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Created October 7, 2015 20:35
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Command to export all grafana 2 dashboard to JSON using curl
mkdir -p dashboards && for dash in $(curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $HOST/api/search\?query\=\& |tr ']' '\n' |cut -d "," -f 5 |grep slug |cut -d\" -f 4); do
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $HOST/api/dashboards/db/$dash > dashboards/$dash.json
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jbritt1 commented Feb 18, 2021

Do any of these scripts work when your Grafana deployment has folders of dashboards? Tried a couple different iterations and wind up with the <folderName>.json (when cat'd returns "Dashboard not found" of course) and then not having the dashboards inside said folder.

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renatosis commented Jun 4, 2021

Hi all. In order to make the exported dashboards "importable" I had to remove the "dashboard" object that was including the dashboard itself. The json included a meta and a dashboard objects. Please change the 2nd jq to the example below to make it work:

jq -r . > dashboards/${dash}.json

jq -r {meta:.meta}+.dashboard > dashboards/${dash}.json

I hope it helps!!!

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Cililing commented Jun 9, 2021

I had an issue with making a script because in my randomly generated auth password there were chars like :, ;, &.

So, using curl -s http://admin:passwd@localhost:3000 wasn't working.
The simplest solution I found (without double-quote-hell) was using the -u parameter in curl, like below:

curl -s -u "${AUTH}" "${API_BASE}/api/search" 

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varac commented Jun 15, 2021

Do any of these scripts work when your Grafana deployment has folders of dashboards? Tried a couple different iterations and wind up with the <folderName>.json (when cat'd returns "Dashboard not found" of course) and then not having the dashboards inside said folder.

Yes. I just successfully exported all my dashboards with the latest script from, and I have different dashboard folders.

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varac commented Jun 15, 2021

Well, I succeeded exporting them but I re-importing resulted in an empty dashboard (grafana 7.5.5) :/

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Hey @varac any luck importing them?

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varac commented Jun 28, 2021

Hey @varac any luck importing them?

No - I ended up exporting + reimporting manually :/

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Ruksaaar commented Jun 29, 2021

I tried to run something on my own to see if the dashboards get imported all at once or not. Below short script worked for me. I used @magiconair 's script to export the dashboards to my system.

for FILE in *; do
cat $FILE | jq '. * {overwrite: true, dashboard: {id: null}}' | curl -X POST
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer api-key-with-write-permissions"
grafana-url/api/dashboards/db -d @- ;

With this all the dashboards are re-imported on grafana.

I hope it helps.

P.S - The code was taken with the help from

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jmorcar commented Aug 19, 2021

Only is for dashboards, with datasource the command is failed:

#ERROR indicating id (basename file) in XPUT :
cat VSPP/datasources/VSPP.json.json | jq '. * {overwrite: true }' | curl -k -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic aaaaaaaa" http://localhost:3000/api/datasources/VSPP.json -d @-

{"message":"Failed to update datasource. Reload new version and try again"}

#WITHOUT JQ {overwrite: true } - json datasource exported without changes:
$ cat "VSPP/datasources/VSPP.json.json" | curl -k -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic aaaaaaaa" http://localhost:3000/api/datasources/VSPP.json -d @-

{"message":"Failed to update datasource. Reload new version and try again"}

Any idea about how to import datasources ??? I try to import from export json files like (when datasource already exist - I need update the version of datasource or overwrite it )

  "id": 39,
  "orgId": 6,
  "name": "VSPP",
  "type": "graphite",
  "typeLogoUrl": "",
  "access": "proxy",
  "url": "",
  "password": "",
  "user": "",
  "database": "",
  "basicAuth": true,
  "basicAuthUser": "***",
  "basicAuthPassword": "****",
  "withCredentials": false,
  "isDefault": true,
  "jsonData": {
    "graphiteVersion": "",
    "keepCookies": []
  "secureJsonFields": {},
  "version": 5,
  "readOnly": false

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It is work! All Orgs with folders are saved. Thanks @xmsanchez for base scripts and @renatosis for 'jq'. Grafana ver 7.5.4:



