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Last active January 6, 2022 15:46
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Requêtes postGIS de création de linestring de frontières en partant de polygones jointifs, puis de recréation de polygones avec simplification
/* table des frontières (linestring) */
create table osm_limites (insee text[], way geometry(geometry,900913), lim10 geometry(geometry,900913), lim100 geometry(geometry,900913), lim250 geometry(geometry,900913), lim2000 geometry(geometry,900913));
create index on osm_limites using gin (insee);
create index on osm_limites using gist (way);
create index on osm_limites using gist (lim10);
create index on osm_limites using gist (lim100);
create index on osm_limites using gist (lim250);
create index on osm_limites using gist (lim2000);
/* table des polygones (normal, simplifié "10" et simplifié "100") */
create table osm_fla (insee text, way geometry, poly10 geometry, poly100 geometry, poly250 geometry, poly2000 geometry);
create index on osm_fla (insee);
create index on osm_fla using gist (way);
create index on osm_fla using gist (poly10);
create index on osm_fla using gist (poly100);
create index on osm_fla using gist (poly250);
create index on osm_fla using gist (poly2000);
/* table temporaire pour les limites */
create table osm_lim (insee text[], way geometry(geometry,900913));
create index on osm_lim using gin (insee);
create index on osm_lim using gist (way);
/* table temporaire de copie des polygones de communes */
create table osm_poly (insee text, way geometry);
create index on osm_poly (insee);
create index on osm_poly using gist (way);
/* copie des polygones à traiter -> 36758 insert en 15s */
/* les codes INSEE exclus sont ceux de Paris, Marseille et Lyon pour n'avoir que leurs arrondissements */
begin; truncate osm_poly; insert into osm_poly (select tags->'ref:INSEE', way from planet_osm_polygon where tags ? 'ref:INSEE' and admin_level in ('8','9') and tags->'ref:INSEE' not in ('75056','69123','13055') and boundary='administrative'); commit;
/* vérification de l'absence de chevauchements, de self-intersection, ou d'invalidité (ne doit rien retourner) -> 140s */
/* overlap */
select p1.insee, p2.insee from osm_poly p1 join osm_poly p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.way, p2.way)) where p1.insee<p2.insee order by p1.insee, p2.insee;
/* si on a des polygones en overlap, on force un recalcul des relations et ways correspondants */
update planet_osm_rels set pending=true from planet_osm_polygon p where p.tags ? 'ref:INSEE' AND id=-p.osm_id and not pending;
with w as (select unnest(parts) as way_id from planet_osm_rels where pending) update planet_osm_ways set pending=true from w where id=way_id and not pending;
/* puis attendre la fin du prochain cycle d'osm2pgsql et repartir à la copie des polygones */
select count(*) from planet_osm_rels where pending=true; /* doit retourner 0 i cycle terminé */
/* invalidité ou self-intersection */
select p1.insee, st_issimple(p1.way) as simple, st_isvalid(p1.way) as valid from osm_poly p1 where not st_issimple(p1.way) or not st_isvalid(p1.way) order by p1.insee;
/* on a bien toutes les communes ? */
select i.insee from insee_cog i left join osm_poly p on (p.insee=i.insee) where p.insee is null and i.insee not in ('13055','69123','75056','52379') order by i.insee;
/* génération des frontières entre communes limitrophes -> 134172 insert en 271s */
truncate table osm_lim;
array[p.insee,p2.insee] as insee ,
ST_LineMerge (st_intersection(p.way,p2.way)) as way
osm_poly p
osm_poly p2
on (p2.way && p.way
and p2.insee>p.insee) );
/* ajout des limites côtières et frontalières -> 2350 insert en 100s */
array[p.insee] as insee,
st_linemerge(st_difference(p.way, st_setsrid(ST_CollectionHomogenize(st_collect(l.way)), 900913))) as way
p.insee as insee,
ST_ExteriorRing((st_dumprings((st_dump(p.way)).geom)).geom) as way
ST_NumGeometries(ST_Polygonize(l.way)) as nb
osm_poly i
osm_lim l
on (l.insee @> array[i.insee])
group by
order by
i.insee) as poly
nb=0) as m
osm_poly p
on (p.insee=m.insee)) as p
osm_lim l
on (l.insee @> array[p.insee])
group by
/* ajout des iles (communes non limitrophes avec une autre) -> 10 insert en 14s */
array[insee] ,
i.insee ,
ST_ExteriorRing((st_dumprings((st_dump(p.way)).geom)).geom) as way
osm_poly i
left join
osm_lim l
on (l.insee @> array[i.insee])
osm_poly p
on (p.insee=i.insee)
l.insee is null) as lim
group by
/* nettoyage (26454 suppressions, 1s) */
delete from osm_lim where st_geometrytype(way)='ST_GeometryCollection';
/* 1ère génération des polygones de chaque commune -> 36678 insert en 66s */
truncate osm_fla;
osm_poly i
osm_lim l
on (l.insee @> array[i.insee])
group by
/* ajout des limites manquantes (exemple: cas particulier des communes côtières avec enclave) -> 23 insert en 7s */
array[p.insee] as insee,
ST_SetSRID(ST_CollectionHomogenize(st_collect(l.way)), 900913))) as way
p.insee as insee,
ST_ExteriorRing((st_dumprings((st_dump(p.way)).geom)).geom) as way
osm_poly p
left join
osm_fla f
on (p.insee=f.insee
and abs(st_area(p.way)-st_area(f.way))>0.001)) as m
osm_poly p
on (p.insee=m.insee)) as p
osm_lim l
on (l.insee @> array[p.insee])
group by
delete from osm_lim where st_geometrytype(way)='ST_GeometryCollection';
/* regroupement des limites par couple insee -> 109078 insert en 7s */
truncate osm_limites;
insert into osm_limites (select insee, st_setsrid(st_collectionhomogenize(st_collect(way)),900913), null,null,null from osm_lim group by insee);
vacuum analyze osm_limites;
cluster osm_limites;
# truncate table osm_lim;
/* calcul des limites simplifiées (10, 100, 250) -> 109078 update en 93s */
update osm_limites
set lim10=st_simplifypreservetopology(way,10),
/* génération des polygones des communes: originaux et simplifiés -> 36680 insert en 96s */
truncate osm_fla;
insert into osm_fla (select insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Collect(way)),ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim10)),ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)),ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)),NULL from (select unnest(insee) as insee, way, lim10, lim100, lim250 from osm_limites) as lim group by insee);
/* mise à jour des polygones de communes avec enclave -> 21 insert en 3s */
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
