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Created September 6, 2021 05:40
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import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from file_utilities import read_xyz,get_atoms,xyz_to_np,np_to_xyz,write_xyzs
import units
import elements
import os
def eckart_frame(
""" Moves the molecule to the Eckart frame
geom ((natoms,4) np.ndarray) - Contains atom symbol and xyz coordinates
masses ((natoms) np.ndarray) - Atom masses
COM ((3), np.ndarray) - Molecule center of mess
L ((3), np.ndarray) - Principal moments
O ((3,3), np.ndarray)- Principle axes of inertial tensor
geom2 ((natoms,4 np.ndarray) - Contains new geometry (atom symbol and xyz coordinates)
# Center of mass
COM = np.sum(xyz_to_np(geom) * np.outer(masses, [1.0]*3), 0) / np.sum(masses)
# Inertial tensor
I = np.zeros((3,3))
for atom, mass in zip(geom, masses):
I[0,0] += mass * (atom[1] - COM[0]) * (atom[1] - COM[0])
I[0,1] += mass * (atom[1] - COM[0]) * (atom[2] - COM[1])
I[0,2] += mass * (atom[1] - COM[0]) * (atom[3] - COM[2])
I[1,0] += mass * (atom[2] - COM[1]) * (atom[1] - COM[0])
I[1,1] += mass * (atom[2] - COM[1]) * (atom[2] - COM[1])
I[1,2] += mass * (atom[2] - COM[1]) * (atom[3] - COM[2])
I[2,0] += mass * (atom[3] - COM[2]) * (atom[1] - COM[0])
I[2,1] += mass * (atom[3] - COM[2]) * (atom[2] - COM[1])
I[2,2] += mass * (atom[3] - COM[2]) * (atom[3] - COM[2])
I /= np.sum(masses)
# Principal moments/Principle axes of inertial tensor
L, O = np.linalg.eigh(I)
# Eckart geometry
geom2 = np_to_xyz(geom, - np.outer(np.ones((len(masses),)), COM)), O))
return COM, L, O, geom2
def vibrational_basis(
""" Compute the vibrational basis in mass-weighted Cartesian coordinates.
This is the column-space of the translations and rotations in the Eckart frame.
geom (geometry struct) -
masses (list of float) - masses for the geometry
B ((3*natom, 3*natom-6) np.ndarray) - orthonormal basis for vibrations.
Mass-weighted cartesians in rows, mass-weighted vibrations in columns.
# Compute Eckart frame geometry
# L,O are the Principle moments/Principle axes of the intertial tensor
COM, L, O, geom2 = eckart_frame(geom, masses)
G = xyz_to_np(geom2)
# Known basis functions for translations
TR = np.zeros((3*len(geom),6))
# Translations
TR[0::3,0] = np.sqrt(masses) # +X
TR[1::3,1] = np.sqrt(masses) # +Y
TR[2::3,2] = np.sqrt(masses) # +Z
# Rotations in the Eckart frame
for A, mass in enumerate(masses):
mass_12 = np.sqrt(mass)
for j in range(3):
TR[3*A+j,3] = + mass_12 * (G[A,1] * O[j,2] - G[A,2] * O[j,1]) # + Gy Oz - Gz Oy
TR[3*A+j,4] = - mass_12 * (G[A,0] * O[j,2] - G[A,2] * O[j,0]) # - Gx Oz + Gz Ox
TR[3*A+j,5] = + mass_12 * (G[A,0] * O[j,1] - G[A,1] * O[j,0]) # + Gx Oy - Gy Ox
print(f'TR is {TR}')
# Single Value Decomposition
U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(TR, full_matrices=True)
# The null-space of TR
B = U[:,6:]
return B
def normal_modes(
geom, # Optimized geometry in au
hess, # Hessian matrix in au
masses, # Masses in au
geom ((natoms,4) np.ndarray) - atoms symbols and xyz coordinates
hess ((natoms*3,natoms*3) np.ndarray) - molecule hessian
masses ((natoms) np.ndarray) - masses
w ((natoms*3 - 6) np.ndarray) - normal frequencies
Q ((natoms*3, natoms*3 - 6) np.ndarray) - normal modes
# masses repeated 3x for each atom (unravels)
m = np.ravel(np.outer(masses,[1.0]*3))
# mass-weight hessian
hess2 = hess / np.sqrt(np.outer(m,m))
# Find normal modes (project translation/rotations before)
B = vibrational_basis(geom, masses)
h, U3 = np.linalg.eigh(,,B)))
U =, U3)
# U = (3N,3N-6),(3N-6,3N)
# Normal frequencies
v = np.sqrt(h)
# Imaginary frequencies
v[h < 0.0] = -np.sqrt(-h[h < 0.0])
# Normal modes
Q = U / np.outer(np.sqrt(m), np.ones((U.shape[1],)))
return v, Q
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