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Created February 29, 2012 09:20
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Socket.IO Upstart job
description "Socket.IO worker"
instance $NUM
stop on stopping socketio
limit nofile 10000 10000
respawn limit 99 5
kill timeout 5
env NUM=
env LOGFILE=/var/log/syslog
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export NODE_ENV=production
export NUM=$NUM
# Notice: node can't handle env vars after itself
# i.e.: node NUM=1
# doesn't pass NUM env var into node process
# So we put NUM only for informative ps auxf status
exec start-stop-daemon --start -c socketio --exec /usr/bin/env -- node /var/data/socketio/app.js NUM=$NUM >> /var/log/socketio/worker-$NUM.log 2>&1
end script
pre-start script
if [ -z $NUM ]; then
echo "[`date`] socketio-worker ERROR: NUM param should be set" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Usage: initctl start socketio-worker NUM=\$NUM" >> $LOGFILE
echo " where \$NUM is a number of worker" >> $LOGFILE
stop; exit 0
echo "Starting socketio-worker $UPSTART_INSTANCE: " `date` >> $LOGFILE
end script
post-stop script
echo "Stopped socketio-worker $UPSTART_INSTANCE: " `date` >> $LOGFILE
end script
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