# Declare a list with the api keys using as a prefix the organization name plus "_" character
declare -a StringArray=("MAIN_<api-key>" "OtherOrg_<api-key>" "YetOnAnother_<api-key>")

# Iterate through api keys:
for API_KEY in "${StringArray[@]}"; do
    ORG=$(echo $API_KEY | cut -d "_" -f1) # Name of the organization based on the prefix
    KEY=$(echo $API_KEY | cut -d "_" -f2) # API Key for that organization after removing the prefix

    # Iterate through dashboards using the current API Key
    for dashboard_uid in $(curl -sS -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $HOST/api/search\?query\=\& | jq -r '.[] | select( .type | contains("dash-db")) | .uid'); do
        url=`echo $HOST/api/dashboards/uid/$dashboard_uid | tr -d '\r'`
        dashboard_json=$(curl -sS -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $url)
        dashboard_title=$(echo $dashboard_json | jq -r '.dashboard | .title' | sed -r 's/[ \/]+/_/g' )
        dashboard_version=$(echo $dashboard_json | jq -r '.dashboard | .version')
        folder_title="$(echo $dashboard_json | jq -r '.meta | .folderTitle')"

        # You can export the files like this to keep them organized by organization:
        mkdir -p "$DASH_DIR/$ORG/$folder_title/dashboards_$ORG"
        echo $dashboard_json | jq -r {meta:.meta}+.dashboard  > $DASH_DIR/$ORG/$folder_title/dashboards_$ORG/${dashboard_title}_v${dashboard_version}.json

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Solution provided by @autokilla47 works fine for exporting out of Grafana. However, if you want to export the dashboards between different servers/deployments/foundations (SB/NP,PROD) via api "api/dashboards/import", ID key needs to be "null" to allow the dashboard import. However if you run another import, even with overwrite set to "true" you get the following error
"message": "The dashboard has been changed by someone else",
"status": "version-mismatch"

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Solution provided by @autokilla47 works fine for exporting out of Grafana. However, if you want to export the dashboards between different servers/deployments/foundations (SB/NP,PROD) via api "api/dashboards/import", ID key needs to be "null" to allow the dashboard import. However if you run another import, even with overwrite set to "true" you get the following error { "message": "The dashboard has been changed by someone else", "status": "version-mismatch" }

I had that issue too - instead I used the /api/dashboards/db endpoint. I still had to set the id to null, but it seems I don't get the overwrite error you have.
See my example in python:

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farukhkhan123 commented Dec 15, 2021

@chan-vince I think the Version number is causing this "version-mismatch" problem i.e for a brand new dashboard, version is 1 in both SB and Non-Prod foundations after the initial successful export. Then, I went ahead and added multiple changes and saved dashboard after each change, now version in SB is 4, but never exported versions 2 & 3 to Non-Prod. When i export the dashboard from SB, even though i am resetting the ID to null with overwrite true. it still runs into this problem "version-mismatch" because i am trying to overwrite version 1 with 4, it appears to want the exact version number already deployed in Non-prod to increment it with 1.

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This is awesome. The only addition I had was adding or removing the -k flag to curl depending if the Grafana instance was http or https. Thansk for sharing.

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Used @chipironcin to create dashboards in folders


echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $HOST"
for dash in $(curl -sSL -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" "${HOST}/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
  curl -sSL -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" "${HOST}/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . >${GRAFANA_DASHBOARDS_FOLDER}/${dash}.json
  slug=$(cat ${GRAFANA_DASHBOARDS_FOLDER}/${dash}.json | jq -r '.meta.slug')
  folder=$(cat ${GRAFANA_DASHBOARDS_FOLDER}/${dash}.json | jq -r '.meta.folderTitle')
  mkdir -p "${GRAFANA_DASHBOARDS_FOLDER}/${folder}"
  mv ${GRAFANA_DASHBOARDS_FOLDER}/${dash}.json "${GRAFANA_DASHBOARDS_FOLDER}/${folder}/${slug}.json"

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KMurphs commented Jun 11, 2022

