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Created April 25, 2016 19:29
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A snippet to show how to test the StorageManager interface using concurrency and brute-force. An even better test would be to automatically detect deadlock.
namespace storage_manager_test_internal {
static int client_id = 0;
static const int NUM_BLOBS_PER_CLIENT = 100;
static const int BLOB_SIZE_SLOTS = 1;
static const int CLIENT_CYCLES = 1000;
class StorageClient : public Thread {
StorageClient(StorageManager &storage_manager)
: storage_manager_(storage_manager),
id_(client_id++) {}
void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_CYCLES; ++i) {
// if (id_ == 1) {
// std::ostringstream msg_stream;
// msg_stream << "Thread " << id_ << " completed cycle " << i << "\n";
// LOG(INFO) << msg_stream.str();
// }
void createBlobs() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOBS_PER_CLIENT; ++i) {
block_id new_blob = storage_manager_.createBlob(BLOB_SIZE_SLOTS);
blobs_status_[new_blob] = false;
void cycle() {
// Shuffle the vector of references and ids.
std::random_shuffle(blob_refs_.begin(), blob_refs_.end());
std::random_shuffle(blobs_.begin(), blobs_.end());
// Release half of the checked out blobs.
while (blob_refs_.size() > NUM_BLOBS_PER_CLIENT/4) {
// TODO(marc): Blob may be marked dirty at this point.
blobs_status_[blob_refs_.back()->getID()] = false;
// Checkout blobs until we reach the threshold.
int blob_index = 0;
while (blob_refs_.size() < NUM_BLOBS_PER_CLIENT/2) {
CHECK(blob_index < blobs_.size());
// See if we have not checked out this blob. If not, make a reference.
const block_id candidate_blob = blobs_[blob_index];
if (!blobs_status_[candidate_blob]) {
blobs_status_[candidate_blob] = true;
void deleteBlobs() {
// Go through all the blobs and dereference them.
while(blob_refs_.size() > 0) {
blobs_status_[blob_refs_.back()->getID()] = false;
// Ensure everything has been checked in.
for (const auto& id_status : blobs_status_) {
CHECK(id_status.second == false);
// Delete all the blob files.
for (block_id bid : blobs_) {
StorageManager &storage_manager_;
// Blobs created and owned by this client.
std::vector<block_id> blobs_;
// A value of true means that we have checked out the block.
std::unordered_map<block_id, bool> blobs_status_;
// Blob references by this client.
std::vector<MutableBlobReference> blob_refs_;
int id_;
} // namespace storage_manager_test_internal
using namespace storage_manager_test_internal;
// Create a large number of threads which concurrently access the StorageManager,
// trying to force a bad interleaving. Test is meant to stress the storage manager
// but does not expose all possible interleavings.
TEST(StorageManagerTest, BruteForceDeadLockTest) {
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> start, end;
// Init StorageManager.
std::unique_ptr<StorageManager> storage_manager;
// Use a small number of slots.
storage_manager.reset(new StorageManager("temp_storage", 32));
// Init some threads.
const int num_clients = 4;
PtrVector<StorageClient> clients;
for (int i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i) {
clients.push_back(new StorageClient(*storage_manager));
start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// Start all threads.
for (int i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i) {
// Wait for all threads to finish.
for (int i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i) {
end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("BruteForce stress execution time: %g seconds\n",
std::chrono::duration<double>(end - start).count());
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