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Created July 19, 2019 09:35
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>mDash Smart Light</title>
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select,input,label::before,textarea,.button,.btn:focus,.btn:active:focus,,.btn.focus,.btn:active.focus, { outline: none; box-shadow:none !important; }
html,body {height: 100%;}
.main { display: flex; min-height: 100vh; flex-direction: column; max-width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; }
.page { flex: 1; }
var h = preact.h; // Make an alias for Preact's rendering function
var Tab1 = function(props) {
return h('section', {class:'hero has-text-centered has-background-warning'}, 'tab1');
var Tab2 = function(props) {
return h('div', {}, 'tab2');
var App = function(props) {
var self = this;
self.componentDidMount = function() { self.setState({cnt: 1, tab: Tab1}); };
var header = h('nav', {class: 'has-background-white-ter navbar'},
h('div', {class:'image is-64x64 navbar-item'},
h('img', {src: ''}), '\u00a0', 'myApp'));
var mkTabButton = function(title, icon, tab) {
var onClick = function() { self.setState({tab: tab}); };
return h('li', {onClick: onClick, class: tab == ? 'is-active' : ''}, h('a', {}, h('span', {class:'icon'}, h('i', {class: 'fa ' + icon})), title));
var footer = h('footer', {class:''},
h('div', {class:'tabs is-toggle is-fullwidth'},
h('ul', {class: ''},
mkTabButton('My Devices', 'fa-diamond', Tab1),
mkTabButton('Add New Device', 'fa-plus-circle', Tab2),
return h('div', {class:'main box is-paddingless'},
h('div', {class:'page'}, header, h( || Tab1)), footer);
preact.render(h(App), document.body);
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