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Created April 8, 2013 18:50
4sq code
getLatLng <- function(link, short=TRUE){
# url is url from twitter...
# short=TRUE is a short link...
url <- getURL(link)
url <- link
# parse out checkinid and signature from url
checkinid <- substring(url, regexpr("checkin", url)+8, nchar(url))
checkinid <- substring(checkinid, 1, regexpr("?s", checkinid)-2)
signature <- substring(url, regexpr("?s=", url)+2, nchar(url))
signature <- substring(signature, 1, regexpr("&", signature)-1)
# format api request url
oauthtoken <- scan("4sq_oauth_token", quiet=T, what="character")
datecode <- gsub("-", "", Sys.Date())
apiurl <- paste("", checkinid,
"?signature=", signature, "&oauth_token=", oauthtoken,
"&v=", datecode, sep="")
# make request and parse results
foursqjson <- getURL(apiurl)
foursqdata <- fromJSON(foursqjson)
lat <- foursqdata$response$checkin$venue$location$lat
lng <- foursqdata$response$checkin$venue$location$lng
return(list(lat=lat, lng=lng))
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