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Created July 26, 2012 19:44
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Recursively display contents of JSON object using bootstrap and jade
mixin prettyDate(uglyDate)
daysAgo = ((((new Date() - uglyDate) / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24
hours = uglyDate.getHours()
minutes = uglyDate.getMinutes()
ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'
hours = hours % 12
hours = hours ? hours : 12
minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes
strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm
if daysAgo < 1
| Today at #{strTime}
else if daysAgo <= 7
weekDays = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
day = uglyDate.getDay()
#{weekDays[day + 1]} at #{strTime}
#{uglyDate.getMonth() + 1}/#{uglyDate.getDate()}/#{uglyDate.getFullYear()}
mixin showJson(myJsonObject, level)
if typeof level == 'undefined'
- var level = 0
- level++
.badge(style='width:1em;text-align:center;background-color:#cccccc').pull-center #{level}
unless typeof myJsonObject == 'undefined'
each value, key in myJsonObject
if value instanceof Array
p #{key}: (Array[#{value.length}])
if value.length == 0
| &nbsp;(empty)
each aValue, aIndex in value
p [#{aIndex}]:
if typeof aValue == 'undefined'
| &nbsp;(empty)
else if aValue instanceof Date
mixin prettyDate(aValue)
else if aValue instanceof Object
| (Object)
mixin showJson(aValue, level)
else if value instanceof Date
p #{key}:&nbsp;
mixin prettyDate(value)
else if value instanceof Object
p #{key}:
if typeof value == 'undefined' || value.length == 0
| &nbsp;(empty)
mixin showJson(value, level)
p #{key}: #{value}
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Attractively display the contents of a JSON object

This recurses through the JSON object you pass in and puts no-background bootstrap wells around each embedded object and array. Each object well shows it's recursive level index so that you can visually traverse a complex object tree.
I would be more than happy to take suggestions for improvement.


You will need to be running bootstrap and jade.


Include or embed the mixin (i.e. the contents from lines1:31, above ".container") Reference the mixin as shown at the bottom (i.e. line 35). Enjoy!

Why do this?

My vision seems to blur when reading detail on the console so to heck with util.inspect. This is prettier and easier to read. Also when I want to pop in to debug scaffolding it's nice to not have to restart node to include util; here I can include the jade mixin in /views/_mixin-debug.jade.

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Improved the layout, removed the 'title' param and made the 'level' param default to zero.

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I wasn't handling dates correctly. Wrote a date prettifier (do you know of a better one out there with globalized display???) and updated logic to correctly handle dates.

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Simplified the layout. Added an array length at the array header.

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