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cowboyd / zip.ts
Last active August 10, 2023 19:25
implement a stream zip using Effection
import {
type Operation,
type Stream,
} from "effection";
export function zip<T>(streams: Stream<T, never>[]): Stream<T[], never> {
cowboyd / adder.ts
Last active August 9, 2023 17:51
Streaming Bitwise Adder in Effection
import { createChannel, resource, all, spawn, main, type Stream } from "effection";
type bit = 0 | 1;
type Bit = Stream<bit, never>;
function create1BitAdder(a$: Bit, b$: Bit, c$: Bit): Stream<[bit, bit], never> {
// the easiest way to represent a stream is as a resource because
// a resource that "provides" a subscription is by definition a stream
// because a stream is an operation that yields a subscription
return resource(function*(provide) {
cowboyd / 01-queue.ts
Last active July 28, 2023 13:32
A Queue that implements v3 subscription. Useful when working with low level subscription apis.
import type { Resolve, Subscription } from "./types.ts";
import { action } from "./instructions.ts";
export interface Queue<T, TClose> extends Subscription<T, TClose> {
add(item: T): void;
close(value: TClose): void;
export function createQueue<T, TClose>(): Queue<T, TClose> {
type Item = IteratorResult<T, TClose>;
cowboyd / buffer.ts
Last active July 18, 2023 08:38
Throttle any Effection stream using a fixed size buffer
* Takes a buffer limit, and returns a stream combinator that converts a stream into stream
* limits the number of in flight items to that limit when it is subscribed to. Use with pipe:
* ```ts
* let doubleclicks = pipe(events, buffer(200), filter(isDoubleClick));
* ```
* Or as a standalone:
* let buffered = buffer(200)(events);
* No buffer is actually allocated until the resulting stream is subscribed to.
cowboyd / take-filter.ts
Last active July 17, 2023 14:29
Use a stream combinator to filter the actions from a channel and return a stream that is only
import { filter } from "effection";
export function* useActions(pattern: ActionPattern): Stream<AnyAction> {
let match = matcher(pattern);
let { output } = yield* ActionContext;
// return a subscription to the filtered actions.
return yield* filter(match)(output);
cowboyd / 01-signal.ts
Last active July 13, 2023 11:34
Create a context-free function that dispatches values to a subscriber context
import { createChannel, run, type Stream } from "./mod.ts";
export function createSignal<T>(): [(event: T) => void, Stream<T, never>] {
let { input, output } = createChannel<T, never>();
let pulse = (event: T) => run(() => input.send(event));
return [pulse, output];
cowboyd / jokester.ts
Created July 7, 2023 10:15
Effection v3 joke teller console app
import {
type Operation,
cowboyd / dc-hello-world.ts
Created June 14, 2023 15:14
A simple distributed continuation that just returns a value (no shifts or resets);
export default function*() {
return "Hello World!";
cowboyd / twind-trivial.ts
Last active June 6, 2023 16:10
A trivial twind integration using Deno and a server side render
import { setup, virtual, tw, stringify } from "";
const sheet = virtual();
setup({}, sheet);
const classnames = tw("grid grid-cols-2");
" ===": ===,
cowboyd / interpreter.ts
Last active June 2, 2023 17:26
A more data oriented instruction set that allows wrapping interpreters.
import type { Operation, Provide, Resolve, Reject, Result } from "./deps.ts";
export type ActionFn = (resolve: Resolve, reject: Reject) => Operation<void>;
export type Instruction =
| {
name: "spawn";
operation(): Operation<unknown>;
| {