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# Sets the repository URL based on the given repository.
# Valid uses:
# * uses_repository :github => 'me/my-plugin'
# * uses_repository :github => 'my-plugin' -- Implies hosting under the
# jenkinsci organization.
# * uses_repository :git => ''
# * uses_repository :svn => ''
def uses_repository(opts)
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.util.FormValidation;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.tasks.Builder;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
# Hack to avoid "allocator undefined for Proc" issue when unpacking Gems:
# gemspec provided by Jeweler uses Rake::FileList for files, test_files and
# extra_rdoc_files, and procs cannot be marshalled.
# Jeweler Issue GH-73
# Workaround by Alex Coles (myabc)
def gemspec
@clean_gemspec ||= eval("#{Rake.application.jeweler.gemspec.to_ruby}") # $SAFE = 3\n