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Last active December 24, 2015 19:19
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Save copumpkin/6850037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unboxable sigmas à la (unimplemented) Kmett, based on "unzipping" with a rank datastructure (currently super shitty). Please excuse the crap quality of the code, but I was just banging out ideas.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, ConstraintKinds, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module UnboxableSums where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
import Data.Constraint
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Prim
import Unsafe.Coerce
class RankSelect a where
type Element a :: *
lookup :: a -> Int -> Element a
size :: a -> Int
rank :: a -> Element a -> Int -> Int
select :: a -> Element a -> Int -> Int
toList :: a -> [Element a]
fromList :: [Element a] -> a
-- Super naive instance. Someone write a wavelet tree parametrized on an underlying instance of RankSelect with Element ~ Bool, e.g., RRR!
instance Eq a => RankSelect [a] where
type Element [a] = a
lookup = (!!)
size = length
rank xs x n = length (filter (== x) (take n xs))
select xs x n = fst (filter ((== x) . snd) (zip [0..] xs) !! n)
toList = id
fromList = id
data MapF f g x where
MapF :: f a -> MapF f g (g a)
data Const a b = Const a deriving (Eq)
data Sigma f where
Sigma :: f a -> a -> Sigma f
data (:==) a b where
Refl :: a :== a
class Eq1 f where
(===) :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :== b)
instance (Eq1 f, Eq b) => Eq (Sigma (MapF f (Const b))) where
Sigma (MapF x) (Const a) == Sigma (MapF y) (Const b) = isJust (x === y) && a == b
class Forall f (c :: * -> Constraint) where
witness :: f a -> proxy c -> Dict (c a)
class Eq1 f => Finite f where
count :: proxy f -> Int
toIndex :: forall a. f a -> Int
fromIndex :: forall r. Int -> (forall a. f a -> r) -> r
instance Eq1 f => Eq1 (MapF f g) where
MapF x === MapF y | Just Refl <- x === y = Just Refl
| Nothing <- x === y = Nothing
instance Finite f => Finite (MapF f g) where
count _ = count (Proxy :: Proxy f)
toIndex (MapF x) = toIndex x
fromIndex i f = fromIndex i (f . MapF)
data HArray (f :: * -> *) where
HArray :: V.Vector Any -> HArray f
get :: Finite f => HArray f -> f a -> a
get (HArray v) i = unsafeCoerce (v V.! toIndex i)
tabulate :: Finite f => (forall a. f a -> a) -> HArray f
tabulate f = let r = HArray (V.generate (count r) (\i -> fromIndex i (unsafeCoerce . f))) in r
data SigmaArray f = SigmaArray { components :: HArray (MapF f U.Vector), selectors :: [Sigma (MapF f (Const ()))] }
-- A fancier filter
choose :: Eq1 f => [Sigma f] -> f a -> [a]
choose [] s = []
choose (Sigma x y:xs) s | Just Refl <- x === s = y : choose xs s
| Nothing <- x === s = choose xs s
toSigmaArray :: forall f. (Forall f U.Unbox, Finite f) => [Sigma f] -> SigmaArray f
toSigmaArray xs = SigmaArray components selectors
chooser :: MapF f U.Vector a -> a
chooser (MapF x) | Dict <- witness x (Proxy :: Proxy U.Unbox) = U.fromList (choose xs x)
components :: HArray (MapF f U.Vector)
components = tabulate chooser
selectors :: [Sigma (MapF f (Const ()))]
selectors = map (\(Sigma _1 _2) -> Sigma (MapF _1) (Const ())) xs
getComponent :: Finite f => SigmaArray f -> f a -> U.Vector a
getComponent (SigmaArray c _) x = get c (MapF x)
index :: forall f. (Forall f U.Unbox, Finite f) => SigmaArray f -> Int -> Sigma f
index (SigmaArray c s) i = case s !! i of q@(Sigma (MapF x) _) | Dict <- witness x (Proxy :: Proxy U.Unbox) -> Sigma x (get c (MapF x) U.! rank s q i)
data AorB a b c where
A :: AorB a b a
B :: AorB a b b
left :: a -> Sigma (AorB a b)
left = Sigma A
right :: b -> Sigma (AorB a b)
right = Sigma B
instance (U.Unbox a, U.Unbox b) => Forall (AorB a b) U.Unbox where
witness A _ = Dict
witness B _ = Dict
instance Eq1 (AorB a b) where
A === A = Just Refl
B === B = Just Refl
_ === _ = Nothing
instance Finite (AorB a b) where
count _ = 2
toIndex A = 0
toIndex B = 1
fromIndex 0 f = f A
fromIndex 1 f = f B
test = toSigmaArray [left (5 :: Int), right True, left 7, left 1, right False]
tester i = case index test i of
Sigma A x -> show x
Sigma B y -> show y
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