name = 'list'
def run(self):
env.warn_only = True
output = run('ls -1 %s' % env.site_root)
instances = [x.strip() for x in output.split("\n")]
for item in instances:
print item
list_ = ListTestInstance() # Fabric doesn't care about the name
def reload(test_name):
Reload the <test_name> deployment on the test server
sudo("reload %s" % test_name, shell=False)
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