ST_BuildArea(st_linemerge(st_collect(lim10))) as p10,
st_buildarea(st_linemerge(st_collect(lim100))) as p100,
st_buildarea(st_linemerge(st_collect(lim250))) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly10=p10, poly100=p100, poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* contrôle: liste des polygones de communes manquants par rapport au COG/INSEE -> 2s */
select i.insee from insee_cog i left join osm_fla o on (o.insee=i.insee) where o.insee is null order by insee;
/* contrôle: liste des communes avec un polygone osm_fla différent de osm_poly -> 10s */
abs(st_area(geography(st_transform(p.way,4326)))-st_area(geography(st_transform(f.way, 4326)))) as surf_m2
osm_poly p
osm_fla f
on (
and abs(st_area(p.way)-st_area(f.way))>0.001
order by
/* contrôle: liste des communes avec un problème de topologie sur leur version simplifiée -> à mettre à jour */
select insee from osm_fla where st_nrings(poly10)=0 or st_nrings(poly100)=0 or st_nrings(poly250)=0 order by insee;
/* contrôle: liste des limites à revoir */
select insee, st_nrings(way), st_nrings(poly10) from osm_fla where poly10 is null or st_nrings(way)>st_nrings(poly10) or not st_isvalid(poly10) order by insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 10 -> original */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2, l1.way as l10
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly10)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly10 is null or not st_isvalid(poly10)) and l1.lim10 && l2.lim10)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim10=l10
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2, l2.way as l10
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly10)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly10 is null or not st_isvalid(poly10)) and l1.lim10 && l2.lim10)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim10=l10
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim10)) as p10 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly10)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly10 is null or not st_isvalid(poly10)) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly10=p10 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim10)) as p10
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly10=p10
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* liste des communes dont le polygone se superpose (182s) */
select p1.insee, p2.insee, l1.insee, l2.insee from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly10, p2.poly10)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim10, l2.lim10));
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 10 -> original */
(select l1.insee, l1.way as l10 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly10, p2.poly10)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim10, l2.lim10)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim10=l10
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
(select l2.insee, l2.way as l10 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly10, p2.poly10)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim10, l2.lim10)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim10=l10
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim10)) as p10 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly10=p10 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim10)) as p10
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly10=p10
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 100 -> 50 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,50) as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,50) as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)) as p100 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly100=p100 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_linemerge(st_collect(lim100))) as p100
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly100=p100
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 100 -> 25 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,25) as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,25) as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)) as p100 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly100=p100 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim100)) as p100
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly100=p100
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 100 -> 25 */
(select l1.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,25) as l100 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly100, p2.poly100)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim100, l2.lim100)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
(select l2.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,25) as l100 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly100, p2.poly100)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim100, l2.lim100)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)) as p100 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly100=p100 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim100)) as p100
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly100=p100
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 100 -> 10 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,10) as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,10) as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)) as p100 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly100=p100 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim100)) as p100
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly100=p100
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 100 -> original */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2, l1.way as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2, l2.way as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)) as p100 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly100=p100 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim100)) as p100
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly100=p100
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 100 -> original */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2, l1.way as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null or not st_isvalid(poly100)) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2, l2.way as l100