I used this to export dashboards and datasources

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export token=xxxxx#admin token
export grafanaurl=

rm -rf backups
mkdir -p backups
cd backups

datasources=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET $grafanaurl/datasources)
for uid in $(echo $datasources | jq -r '.[] | .uid'); do
  uid="${uid/$'\r'/}" # remove the trailing '/r'
  curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET "$grafanaurl/datasources/uid/$uid" | jq > grafana-datasource-$uid.json
  slug=$(cat grafana-datasource-$uid.json | jq -r '.name')
  mv grafana-datasource-$uid.json grafana-datasource-$uid-$slug.json # rename with datasource name and id
  echo "Datasource $uid exported"

dashboards=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET $grafanaurl/search?folderIds=0&query=&starred=false)
for uid in $(echo $dashboards | jq -r '.[] | .uid'); do
  uid="${uid/$'\r'/}" # remove the trailing '/r'
  curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET "$grafanaurl/dashboards/uid/$uid" | jq > grafana-dashboard-$uid.json
  slug=$(cat grafana-dashboard-$uid.json | jq -r '.meta.slug')
  mv grafana-dashboard-$uid.json grafana-dashboard-$uid-$slug.json # rename with dashboard name and id
  echo "Dashboard $uid exported"


And i used this to re-import all dashboards and datasources on my second server.
Obviously, datasources are exported without passwords, and although the script below will re-import them, you have to manually re-set the datasource passwords.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export token=xxxxxx #admin token
export grafanaurl=

cd backups

for FILE in *dashboard*; do
  echo Importing Dashboard: $FILE
  cat $FILE | jq '. * {overwrite: true, dashboard: {id: null}}' | curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" "$grafanaurl/dashboards/db" -d @- ;

for FILE in *datasource*; do
  echo Importing Dashboard: $FILE
  cat $FILE | curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" "$grafanaurl/datasources/" -d @- ;


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ethsol commented Jun 30, 2022

We also needed to export Grafana dashboards, tried the code posted by @KMurphs (thanks) but it only exported some but not all of the dashboards, so changed the code a bit.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export token=xxxxx#admin token
export grafanaurl=

#rm -rf backup
BACKUPDIR=backup_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)
mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR

datasources=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET $grafanaurl/datasources)
for uid in $(echo $datasources | jq -r '.[] | .uid'); do
  uid="${uid/$'\r'/}" # remove the trailing '/r'
  curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET "$grafanaurl/datasources/uid/$uid" | jq > grafana-datasource-$uid.json
  slug=$(cat grafana-datasource-$uid.json | jq -r '.name')
  mv grafana-datasource-$uid.json grafana-datasource-$uid-$slug.json # rename with datasource name and id
  echo "Datasource $uid exported"

#dashboards=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET $grafanaurl/search?folderIds=0&query=&starred=false)
dashboards=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET $grafanaurl/search)
for uid in $(echo $dashboards | jq -r '.[] | .uid'); do
  uid="${uid/$'\r'/}" # remove the trailing '/r'
  curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET "$grafanaurl/dashboards/uid/$uid" | jq > grafana-dashboard-$uid.json
  slug=$(cat grafana-dashboard-$uid.json | jq -r '.meta.slug')
  mv grafana-dashboard-$uid.json grafana-dashboard-$uid-$slug.json # rename with dashboard name and id
  echo "Dashboard $uid exported"

cd ..


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senz commented Jul 28, 2022

Yet another iteration with folders structure, and token auth
usage ./ https://grafana.local MY_API_TOKEN


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -x

headers="Authorization: Bearer $2"
set -o nounset

echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $FULLURL"
mkdir -p $in_path
for dash in $(curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
        curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . > $dash_path
        slug=$(cat $dash_path | jq -r '.meta.slug')
        folder="$(cat $dash_path | jq -r '.meta.folderTitle')"
        mkdir -p "$folder"
        mv -f $dash_path $folder/${dash}-${slug}.json

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prcdpr commented Aug 4, 2022

Dashboard folders can have spaces, so replace second to last line with

mv -f $dash_path "$folder/${dash}-${slug}.json"

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Quick Question @senz

How do you import with the folder structure?

