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Created January 18, 2016 09:53
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/* compile with
* g++ -std=c++11 article.cpp -I ../include/ -Wall -pedantic -L ../src/.libs/ -lupscaledb
* run with
* LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../src/.libs ./a.out
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <stdlib.h> // for ::exit
#include <ups/upscaledb.h>
// A dummy for our time series values
struct TsValue {
char data[64];
// Our database will have the name "1"
enum DatabaseIds : uint16_t {
kDbId = 1
static void
handle_error(const char *function_name, ups_status_t status)
std::cerr << function_name << " failed with status " << status
<< " (" << ups_strerror(status) << ")" << std::endl;
static uint64_t
return (std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch() /
static void
benchmark(const char *description, ups_db_t *db,
const std::function<void (ups_db_t *)> &foo)
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << description << ": "
<< std::chrono::duration <double, std::milli>(t2 - t1).count()
<< " ms" << std::endl;
static void
add_time_series_event(ups_db_t *db)
// Store timestamps in nanonsecond resolution
uint64_t now = nanoseconds();
// Our value is just a placeholder for our example. A real application
// would obviously use real data here.
TsValue value = {0};
ups_key_t key = ups_make_key(&now, sizeof(now));
ups_record_t rec = ups_make_record(&value, sizeof(value));
// Now insert the key/value pair
ups_status_t st = ups_db_insert(db, 0, &key, &rec, 0);
if (st != UPS_SUCCESS)
handle_error("ups_db_insert", st);
static void
analyze_time_series(ups_db_t *db)
// Analyzing time series data usually means to read and process the
// data from a certain time window. Our window will be the last 0.1 seconds
// that were stored. Create a cursor and locate it on a
// key at "now - 0.1 seconds".
uint64_t start_time = nanoseconds() - (1000000000 / 10);
ups_key_t key = ups_make_key(&start_time, sizeof(start_time));
ups_record_t rec = {0};
// Create a new database cursor
ups_cursor_t *cursor;
ups_status_t st = ups_cursor_create(&cursor, db, 0, 0);
if (st != UPS_SUCCESS)
handle_error("ups_cursor_create", st);
// Locate a key/value pair with a timestamp about 0.1 sec ago
st = ups_cursor_find(cursor, &key, &rec, UPS_FIND_GEQ_MATCH);
if (st != UPS_SUCCESS)
handle_error("ups_cursor_find", st);
int count = 0;
do {
// Process the key/value pair; we just count them
// And move to the next key, till we reach "the end" of the database
st = ups_cursor_move(cursor, &key, &rec, UPS_CURSOR_NEXT);
if (st != UPS_SUCCESS && st != UPS_KEY_NOT_FOUND)
handle_error("ups_cursor_move", st);
} while (st == 0);
// Clean up
std::cout << "In the last 0.1 seconds, " << count << " events were inserted"
<< std::endl;
ups_status_t st;
ups_env_t *env; // upscaledb environment object
ups_db_t *db; // upscaledb database object
// First create a new Environment (filename is "timeseries.db")
st = ups_env_create(&env, "timeseries.db", 0, 0, 0);
if (st != UPS_SUCCESS)
handle_error("ups_env_create", st);
// parameters for the new database: 64bit numeric keys, fixed length records
ups_parameter_t db_params[] = {
{UPS_PARAM_RECORD_SIZE, sizeof(TsValue)},
{0, }
// Then create a new Database in this Environment
st = ups_env_create_db(env, &db, kDbId, 0, &db_params[0]);
if (st != UPS_SUCCESS)
handle_error("ups_env_create_db", st);
// We will perform our work in here
// ...
// First we will simulate incoming time series data. This could be events
// from a sensor, from a network of machines or visitor data from a
// web server.
benchmark("Inserting 1 mio events", db, [] (ups_db_t *db) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
// Now let's analyze our time series data. We could calculate highs and
// lows, but our code will simply print the values from the last 0.1 seconds.
benchmark("Analyzing 0.1 sec of data", db, [] (ups_db_t *db) {
// Close the Environment before the program terminates. The flag
// UPS_AUTO_CLEANUP will automatically close all databases and related
// objects for us.
st = ups_env_close(env, UPS_AUTO_CLEANUP);
if (st)
handle_error("ups_env_close", st);
return (0);
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