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null or not st_isvalid(poly100)) and l1.lim100 && l2.lim100)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim100=l100
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)) as p100 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly100)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly100 is null or not st_isvalid(poly100)) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly100=p100 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim100)) as p100
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly100=p100
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 100 -> original */
WITH lim AS (select l1.insee, l1.way as l100 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly100, p2.poly100)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim100, l2.lim100))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim100=l100 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
WITH lim AS (select l2.insee, l2.way as l100 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly100, p2.poly100)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim100, l2.lim100))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim100=l100 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim100)) as p100 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly100=p100 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim100)) as p100
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly100=p100
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* CONTROLE: liste des communes en chevauchement -> doit être vide */
select p1.insee, p2.insee, l1.insee, l2.insee from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly100, p2.poly100)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim100, l2.lim100));
/* CONTROLE: liste des communes avec un problème de topologie ou une différence suite à la simplification */
select insee, st_nrings(way), st_nrings(poly100) from osm_fla where poly100 is null or st_nrings(way)>st_nrings(poly100) or not st_isvalid(poly100) order by insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 250 -> 100 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,100) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,100) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* liste des communes en chevauchement */
select p1.insee, p2.insee, l1.insee, l2.insee from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250));
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 250 -> 100 */
(select l1.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,100) as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
(select l2.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,100) as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 250 -> 50 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,50) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,50) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 250 -> 25 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,25) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,25) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 250 -> 25 */
(select l1.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,25) as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
(select l2.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,25) as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 250 -> 10 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,10) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,10) as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 250 -> original */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,l1.way as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,l2.way as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 250 -> original */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,l1.way as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null or not st_isvalid(poly250)) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,l2.way as l250
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null or not st_isvalid(poly250)) and l1.lim250 && l2.lim250)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly250)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly250 is null or not st_isvalid(poly250)) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 250 -> original */
(select l1.insee,l1.way as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
(select l2.insee,l2.way as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 250 -> original */
(select l1.insee,l1.way as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
(select l2.insee,l2.way as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 250 -> original */
(select l1.insee,l1.way as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
(select l2.insee,l2.way as l250 from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250)))
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim250=l250
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim250)) as p250 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly250=p250 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim250)) as p250
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly250=p250
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* CONTROLE: liste des communes se chevauchant -> doit être vide */
select p1.insee, p2.insee, l1.insee, l2.insee from (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c1 join (select unnest(insee) as insee from osm_limites where array_length(insee,1)=1 order by insee) as c2 on (c1.insee<c2.insee) join osm_fla p1 on (p1.insee=c1.insee) join osm_fla p2 on (p2.insee=c2.insee and ST_Overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[p1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[p2.insee] and ST_Crosses(l1.lim250, l2.lim250));
/* CONTROLE: communes avec un problème de topologie, ou une différence suite à la simplification */
select insee, st_nrings(way), st_nrings(poly250) from osm_fla where poly250 is null or st_nrings(way)>st_nrings(poly250) or not st_isvalid(poly250) order by insee;
/* simplification à 1000m */
/* copie des limites à 100m : 109258 en 18s */
update osm_limites set lim2000=lim250;
/* simplification des limites qui n'avaient pas été changées : 109010 en 38s */
