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Created July 21, 2022 17:54
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#Make sure wkhtmltopdf is installed to the path...
#Set the working directory
mainDir <- getwd()
targetFiles <- list.files(pattern = "html", recursive = T, full.names = T)
targetFilesUpdated <- sub('/0_', "_", targetFiles, fixed = TRUE)
targetFilesUpdated <- sub('./', '0_HTML/', targetFilesUpdated)
file.rename(targetFiles, targetFilesUpdated)
##Get the PDFs
subDir <- paste0(mainDir, "/0_HTML")
system('for f in *.html; do wkhtmltopdf "$f" "$f.pdf"; done')
##Export grades
targetFiles <- list.files(".", pattern = "",recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
grades <-,lapply(targetFiles, function(x){
targetFile <- readLines(x)
points <- targetFile[grep("Auto-grade", targetFile)]
points <- gsub(".*,","",points)
points2 <- targetFile[grep("Extra credit", targetFile)]
points2 <- gsub(".*,","",points2)
points2 <- ifelse(length(points2) ==0 , NA, points2) strsplit(x, "/")[[1]][2] , points =points, points2=points2)
##Export grades
write.csv(grades, "0_grades.csv")
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