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Hi all. In order to make the exported dashboards "importable" I had to remove the "dashboard" object that was including the dashboard itself. The json included a meta and a dashboard objects. Please change the 2nd jq to the example below to make it work:

FROM: jq -r . > dashboards/${dash}.json

TO: jq -r {meta:.meta}+.dashboard > dashboards/${dash}.json

I hope it helps!!!

This did help my situation on Grafana 8.3.3 to 8.5.2

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@merlian2 did you got the solution to import dashboards in folder structure ??

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Also needed to export a bunch of Dashboards adjusted the code of @senz a bit to get the proper dashboard names as the filename and to get rid of the dashboards_raw folder.


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# set -x

headers="Authorization: Bearer $2"
set -o nounset

echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $FULLURL"
mkdir -p $in_path
for dash in $(curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
        curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" 1>/dev/null
        curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . > $dash_path 
        jq -r .dashboard $dash_path > $in_path/dashboard.json 
        title=$(jq -r .dashboard.title $dash_path)
        folder="$(jq -r '.meta.folderTitle' $dash_path)"
        mkdir -p "$folder"
        mv -f $in_path/dashboard.json "$folder/${title}.json"
       echo "exported $folder/${title}.json"
rm -r $in_path

@merlian2 @mintuguptha To import with folder structure, I make use of dashboard provisioning. See Grafana Docs

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sastorsl commented Oct 3, 2022

    mkdir -p "$folder"

@GreenieT87 I had sub folders, so I made the following diff to your script.
Feel free to edit your post if you wish.

<         mkdir -p "$folder"
>         if [[ $title =~ / ]]
>         then
>             mkdir -p "$folder/${title%/*}"
>         else
>             mkdir -p "$folder"
>         fi

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Hi all, I want to know is it possible to export all the dashboards by only using the organizational account with username & password with Editor permissions ?
Is it even possible because I have only seen examples using either admin accounts or API Token.
Anybody have an idea what can be done in this case if there is no API Key available?

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tedraymond commented Oct 13, 2022 via email

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@tedraymond I have found the exact solution which I was looking for here:
. It works without api token and even an account with Viewer/Editor role.

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tedraymond commented Oct 17, 2022 via email

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Avoid moving files


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -x

headers="Authorization: Bearer $2"
set -o nounset

echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $FULLURL"
mkdir -p $in_path
cd $in_path
for dash in $(curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
    dash_data=$(curl -H "$headers" "$FULLURL/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" )
    slug=$(printf '%s' $dash_data | jq -r '.meta.slug')
    folder="$(printf '%s' $dash_data | jq -r '.meta.folderTitle')"
    mkdir -p "$folder"
    printf '%s' $dash_data | jq -r . > $folder/${dash}-${slug}.json

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Aracki commented Jan 30, 2023

Thanks autokilla47. Solution works still in v9.1.7.

PS. I've used API Keys, not sure if it works with new Grafana Service Accounts

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mckenns commented Feb 7, 2023

I have created my API keys and a few of my systems keep giving me 'invalid authorization code'
It's the same script that runs on all the other systems without problems.
Even when I just run it manually and export the KEY it fails with this error

export KEY='eyJrIjoiSnp6N0N2WGJwZFJoYTB0OVpORW5uaGFaamwzWHo5WjQiLCJuIjoiYmFja3VwcyIsImlkIjoxfQ=='

aamlxgmp003 mckenns /home/mckenns $ echo $KEY
aamlxgmp003 mckenns /home/mckenns $ echo $HOST
aamlxgmp003 mckenns /home/mckenns $ curl -sS -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" $HOST/api/search?query=& | jq -r '.[] '
invalid API key

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#Use bash binary to run script: bash
#Generate unique API key for individual organization with admin rights with no expiry date.
#Change organization in grafana to generate API key
#For exporting dashboards and data sources only
#Grafana 8.5

