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Cosmin Popescu cosminpopescu14

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Algorithmic layouts

You are looking at the most important, and most abundant thing on the web. You can't see it, unfortunately, because it's very small… aaaaand it's invisible — so having a magnifying glass doesn't really help here. But still.

I'm talking, of course, about U+0020; not to be confused with the band U2, who are just as ubiquitous, but far less useful.

This unicode point, representing the humble space character, is between every word, in every run of text, on every page of the web. And it has a very special characteristic: it's not sticky like glue. If two words are neighbors but there's not enough room for both of them, the space will free the second word to wrap around and start a new line.

Before getting into flexible containers, viewport meta tags, and @media breakpoints this humble character is what makes the web fundamentally 'responsive'. That is: able to change the layout of its content to suit different devices, contexts, and settings. Browser text does this automa

CDillinger / FuzzyMatch.cs
Last active July 25, 2023 09:17
C# Implementation of Fuzzy Match
// This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
// license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
// publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class FuzzyMatcher
0xabad1dea /
Last active September 11, 2023 10:21
Risk Assessment of GitHub Copilot

Risk Assessment of GitHub Copilot

0xabad1dea, July 2021

this is a rough draft and may be updated with more examples

GitHub was kind enough to grant me swift access to the Copilot test phase despite me @'ing them several hundred times about ICE. I would like to examine it not in terms of productivity, but security. How risky is it to allow an AI to write some or all of your code?

Ultimately, a human being must take responsibility for every line of code that is committed. AI should not be used for "responsibility washing." However, Copilot is a tool, and workers need their tools to be reliable. A carpenter doesn't have to

GavinRay97 / Makefile
Created December 8, 2022 21:21
A Makefile to compile a Maven/Gradle-style project layout using a custom JDK (for use w/ IE, Valhalla)
# Makefile to compile and run Java sources manually
# because JDK 20 Valhalla support is not yet available in IntelliJ IDEA
JAVAC = /home/user/downloads/jdk-20-vahalla-20-75/bin/javac
JAVA = /home/user/downloads/jdk-20-vahalla-20-75/bin/java
JAVA_COMPILE_OPTIONS = --enable-preview --release $(JAVA_VERSION)
JAVA_OPTIONS = --enable-preview
JAVA_MAIN_CLASS = org.example.Database
milesrichardson /
Created January 21, 2023 07:35
inherit environment variables from PID 1

You can inherit the environment variables from PID 1 by iterating over the list of null-terminated strings in /proc/1/environ, parsing the first characters up to the first = as the variable name, setting the remaining value as that variable, and exporting it.

The Code Snippet

This works with multiline environment variables, and environment variables with arbitrary values, like strings, including = or JSON blobs.

Paste this in your current terminal session to inherit the environment variables from PID 1:

jbtule / AESGCM.cs
Last active October 30, 2023 21:14
I have two code examples that I wrote for best practices encrypting a string in c#. They are both using authenticated encryption.
* This work (Modern Encryption of a String C#, by James Tuley),
* identified by James Tuley, is free of known copyright restrictions.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
liemle3893 / Docker-multistage-example.MD
Last active November 3, 2023 14:52
Docker Multistage + Spring Boot = Smaller Container Sized


Spring Boot + Docker Multistage = Smaller container size

Use can use prebuild version by using:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 saboteurkid/smaller-spring:1.0

Wait for docker to pull and up. Then jump to step #6

1. Clone example project from Spring Boot repository

HotSpot Escape Analysis and Scalar Replacement Status


Escape Analysis (EA) is a compiler analysis to answer the following questions for a given object O, method M, and thread T.

  • Escapes(O, M): Does object O outlive the execution of method M? This may happen for instance if a reference to O is assigned to a global variable.
  • Escapes(O, T): Does object O escape the current execution thread? This may happen for instance if a reference to O is copied to another thread.

Answers to these questions enable a compiler to perform a few highly effective optimizations, for instance, Stack Allocation (SA), Lock Elision (LE), and Scalar Replacement of Aggregates (SRA). Note that,

Neo23x0 /
Last active January 28, 2024 08:19
Log4j RCE CVE-2021-44228 Exploitation Detection

log4j RCE Exploitation Detection

You can use these commands and rules to search for exploitation attempts against log4j RCE vulnerability CVE-2021-44228

Grep / Zgrep

This command searches for exploitation attempts in uncompressed files in folder /var/log and all sub folders

sudo egrep -I -i -r '\$(\{|%7B)jndi:(ldap[s]?|rmi|dns|nis|iiop|corba|nds|http):/[^\n]+' /var/log
huytd /
Last active March 17, 2024 20:51
Wordle in less than 50 lines of Bash


How to use:


Or try the unlimit mode: