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Created August 23, 2012 17:58
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Build Silverpop Rulesets
Silverpop uses xml rulesets to display dynamic content in emails. When you have the content already created elsewhere, it can be a pain to create rulesets with more than one rule. This script goes out of its way to remove you from having to touch xml, instead opting for building the ruleset based on parameters in objects.
Mainly gisting this for retrieval later on by myself, however, if you want help using it contact me.
#Build and export all the rulesets needed for the Verse of the Day
require 'nokogiri'
# Builds a Silverpop ruleset:
# -name is used for the ruleset name
# -list_id is the list the ruleset is tied to
# -mailing_id is the id of the email template
# -content_area is the name that the email will refer to the content area with
# -default_content is the content that the content area will default to if no rules are matches
# -rules is an array of hashes each rule needs
# # -name for the rule name
# # -column_name for which column to check against
# # -values to check against
# # -contents for the content
# -rules can optionally include
# # -type which determines how you match against the column
# # -operators like <, >, =, and some silverpop specific ones check documentation
# # -left and right parens which let you group rules together
# # -and_or to use with different rules
module Silverpop_rulesets
require 'nokogiri'
def Silverpop_rulesets.build_ruleset(name, list_id, mailing_id, content_area, default_content, rules)
builder = => 'UTF-8') do |xml|
xml.LIST_ID list_id
xml.MAILING_ID mailing_id
xml.CONTENT_AREA(:name => content_area, :type => "Body-HTML") {
xml.DEFAULT_CONTENT(:name => "Default.#{content_area}") { xml.cdata default_content }
xml.RULES {
rules.each_with_index do |rule, index|
xml.RULE {
xml.RULE_NAME "Rule#{index+1}.#{rule[:name]}"
xml.PRIORITY index + 1
rule[:expressions].each do |expression|
expression[:type].nil? ? (xml.TYPE "TE") : (xml.TYPE expression[:type])
xml.COLUMN_NAME expression[:column_name]
expression[:operators].nil? ? (xml.OPERATORS { xml.cdata "=" }) : (xml.OPERATORS expression[:operators])
xml.VALUES { xml.cdata expression[:values] }
expression[:and_or].nil? ? (xml.AND_OR) : (xml.AND_OR expression[:and_or])
expression[:left_parens].nil? ? (xml.LEFT_PARENS) : (xml.LEFT_PARENS expression[:left_parens])
expression[:right_parens].nil? ? (xml.RIGHT_PARENS) : (xml.RIGHT_PARENS expression[:right_parens])
xml.CONTENT(:name => "Area#{index + 1}.#{content_area}", :content_area => content_area) { xml.cdata rule[:contents] }
return builder
#Creates the array of hashes to use in building the rules later on
#Needs which versions to create rules for, the name of the ruleset, and the column name its comparing to
def create_digest_xml(content_array, name, column_name)
array_of_hashes = []
content_array.each do |x|
array_of_hashes.push({:name => name,
:contents => "HTML Sample Data",
:expressions => [{:type => "TE",
:column_name => column_name,
:values => x},
{:type => "TE",
:column_name => "Email Type",
:values => "0",
:and_or => "AND"}]
array_of_hashes.push({:name => name,
:contents => "TEXT only Sample Data",
:expressions => [{:type => "TE",
:column_name => column_name,
:values => x},
{:type => "TE",
:column_name => "Email Type",
:values => "1",
:and_or => "AND"}]
return array_of_hashes
#hashes that include the ruleset names and the columns to check against
rulesets = [{:name => "ruleset_1", :column => "column_name_1"},
{:name => "ruleset_2", :column => "column_name_2"}]
#For each of the rulesets write the ruleset to a file
rulesets.each do |x|
ruleset = Silverpop_rulesets.build_ruleset(x[:name],
create_digest_xml(versions, x[:name], x[:column]))
filename = "Naming-Convention" + x[:name].to_s + ".xml"
f =, "w+")
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