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#query start date
export YDATE=`date +%Y`
export MDATE=`date +%b`

mkdir -p $FILE_DIR

fetch_fields() {
    echo $(curl -sSL -f -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${1}" "${HOST}/api/${2}" | jq -r "if type==\"array\" then .[] else . end | .${3}")

if [ ! -d "$FILE_DIR" ] ; then
    mkdir -p "$FILE_DIR"

for row in "${ORGS[@]}" ; do

    if [ ! -d "$DIR" ] ; then
        mkdir -p "$DIR"

        if [ ! -d "$DIR/dashboards" ] ; then
            mkdir -p "$DIR/dashboards"

        if [ ! -d "$DIR/datasources" ] ; then
            mkdir -p "$DIR/datasources"

    for dash in $(fetch_fields $KEY 'search?type=dash-db&query=&' 'uid'); do
        uid=$(echo ${dash})
        DB=$(echo $(fetch_fields $KEY "dashboards/uid/${uid}") | jq -r "if type==\"array\" then .[] else . end | .meta.slug").json
        echo $DB
        echo $uid
        curl -f -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" "${HOST}/api/dashboards/uid/${uid}" > "$DIR/dashboards/$DB"
        for id in $(fetch_fields $KEY 'datasources' 'id'); do
        DS=$(echo $(fetch_fields $KEY "datasources/${id}" 'name')|sed 's/ /-/g').json
        echo $DS
        curl -f -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" "${HOST}/api/datasources/${id}" | jq '.id = null' | jq '.orgId = null' > "$DIR/datasources/$DS"

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Hello guys!

I created this script based in work of @KMurphs
in this comment:

The script can export datasources and dashboards of Grafana, but I only tested with Grafana 6.6.x

Example of execution script:

chmod +x

[INFO] Datasource AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125 exported
[INFO] Encrypting the file ./backup_grafana_dashboards_20230321_1347/datasources/grafana-datasource-AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125.json...
[INFO] Dashboard alerts-prometheus-kGqyea3Zz exported

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Also needed to export a bunch of Dashboards adjusted the code of @senz a bit to get the proper dashboard names as the filename and to get rid of the dashboards_raw folder.


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# set -x

headers="Authorization: Bearer $2"
set -o nounset

echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $FULLURL"
mkdir -p $in_path
for dash in $(curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
        curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" 1>/dev/null
        curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . > $dash_path 
        jq -r .dashboard $dash_path > $in_path/dashboard.json 
        title=$(jq -r .dashboard.title $dash_path)
        folder="$(jq -r '.meta.folderTitle' $dash_path)"
        mkdir -p "$folder"
        mv -f $in_path/dashboard.json "$folder/${title}.json"
       echo "exported $folder/${title}.json"
rm -r $in_path

@merlian2 @mintuguptha To import with folder structure, I make use of dashboard provisioning. See Grafana Docs

thanks, this works well except if dashboard has a "/" in the name (or another character that would need escaping as a filename).

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thanks, this works well except if dashboard has a "/" in the name (or another character that would need escaping as a filename).

Thanks, that works fine. Here is a tiny update based on that, using sed to replace "/" with "-".


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# set -x

# e.g. http://localhost:8888 (no trailing slash)
# API key
# e.g. eyJr0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
headers="Authorization: Bearer $2"
set -o nounset

echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $FULLURL"
mkdir -p $in_path

curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" > tmp.json

for dash in $(curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
    curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" 1>/dev/null
    curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . > $dash_path
    jq -r .dashboard $dash_path > $in_path/dashboard.json
    title=$(jq -r .dashboard.title $dash_path | sed "s/\//-/g")
    folder="$(jq -r '.meta.folderTitle' $dash_path | sed "s/\//-/g")"
    mkdir -p "$folder"
    mv -f $in_path/dashboard.json "$folder/${title}.json"
    echo "exported $folder/${title}.json"
rm -r $in_path

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I'm trying to create automatization of export dashboards, folders, datasources from all org.
My problem:

