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Last active March 2, 2018 10:01
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spirit pr370
// Experiment with different methods for making code here:
// a little more modular and help to answer question about
// whether to use lamba's as posed by Joel here:
// Works both when
// and when
// Howver, when:
// * The code is more modular:
// because all the code is within the function itself.
// * But, it may not be as portable because of the assumed
// lack of constexpr if's in some compilers.
// OTOH, when:
// * The code is *less* modular because the code is distributed
// beteen the struct with private call functions:
// parse_sequence_container
// and the actual function:
// parse_sequence(...,tratis::container_attirube),
// doing the calling.
// * is more portable because it doesn't depend on constexpr if.
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/traits/attribute_category.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
template<typename Iterator>
void print_first2last(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last)
Iterator now=first;
while(now != last) std::cout<<*now++;
template<typename Left, typename Right>
struct parser_binary
using left_type=Left;
using right_type=Right;
left_type left;
right_type right;
template<std::size_t Size=SEQ_SIZE_DEFAULT>
struct parser_nullary
template <typename Iterator, typename Context
, typename RContext, typename Attribute>
bool parse(
Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
, Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, Attribute& attr)const
std::cout<<"calling:parser.parse(first, last, context, rcontext, attr);\n";
return true;
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace x3 { namespace detail
template <typename Parser, typename Context, typename Enable = void>
struct sequence_size
static int const value = SEQ_SIZE_DEFAULT;
template <std::size_t Size, typename Context, typename Enable>
struct sequence_size<parser_nullary<Size>, Context, Enable>
static int const value = Size;
template <typename Parser, typename Iterator, typename Context
, typename RContext, typename Attribute>
bool parse_into_container( Parser const& parser
, Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
, Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, Attribute& attr)
std::cout<<"calling:parse_into_container(parser, first, last, context, rcontext, attr);\n";
return parser.parse(first,last,context,rcontext,attr);
struct parse_sequence_container
//The purpose of following friend declaration and subsequent private:
//access specifier are to increase code encapsulation:
//because only the friend function has access to the private call functions.
template <typename Parser, typename Iterator, typename Context
, typename RContext, typename Attribute>
bool parse_sequence(
Parser const& parser , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
, Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, Attribute& attr
, traits::container_attribute)
template <typename _Parser, typename _Iterator, typename _Context
, typename R_Context, typename _Attribute>
static bool call(
_Parser const& parser
, _Iterator& first, _Iterator const& last, _Context const& context
, R_Context& rcontext, _Attribute& attr, mpl::true_)
return parser.parse(first, last, context, rcontext, attr);
template <typename _Parser, typename _Iterator, typename _Context
, typename R_Context, typename _Attribute>
static bool call(
_Parser const& parser
, _Iterator& first, _Iterator const& last, _Context const& context
, R_Context& rcontext, _Attribute& attr, mpl::false_)
return parse_into_container(parser, first, last, context, rcontext, attr);
template <typename Parser, typename Iterator, typename Context
, typename RContext, typename Attribute>
bool parse_sequence(
Parser const& parser , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
, Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, Attribute& attr
, traits::container_attribute)
constexpr auto discriminator=
[](auto const& _parser)
using _Parser=std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(_parser)>>;
using which_t = mpl::bool_<(sequence_size<_Parser, Context>::value > 1)>;
return which_t{};
//Compilers should really not make this workaround needed :(
#define DISCRIMINATOR(PARSER) decltype(discriminator(PARSER)){}
//With clang, this causes error about needing a constant expression.
#define DISCRIMINATOR(PARSER) discriminator(PARSER)
auto parse_with=
[&](auto const& _parser)
constexpr auto which_v = DISCRIMINATOR(_parser);
return _parser.parse(first,last,context,rcontext,attr);
return parse_into_container(_parser,first,last,context,rcontext,attr);
auto parse_with =
[&](auto const& _parser)
constexpr auto which_v = DISCRIMINATOR(_parser);
return parse_sequence_container::call
Iterator save = first;
if (parse_with(parser.left) && parse_with(parser.right))
return true;
first = save;
return false;
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
enum e_dummy
{ e_context
, e_rcontext
, e_attr
template<e_dummy E>
struct t_dummy{};
#include <string>
int main()
std::cout<<"USE_CONSTEXPR_IF_LAMBDA is "
<<"yes "
<<"not "
std::string input="1234567890";
auto grammar=parser_binary<parser_nullary<>,parser_nullary<2>>{};
t_dummy<e_context> v_context;
t_dummy<e_rcontext> v_rcontext;
t_dummy<e_attr> v_attr;
auto first=input.begin();
auto last=input.end();
bool result=
( grammar
, first
, last
, v_context
, v_rcontext
, v_attr
, x3::traits::container_attribute{}
return 0;
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