update osm_limites set lim2000=st_simplifypreservetopology(lim2000,2000) where lim250 = st_simplifypreservetopology(way,250);
/* première version des polygones simplifiés : 36758 en 32s */
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* communes avec un problème de topologie */
select insee, st_nrings(way), st_nrings(poly2000) from osm_fla where poly2000 is null or st_nrings(way)>st_nrings(poly2000) or not st_isvalid(poly2000) order by insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 2000 -> 500 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,500) as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1 and st_npoints(simp)<st_npoints(lim2000);
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,500) as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2 and st_npoints(simp)<st_npoints(lim2000);
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 2000 -> 500 */
WITH lim AS (select l1.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,500) as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee and st_npoints(l2000)<st_npoints(lim2000);
WITH lim AS (select l2.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,500) as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee and st_npoints(l2000)<st_npoints(lim2000);
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 2000 -> 100 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,100) as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1 and st_npoints(simp)<st_npoints(lim2000);
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,100) as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2 and st_npoints(simp)<st_npoints(lim2000);
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 2000 -> 100 */
WITH lim AS (select l1.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,100) as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim2000, l2.lim2000))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee and st_npoints(l2000)<st_npoints(lim2000);
WITH lim AS (select l2.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,100) as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim2000, l2.lim2000))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee and st_npoints(l2000)<st_npoints(lim2000);
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 2000 -> 25 */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,25) as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1 and st_npoints(simp)<st_npoints(lim2000);
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,25) as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2 and st_npoints(simp)<st_npoints(lim2000);
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 2000 -> 25 */
WITH lim AS (select l1.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l1.way,25) as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim2000, l2.lim2000))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
WITH lim AS (select l2.insee, st_simplifypreservetopology(l2.way,25) as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim2000, l2.lim2000))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification 2000 -> original (à répéter) */
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,l1.way as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null or not st_isvalid(poly2000)) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee1;
(select f.insee, l1.insee as insee1, l2.insee as insee2,l2.way as simp
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where (st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null or not st_isvalid(poly2000)) and l1.lim2000 && l2.lim2000)
UPDATE osm_limites l
SET lim2000=simp
FROM lim
WHERE l.insee=lim.insee2;
/* mise à jour des polygones impactés */
with fla as (select i.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM (select distinct(unnest(l1.insee || l2.insee)) as insee
from osm_fla f
join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[f.insee])
join osm_limites l2 on (l2.insee @> array[f.insee] and l1.insee<l2.insee)
where st_nrings(poly2000)<st_nrings(f.way) or poly2000 is null or not st_isvalid(poly2000)) as i join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[i.insee]) group by i.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* réduction de la simplification pour les polygones chevauchants 2000 -> original */
WITH lim AS (select l1.insee, l1.way as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim2000, l2.lim2000))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
WITH lim AS (select l2.insee, l2.way as l2000 from (select distinct(unnest(array[p1.insee, p2.insee])) as insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee) as c1 join osm_limites l1 on (l1.insee @> array[c1.insee]) join osm_limites l2 on (st_crosses(l1.lim2000, l2.lim2000))) UPDATE osm_limites l SET lim2000=l2000 FROM lim WHERE l.insee=lim.insee;
with fla as (select f.insee, ST_BuildArea(ST_Polygonize(lim2000)) as p2000 FROM osm_fla f join osm_limites l on (l.insee @> array[f.insee]) group by f.insee) update osm_fla f SET poly2000=p2000 from fla where f.insee=fla.insee;
WITH poly AS
f.insee, st_buildarea(st_collect(l.way)) as p,
st_buildarea(st_collect(lim2000)) as p2000
FROM osm_fla f
JOIN osm_limites l ON (l.insee @> array[f.insee])
WHERE ST_NRings(f.way)>ST_NumGeometries(f.way)
GROUP BY f.insee)
UPDATE osm_fla o
SET poly2000=p2000
FROM poly
WHERE ST_NRings(o.way)>ST_NumGeometries(o.way) and poly.insee=o.insee;
/* il reste des communes sans géométrie ? */
select insee, st_nrings(poly10) as rings10, st_nrings(poly100) as rings100, st_nrings(poly250) as rings250, st_nrings(poly2000) as rings2000 from osm_fla where st_nrings(poly10)=0 or st_nrings(poly100)=0 or st_nrings(poly250)=0 or st_nrings(poly2000)=0 order by insee;
/* vérification de l'absence de chevauchements (ne doit rien retourner) */
select p1.insee, p2.insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly10, p2.poly10)) where p1.insee<p2.insee;
select p1.insee, p2.insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly100, p2.poly100)) where p1.insee<p2.insee;
select p1.insee, p2.insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly250, p2.poly250)) where p1.insee<p2.insee;
select p1.insee, p2.insee from osm_fla p1 join osm_fla p2 on (st_overlaps(p1.poly2000, p2.poly2000)) where p1.insee<p2.insee;
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