  • Trying to export dashboard from folder "Test" via api
  • Delete dashboard via UI
  • Trying to import dasboard via api
  • Open UI Grafana, dashboard was recreated at "General" folder.
    What i try to do:
  • Login to Grafana, create folder "Test" and in this folder dashboard "Test_dashboard".
  • Login to Orgs, get list of dashboards via api
curl --silent -u $user:$pass "${grafanaurl}/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'
  • Download dashboard via curl
curl --silent -u $user:$pass "${grafanaurl}/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . >${dash}.json
  • Delete dashboard from UI Grafana.
  • Import this dashboard to Grafana via curl
cat $FILE | jq '. * {overwrite: true, dashboard: {id: null}}' | curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u $user:$pass "$grafanaurl/api/dashboards/db" -d @- ;
  • Open UI Grafana, dashboard was recreated at "General" folder. (Expected to appear in the "Test" folder)

Can anyone help with this problem? The documentation says that the JSON file should have "folderId or the folderUid property".
In JSON file i have all tags, because grafana make it itself.
Tryin to reduce nubmer of it , move from meta, but it doesnt work.

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sfranzis commented Jul 22, 2023

  • Open UI Grafana, dashboard was recreated at "General" folder. (Expected to appear in the "Test" folder)

Can anyone help with this problem? The documentation says that the JSON file should have "folderId or the folderUid property". Link: In JSON file i have all tags, because grafana make it itself. Tryin to reduce nubmer of it , move from meta, but it doesnt work.

You have to put the folderUid into the root object.
See my solution here:

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Hello guys!

I created this script based in work of @KMurphs in this comment:

The script can export datasources and dashboards of Grafana, but I only tested with Grafana 6.6.x

Example of execution script:

chmod +x

[INFO] Datasource AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125 exported
[INFO] Encrypting the file ./backup_grafana_dashboards_20230321_1347/datasources/grafana-datasource-AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125.json...
[INFO] Dashboard alerts-prometheus-kGqyea3Zz exported

do you have anything to export grafana alerts?

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A simple script to export grafana rules/alerts



curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GRAFANA_TOKEN}" \
	     "https://${GRAFANA_DOMAIN}/api/ruler/grafana/api/v1/rules" | jq > './alerts.json'

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isidhux commented Aug 25, 2023

hey, I want help in exporting data used by grafana for a dashboard. Does someone know anything related to how to do it?

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8763mb commented Nov 20, 2023

Hello guys!

I created this script based in work of @KMurphs in this comment:

The script can export datasources and dashboards of Grafana, but I only tested with Grafana 6.6.x

Example of execution script:

chmod +x

[INFO] Datasource AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125 exported
[INFO] Encrypting the file ./backup_grafana_dashboards_20230321_1347/datasources/grafana-datasource-AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125.json...
[INFO] Dashboard alerts-prometheus-kGqyea3Zz exported

I successfully executed the script, but how do I import it?

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Just trowing here some recent contribution from "Gonzalo Di Biase" on Grafana Slack

export HOST=https://mygrafana.mydomain

for dash in $(curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" ${HOST}/api/search\?query\=\& | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
  curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" ${HOST}/api/dashboards/uid/$dash \
    | jq '. |= (.folderUid=.meta.folderUid) | del(.meta) |del( + {overwrite: true}' \
    > "${SCRIPT_DIR}/export/${NAME}/dashboards/${dash}.json"
  echo "Dashboard: ${NAME} - ${dash} saved."

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saibug commented Mar 15, 2024


it doesn't work wuth grafana v7.3.1 API :(

It's seems like folderUid doesn't exist in meta block ..

    "meta": {
        "type": "db",
        "canSave": true,
        "canEdit": true,
        "canAdmin": true,
        "canStar": true,
        "slug": "tcp-status",
        "url": "/d/YCaAbWJIk/tcp-status",
        "expires": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "created": "2024-03-15T11:24:21+01:00",
        "updated": "2024-03-15T11:57:33+01:00",
        "updatedBy": "admin",
        "createdBy": "admin",
        "version": 3,
        "hasAcl": false,
        "isFolder": false,
        "folderId": 27,
        "folderTitle": "system",
        "folderUrl": "/dashboards/f/Oe6cfZ1Iz/system",
        "provisioned": false,
        "provisionedExternalId": ""

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