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Created June 4, 2020 08:06
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type Peeked<T> = { ready: true; value: T } | { ready: false };
class Peekable<T> implements IterableIterator<T> {
private _peeked: Peeked<T> = { ready: false };
private _iter: Iterator<T>;
constructor(iter: Iterable<T>) {
this._iter = iter[Symbol.iterator]();
peek() {
if (this._peeked.ready) {
return { done: false, value: this._peeked.value };
} else {
const result =;
if (!result.done) {
this._peeked = { ready: true, value: result.value };
return result;
next() {
if (this._peeked.ready) {
const value = this._peeked.value;
this._peeked = { ready: false };
return { done: false, value };
} else {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this;
enum LinePos {
Start = 'Start',
Middle = 'Middle',
interface Annotated<T> {
item: T;
linePos: LinePos;
col: number;
function isWhitespace(char: string): boolean {
return /[\n\r\s]/.test(char);
function* annotate(input: Iterable<string>) {
let linePos = LinePos.Start;
let col = 0;
for (const c of input) {
yield { item: c, linePos, col };
if (c === '\n' || c === '\r') {
linePos = LinePos.Start;
col = 0;
} else {
col += 1;
if (linePos === LinePos.Start) {
linePos = LinePos.Middle;
enum TokenType {
Equal = '=',
Plus = '+',
LeftBrace = '{',
RightBrace = '}',
SemiColon = ';',
// Keywords
Let = 'let',
In = 'in',
// These will need data attached
Number = 'Number',
Name = 'Name',
function startsLayout(typ: TokenType) {
return typ === TokenType.Let;
interface Token {
readonly type: TokenType;
readonly data?: string;
function isNumber(char: string): boolean {
return /[0-9]/.test(char);
function isLowerAlpha(char: string): boolean {
return /[a-z]/.test(char);
class Lexer implements Iterable<Annotated<Token>> {
private _iter: Peekable<Annotated<string>>;
constructor(input: Iterable<Annotated<string>>) {
this._iter = new Peekable(input);
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (let peek = this._iter.peek(); !peek.done; peek = this._iter.peek()) {
const item = peek.value.item;
switch (item) {
case '=':;
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.Equal } };
case '+':;
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.Plus } };
case '{':;
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.LeftBrace } };
case '}':;
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.RightBrace } };
case ';':;
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.SemiColon } };
if (isNumber(item)) {
const data = this.number();
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.Number, data } };
} else if (isLowerAlpha(item)) {
const data = this.string();
if (data === 'let') {
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.Let } };
} else if (data === 'in') {
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.In } };
} else {
yield { ...peek.value, item: { type: TokenType.Name, data } };
} else if (isWhitespace(item)) {;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized character: '${item}'`);
number() {
let acc = '';
for (
let peek = this._iter.peek();
!peek.done && isNumber(peek.value.item);
peek = this._iter.peek()
) {
acc += peek.value.item;;
return acc;
string() {
let acc = '';
for (
let peek = this._iter.peek();
!peek.done && isLowerAlpha(peek.value.item);
peek = this._iter.peek()
) {
acc += peek.value.item;;
return acc;
type Layout = { type: 'Explicit' } | { type: 'IndentedBy'; amount: number };
function indentedMore(layout: Layout, than: Layout) {
if (than.type === 'Explicit') {
return layout.type !== 'Explicit';
} else if (layout.type === 'Explicit') {
return indentedMore(than, layout);
} else {
return layout.amount > than.amount;
function sameIndentation(layout: Layout, comparedTo: Layout) {
if (layout.type !== comparedTo.type) {
return false;
if (layout.type === 'Explicit' || comparedTo.type === 'Explicit') {
return true;
return layout.amount === comparedTo.amount;
function* layout(input: Iterable<Annotated<Token>>) {
let layouts: Layout[] = [];
const topLayout = () => (layouts.length > 0 ? layouts[0] : null);
let expectingLayout = true;
for (const { col, linePos, item } of input) {
let shouldHandleIndent = linePos === LinePos.Start;
if (item.type === TokenType.RightBrace) {
shouldHandleIndent = false;
if (topLayout()?.type === 'Explicit') {
} else {
throw Error('unmatched }');
} else if (startsLayout(item.type)) {
shouldHandleIndent = false;
expectingLayout = true;
} else if (expectingLayout) {
expectingLayout = false;
shouldHandleIndent = false;
if (item.type === TokenType.LeftBrace) {
layouts.push({ type: 'Explicit' });
} else {
const newIndentation: Layout = { type: 'IndentedBy', amount: col };
const currentIndentation = topLayout() ?? { type: 'Explicit' };
if (indentedMore(newIndentation, currentIndentation)) {
yield { type: TokenType.LeftBrace };
} else {
yield { type: TokenType.LeftBrace };
yield { type: TokenType.RightBrace };
shouldHandleIndent = true;
if (shouldHandleIndent) {
const newIndentation: Layout = { type: 'IndentedBy', amount: col };
for (
let layout = topLayout();
layout && indentedMore(layout, newIndentation);
layout = topLayout()
) {
yield { type: TokenType.RightBrace };
const current = topLayout();
if (current && sameIndentation(current, newIndentation)) {
yield { type: TokenType.SemiColon };
yield item;
function main(input: string) {
const lexer = new Lexer(annotate(input));
for (const token of lexer) {
const args = Deno.args;
if (args.length < 1) {
console.log('not enough arguments');
} else {
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